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Generic Name: Brexpiprazole Tablets

Brand Name: Rexulti

Rexulti Drug and Medication User Reviews

Worked quickly for relieving my depression, caused me to gamble and shop like crazy. Sadly no one mentioned that side effect to me, and it was severe. Didn’t even realize it till after I stopped this medication and realized all my urges to shop and gamble just vanished after roughly 10 days of stopping it. Also stopping this medication…at least for me caused severe panic attacks 15-20 times a day. And now I’m having worse anxiety then I’ve ever had in my whole life. This drug may work for you, but read all possible side effects. You would never think a medication could cause compulsive spending/gambling.

I was misdiagnosed in the or. Anxiety meds were the only thing throat worked I was told being fine I would go off disability the pain of a misdiagnosis and rhe shakes is really bad I thought to keep disability on I had to go through this pain. I was told how hard it is to get insurance and that kind of money by my grandfather I had fear I was told I had to take medication or this medication for my career so I knew it was bad but I thought I had to ruin my body with the misdiagnosis. I didn’t want to pay for a good doctor. I had anxiety of working after being taped and all my checks stolen and going to the police and not knowing how to file reports i had too much fear to file an Enron and go to jail for it said you do in the exam that you’re not supposed to because they could bomb if you see

I’ve only been taking Rexulti for about two weeks, but it’s been very helpful so far along with Lexapro for depression and anxiety. If you’re reading this and taking Rexulti for depression then you also should also be taking an antidepressant with it. So far so good and nothing else has really worked well, hopefully it will continue to help as time progresses. Give it a chance if you are just starting with it.

I suffer from PTSD, Anxiety, Depression and ADD. I started taking .5 with cymbalta 90mg and my depression started getting worse so they upped it to 1mg then my psychologist seen me again and I was still getting worse and gave me 2mg and sent me to therapy and then that's when I got really bad. I literally wanted to kill myself and was preparing for it. I for some just stopped taking my meds because I stopped caring about everything. But I still took my cymbalta because I would get the brain zaps if I didn't. But then I started feeling better, thinking clearer and the realization hit me that I was ready to kill myself and me feeling sane again i got really scared because how close I was to ending it all. Please do not do what I did. You need to be honest about your feelings and see if the meds truly make you better or worse, confide in someone please.

This is the third medication my psychiatrist tried for a depression. I was taking it for 3 months. For the first month, I was taking 0.5 mg. I didn't feel much, except being slightly sedated after the medication. But, if I was taking it at night, I had a poor sleep. For the second month, I was taking 0.5-0.7 mg. I had more energy, although initial sedation was pronounced. Overall, I felt better at that time. For the third month, my psychiatrist bumped the dose to 0.7-1mg. And that's where the hell began. If I take the med at morning, sedation become really intense. Even if I was trying to split the dose in two. If I was taking it at night, my sleep become bad, and I was feeling myself quite sick next day - nauseated, weak, with a headache. These side effects started slowly, but surely Eventually, I started feeling really depressive again. But worst of all, this medication completely shut down my intellectual capabilities. If I am doing any sort of physical / handyman's work - it's not that bad; I feel sedated somewhat but can do things. But I'm a software engineer. And every time I was going to work, I was unable to do _anything_. Literally, it took any ability of mine to do any sort of intellectual work. Any attempt to think would make me sick, and even mildly nauseated. I tried to lower the dose to 0.5 mg - but after days the I still felt same side effects. So I had to stop taking the drug altogether.

Started Rexulti after 6 months after having the Mirena IUD inserted. The IUD stopped my periods. Rexulti brought them back w/ a vengeance. Stopped Rexulti for 3 days & it went away. Started back up again and BOOM - periods started again in full force. Lasting over 9 days. Will be stopping Rexulti. The benefits are null.

I can’t afford the misdiagnosis to keep disability on the diagnosis said not to work and to keep it on I thought I had to Chang emu medication to get I was living in pain I didn’t know not to use or send medical files from the hospital a misdiagnosis is very painful I knew what worked I didn’t know it’s my choice to stay on disability I kept sending them medical files and thought I had to follow a misdiagnosis taking kexaoro i got better and was told I would go off

Taking with Pristiq, other than getting alittle snippy and short tempered I am a lot more civil and racing thoughts and negative thoughts are reduced significantly. I have been on it 3-4 years, I show up for work, alert, positive attitude, I have even lost 50 lbs and since I'm still 80 lbs over weight it's a good thing. Thank God for modern medicine.

The medication caused my throat to close up and result in trouble swallowing...Which then caused me to have my first panic attacks feeling as though I couldn't breathe...it was awful and scary...it took about 3 months after stopping the medication as well as having an endoscopy done and my throat stretched back out with a balloon to feel normal again...

I have CPTSD, bipolar II, ADHD, depression, and anxiety. My Dr put me on this medication after having me on a whole bunch of other medications at the same time with no relief to my symptoms. So I went on rexulti. HUGE MISTAKE. I spiralled almost immediately indo a deep depression and as a result had to go to IOP for 3 months 3 days a week. I stopped the meds when I heard that my Dr was fired for exactly what she did to me, which was apparently pushing rexulti on all her clients to gain a profit and I'm assuming it resulted in complaints like mine. But even though I've stopped it and been off it for a little over a year, I keep having these deep depression episodes that I've never had before. It's changed my ability to function and be a part of society in a regular capacity. For the past year, I've been in and out of IOP, seen different therapists and psychologists, and talked to Drs and specialists. Most of which is a direct result of taking rexulti. I wouldn't recommend this to my worst enemy.

I was suffering from depression and I didn’t know it until I went to see my psychiatrist. At that time I was taking Escitalopram 10 mg for anxiety(since 2015) and he added Rexulti 0.5 mg(May 2018). After 6 month of taking Rexulti I was feeling unmotivated and didn’t experience much joy with anything. I stopped working and socializing and became less talkative to the point of saying nothing. I was forcing myself to keep on exercising at least twice a week. After 2 years in Rexulti my depression got worse…. I began to go to bed many times during the day…I lost hope in life….there was no reason for me to be alive …. My kids and my husband were desperate and one day they forced me to call my psychiatrist and ask him permission to quit Rexulti. Thanks god I did it! Now I’m back!!!

I have been on 0.5mg for almost a month and noticed improvement within a week. I have treatment resistant depression bipolar II and Rexulti has helped my SSRI work better. To those who are having side effects of drowsiness or dizziness: take it at night and you won’t notice. I haven’t had increased hunger or weight gain (yet). I feel more like myself with normal highs and lows, rather than the severe sadness that was pervasive even with my anti-anxiety, SSRI and Mood Stabilizer (venlafaxine, buspirone, and lamotrigene). It is very expensive, but luckily my insurance covers it with a $15 copay. There is a “savings card” available through the Rexulti website also. And someone mentioned mail order. Also, if your insurance doesn’t want to cover a 30-day supply, see if they will do 90-day instead and have your script rewritten for 90-days. Some insurance companies will take 90 but not 30 (for the exact same thing, IDK why). Good luck, don’t give up hope.

This medication was a game changer for my autistic son's anxiety. He is literally a different kid since starting this drug. His anxiety and accompanying paranoia and agression that it caused pretty much completely resolved.

Rexulti is my game changer. I am 59 years old and have been increasingly depressed from the time I was 6 years old, which is when my father started abusing me. I remember my 5-year old self as exuberant, excited, enthusiastic and courageous; those traits were snuffed out by almost 15 years of abuse. My depression became so bad that at 52 I retired on disability. I’ve used many antidepressants. Some worked—but it felt like depression had been lessened and little positive added. Rexulti took my recovery to a whole new level—I went from extremely depressed to exuberant in less than 2 weeks. I felt better within a few days but then it just kept going up. I started at 1 mg and am now at 2 mg. I have experienced none of the side effects. Like many, I was shocked about $400/mo copay. Then I found that mail order, through same insurance company, is $40/mo. Don’t give up, there is a solution for you.

I've been in this medication for about 4 months now. I've noticed a lot more confusion in my brain. More forgetful. My psychiatrist and I have been increasing the dose over time. We got me to 2mgs and stayed there for a few months. A few weeks ago after a trauma, he suggested we up to 3mgs. Almost immediately it made me nauseous. So I went down to 2.5. Back up to 3 again. I have an appointment with him today to talk about it. I also find this medication to be expensive.

It did not work very well for me, I took it for around 4-6 months, made me gain weight and tired, that's about it

Been on this medication for almost 5 months for treatment resistant depression and bipolar. Have not even felt a noticeable effect. Got very sick and dehydrated with cold and flu like symptoms that won't go away same happened with my current medication zyprexa. Anytime I go on an antipsychotic or anytime the dose is raised I get really bad symptoms of either cold or flu which the doctor told me is impossible. Definitely not a very big but glad to see that it's working for others

I just get really hot but it’s worth it because it helps me live a normal life.

Side effects weren’t worth it, caused interpersonal confusion and hunger. Prefacing this by saying, I’m not sure what exactly it was treating because I’ve had a lot of these my whole life, but couldn’t be diagnosed with BPD at 10, despite it being VERY obvious. But I have OSDD, PTSD, BPD, MDD, GAD, ODD and some learning disabilities, so basically, I as a problem child, and they didn’t know what to do with me lol. It did stop mental breakdowns, but at the cost of being hungry, all the time, always, painfully so. If i felt that I hadn’t had enough to eat, and tried to eat, I would be seen as eating to much, but if I didn’t eat, I would feel light headed, nauseous and dizzy. I could eat a full meal and after a small amount of exercise I could barley stand. Due to this constant hunger and my insulin resistance, I got bullied for my weight, and for eating as much as I did. For years me and my parents blamed me for my weight and eating habits, now that I’m off it for the first time, my hunger isn’t debilitating, I sometimes don’t even realize I’m hungry because I don’t feel like I’m starving. That being said, I also am able to be afraid again, I have PTSD episodes every time I see my parents. (I still live with them) but I’m getting used to it, and it helps me know that I’m not “making up the abuse” or “I actually love them” or “i’m the abusive one” because they scare me to such a huge degree that it’s easy for me to reason that no, I’m not making it up, and my trauma is real and valid. That being said, I’ve felt more emotions which is nice. I’ve never been happier than some of the times recently, and my lows weren’t the worst i’ve ever had. I started this medication at 10, and took it for 6 years. Please, don’t start your kids on something that caused things such as hunger or pain commonly, I didn’t understand that this wasn’t how it was for everyone until 16. I can’t imagine how many people are living believing that their pain is normal, because they’ve been on a medication so long. If you’re going to start something like this *please* wait until your kid understands the weight of their choices, and stick to very safe medication.