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Generic Name: Bromocriptine Mesylate Tablets

Brand Name: Cycloset

Cycloset Drug and Medication User Reviews

Started taking cycloset on 6/7/2021. Started with 1 pill daily for a week and wqs supposed to increase 1 pill every week until I got to 6 pills daily. Made it to 3 pills and nausea and dizziness was so bad I couldn't handle it. I lost some weight but it was because the nausea was so bad I couldn't eat. I dropped back down to 2 pills and 80% of the nausea cleared and about 95% of the dizziness. Thought maybe my body would just take longer than a week to adjust to the increase so I stayed at 2 for a while. Stepped up to 3 again, this time only small amounts of nausea of dizziness. Then I notice my face breaking out. Didn't realize it was the medication until I recently tried to increase to 4 daily. The nausea and dizziness increased greatly and the rash on my face also worsened. Stepping back to 2 daily. I have a follow up in September and will have labs to see if it has helped my A1c at all.

It was given to me for Type 2 diabetes, trying to lower my A1C, as ALL other meds have failed, including INVOKANA (it made my FBS go HIGHER, something I did not need! Also, extremely fatigued..

I had rapid heart beats, dizzy, weak and I just did not feel well.

The medication causes my blood pressure to drop so be careful!

I have type 2 Diabetes, been on Metformin, which has been managing my diabetes. Last month my Dr. put me on Cycloset, one pill per day, saw him three weeks later, my A1c was 6.5. He upped my dose to two per day. I have had nausea,upper stomach pains, diarria, and been very tired since I have been taking this medicine. I am tired of feeling like I have the Flu. My next appointment is in a month, until then, I am going to discontinue taking the Cycloset and see if I feel better..I don't like what it is doing to me.

This made me feel awful, I was tired , slugish and really out of it.I also after only 4 days on the lowest dose experienced really high blood sugar and it just kept getting worse.Also my feet were very swollen by the end of every day not something i've ever had before. Within 24 hours of stopping I felt great again and with only metformin my blood suger was almost normal. Would not reccomend this to anyone.

Adverse effect of Cycloset, taken with Janumet and Amaryl .8mg of Cycloset x 4 per day. started at 1/day/for first week, worked up to 2 per day second week.. Could not continue ramping up to recommended dose of 4 pills per day. Experienced chest pains, fatigue, upset stomach, vomiting. Discontinued taking pills. Felt great. Spoke to my endocrinologist. She recommended "sticking it out again" to reach the recommended dosage levels of 4 pills. Tried it again in 2 weeks, same results, but, incredibly, after taking the drug, my glucose levels actually increased following the 2 hour administration. Woke up at 700 am, took 2 pills, took reading = 132. Had black coffee, 1 egg, 1 piece cheese. Reading after 2 hours = 198, with no carbs. Reading stayed high into the night. This effect was repeated for several days. Tried same meal after discontinuing Cycloset. Initial reading = 135, post meal= 141. This effect was repeatable during the 2 week period in which I was taking the drug. Perhaps if I made it to the recommended dose of 4 x .82mg, it would work, but getting there is not worth the suffering, and there is no guarantee it would abate at some point. Finally gave up completely. Hope this helps I was better off not taking the Cycloset.

I had the same experience as Cheryl, this medicine gave me flu- like symptoms, really horrible! My doctor wanted me to give it time, I gave it almost a year. Awful pain in my stomach, constant nausea, & lethargic, I refused to take it anymore & was switched to Amryl, which is working great. I really think this medicine Cycloset is headed toward the recall list in the very near future. TERRIBLE!

I take byetta, and metformin for my type 2 diabetes, my fasting readings are between 105 -120 my last A1C reading was 7.1 so my Dr. perscribed Cycloset. It is horrible! I have never felt so sick in all my life! He wanted me to work my way up to taking 6 pills a day. I can barely handle 2. I have tried to take 3 but I can't even function. I am always throwing up, I guess this is how you are supposed to "lose weight" on this pill. It hasn't made a difference in my daily blood suga readings, which were good to excellent to begin with. I don't recommend this drug for anyone. I don't know how much longer I will be taking it, it has not benefitted me at all.

Ive been on Cycloset for about 3 month's now after being on Metformin Ext Release. My cycloset dosage is ,125. I was on Metformin for about 4 years, read about cycloset's effect as far as having dopamine help with the blood sugar levels, so I asked my PCP (primary care phys)that I wanted to try cycloset. My recent lab results were considered normal with my a1c at 6.3. I'm considered pre-diabetic, and have been for the last 3 years. Ironic that my Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine diagnosed it, and saw that my vitamin D levels were low. When I last saw my PCP, he recommended that I track my blood sugar mg/dL, and the last 10 ave for fasting was 113.2mg/dL, and post meal last 10 readings were ave at 123.5mg/dL. I have not had noticeable adverse symptoms using cycloset. I plan to keep using it through 2012, and reassess for 2013. I am 53 yrs old, 6ft 2in, and weight in at 296lbs. I bodybuild (weightlifting) as a hobby, 2+ hrs 5days/week, and 45min-1hr cardio.

Male age 53 type 2 diabetes 10+ years. Started taking Cycloset 12/1/11. When up to 3 tablets had syncope and nausea, thought to be due to an interaction with Sudafed. Reduced to 2 tablets per day and no Sudafed and had another episode of syncope and nausea 2/5. Blood sugar was never improved with this medication. Discontinuing immediately.

I am a female, age 50, and have been a Type II diabetic for 6 years with elevated fasting blood sugars. I take extended release Metformin, Glymiperide, and Victoza. The tiny cycloset tablets are easy to swallow but must be taken within 2 hours of waking which can make it easy to forget. I didn't notice any side effects until the third week after taking 3 tablets every morning. I felt extremely nauseated, had nasal congestion, head aches lasting the better part of the day, and itchy and swollen eyelids. Between feeling bad most of the day and having co-workers comment on how ill I looked everyday, I decided to stop taking cycloset. The lowest fasting blood sugar reading I ever got was 120 at the highest dose. Normally my fasting sugar is around 150.

new drug-so far good effects

I have noticed that I have had an increase in my sex drive since I started taking this medication and a reduction in Hot flashes and night sweats. I believe I have a problem with ADD and I am able to concentrate and stayed focused on one project at a time since I started taking this medicine.

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