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Generic Name: Candesartan Cilexetil-Hydrochlorothiazide

Brand Name: Atacand HCT

Atacand HCT Drug and Medication User Reviews

Unfortunately the generic version does not work for me and Express Scripts is giving myself and my MD a very hard time acquiring the DAW at the proper copay amount and someone sitting at a desk has decided that my physician does not know what she's doing, though MD has determined it is MEDICALLY NECESSARY.

Need to give a little more time but there is no cough that is associated with the medication At the moment Iam concerned about the intereaction with Pottasium I do not take supplements I have been on the medication for about 2 weeks.

I had to stop the drug due to severe dizziness and episodes of anxiety which occurred without warning. It did help the BP somewhat

Swelling, rash,breathing, skin dryness and loss

Delightfully side effect free! Too bad it is way expensive - hopefully it will go off patent soon. They say December 2012 - oh I hope so!

My doctor switched me to this medication because my insurance did not cover my previous medication. My blood pressure has been up and down.She told me to keep a chart of my blood pressure and bring it along with my blood pressure machine in with me on my next appointment. At this time she will decide what to do.

can this medication make one tired and perspire alot?

Only medication that has worked for me.Expensive.Ordering now from canada for $135.00 for 90 days.

Been on Atacand HCT for over 5 years and has controlled my bp 120/80. Had to switch to Hyzaar due to insurance company switch and it's not on their preferred drug list. Atacand is very pricey but may be worth the high cost. Hyzaar appears to be a problem for me (joint pain)and since i have RA, the joint pain is much more pronounced!Will have to switch back to Atacand.

I had tried 5 other high blood pressure medicines and Atacand HCL is the only one that seems to work.

I have been on this medication for several years. It has been so effective that I have not gone to anything generic (Atacand does not have a generic yet), even with no insurance and paying $90.+ for a month supply. No side effects. It's great.

taking one month, BP staying around 125/75 or lower, get headaches from it occasionally, but relieved with aspirin; no difference in urine output, seems effective for me

This has been a very effective drug for my blood pressure, but the cost is prohibitive on us being retired, the cost of $270.94 for a 90 day supply is much higher than we can afford. Is there another medication which will be as effective?

I have had trouble with various BP meds this is the only one that has controlled my BP. I cannot tolerate Calcium Channel blockers, Beta Blockers or Alpha blockers.

Keeps blood pressure normal

when my doctor first prescribed this medication i was gatting a little dizzy he made a adjustment and my blood pressurs is usually 120over 80.i am a big guy247lbs and 64 years old.a great medicine.