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Generic Name: Ketalar for Anesthesia (ketamine)

Ketalar for Anesthesia Reviews

"I was given Ketamine in the ER. I was extremely nervous, but the doctor assured me it was a low dose and that I would be fine, so I agreed to try it. It did relieve my pain for about an hour. It made me feel strange, but the worst started later that night. I got extremely vivid, frightening dreams of my family being assaulted, my house burning down, and several other of my worst fears. For about 48 hours after taking this med, I felt very nauseous and deathly exhausted, as if I had been drugged. The next day, I napped on and off all day, I could not stay awake, and every time I fell back asleep, the horrifying dreams came again, and then again the next night, although to a somewhat lesser extent. By the third night after, the distressing nightmares were gone for the most part and the sick feeling subsided, I assume the drug had cleared out of my system by then. It was not worth it for me, and I highly doubt that I would take Ketamine again."

"I was given ketamine as a general anesthetic for a surgical procedure, but the recovery from the ketamine was truly horrendous. I had abdominal hallucinations that I was about to die and called aloud to God to save me from imminent death. So bad and terrifying was the experience that I had a Medi-bracelet made with ketamine clearly listed as 'never to be given.'"

"I was administered ketamine before surgery in 2020 to repair a broken arm and install a metal plate. It was a horrendous experience that left me with lasting terrifying images and strong suicidal thoughts that have endured for more than one year. I am alarmed by medical people who are advocating use of this drug."

"I was given ketalar in the emergency room following hip surgery and the hip had dislocated twice at the point. I had never had such a terrifying experience in my life. I thought I was dying and that I was leaving this world. I felt as though my body was hurtling through a tunnel and I saw large objects swirling above me. And I could hear voices in the distance but couldn’t speak. When I was emerging from this nightmare, I grabbed my cousin’s hand as tight as I could because I didn’t want to die."

"Spinal cord injury - Paraplegic: may help manage neuropathic pain. A great medicine when used properly."

"Was giving Ketalar for a procedure on my tongue. Had a horrible time while under. Experienced lost of control feeling, felt I was going to die. One of the worse feeling have ever had."

More about Ketalar (ketamine)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (4)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: general anesthetics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Ketalar drug information
  • Ketalar (Advanced Reading)

Professional resources

  • Ketalar prescribing information
  • Ketamine Hydrochloride (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Anesthesia