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Generic Name: Phenelzine

Brand Name: Nardil

Nardil Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was put on Nardil 40 years ago for Post Partum Psychosis. Dose was a bit low at the beginning, but after a month and an increase in the dosage of Nardil - I was normal. What I experienced with my PPP was beyond any description - I was terribly to come off because I thought my symptoms would come back. They didn’t - very successful treatment. My one worry is Tardive Dyskenesia. Otherwise, I would recommend it for my 19 year old granddaughter.

Was given this for treatment resistant post natal depression and it was the only treatment that worked and gave me my life back.

Have been on for over 30 years. It has allowed me to have a successful career, an active sport and social life. I am now retired but am a qualified tennis tournament referee and could not do this complex task without the concentration level Nardil allows me to have. Whilst early on I did experience the tyramine reaction I find that food and drink with low levels of tyramine are fine. This includes most cheeses, alcoholic drinks except real ale. The only side effect I have had is a loss of libido, which was an issue when I was on 60mg a day, but is unnoticeable at my maintenance level of 30mg a day.

very good experience. has allowed me to function, work, and live a happy life. I have never had any problems with the MAOI diet or any bad effects. It is disgraceful that this medication is so under prescribed.

After many years trying other medications without success, finally I am free of anxiety and depression. Thank you Nardil!

Allowed me to lead a relatively normal life again. Parenting, working and studying all at once. This medication saved my life.

Best antidepressant ever! SSRIs are useless. Nardil is great for anxiety too

I have been on nardil for 30 Years and it has been the only medication that relieved my anxiety. Before Nardil I had problems with agoraphobia and had taken many other medications which did no good. After starting Nardil in a few months I was able to go out in public again without having the annoying anxiety following me. I had very few side effects after starting Nardil and have been very happy with it for the past 30 years.

Helped when nothing else did.

Saved my life

The only antidepressant in 30+ years that has allowed me to function well and work full time and not feel ‘drugged’

only medication that helped after trying numerous other antidepresants.

Best medication ever. Nothing compares. Now in Australia we are experiencing shortage. I have contacted the pharmaceutical companies, and keep pushing them to keep getting it. Everybody on this life-saving medication please do the same. It is still available via Lupin Pharmaceuticals, but with shortages.

NARDIL PHENELZINE OUT OF STOCK UK LONG TERM Completely out of stock uk. Can we have some ideas. Apparently we should not stop it and if we need it desperately we can get a emergency from abroad through nhs. Anyone can help me or others please let me know.

Stopped me from laying in bed in agony and now I can get up and talk to people and go out. Iâ??m not in agony Iâ??m living. Today Iâ??ve been in shock. Nardil is now out of stock in uk for 3 months. Itâ??s nationwide. Sorry everybody on nardil. We should fight this Iâ??m terrified.

Nardil saved my life Twice (2) went off of it and nearly died a slow Agonizing death. Clinical depression/with panic disorder.My life on the Med IS 100%.I cherish this Drug. July 23rd 2019 Rick O. Chavis

wonderful medicine!