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Generic Name: Flomax (tamsulosin)

Flomax Reviews

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "My last post was two months ago, when I had been tapering off the Flomax and going with a supplement. I am shocked that I'm doing so well. I started the Flomax out of desperation. I had to plan my days around bathrooms. Even then I couldn't always go. It was the worst at night, often having to get in the shower just to get a stream started. Long car trips were out of the question. Air travel made me very nervous. Flomax worked, but the side effects were awful. Tired, low libido, congestion, runny nose. Today, two months free of it, I have just a few moments of hesitation (when getting up from sleeping) and a short walk to and from the kitchen usually cures that. I even can have a coffee daily without urgency. I really never believed supplements work, but this one does. It is made with Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle, Pumpkin Seed Oil, and Lycopene. I urge you to experiment if you can't stand Flomax's side effects."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Flomax dramatically improved my 'flow' and I no longer need to get up in the night to use the bathroom. I take it along with Avodart. Sexual desire is somewhat reduced but as I'm 56 and my wife is no longer interested in sex (it's been a few years since we last had sex) that is not such a bad thing. When masturbating, orgasm is very gentle, more a mental experience than a physical one with no pulsing contractions and no semen comes out. On the positive side, my libido is no longer so urgent, I masturbate much less and there is no longer a tight aching sensation when I abstain from masturbating. Overall, it is a good medication to be on if you are no longer sexually active and or if you would like to reduce or even give up masturbation."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I have been on Flomax for approximately three years and did not have any real side effects until I realized that every other person was having ejaculation problems, lack of sexual desire, and erectile dysfunction. I personally thought it was the whole prostate brachytherapy procedure that has caused these problems. After brachytherapy for prostate cancer, they generally recommend Flomax. I stayed on Flomax without thinking of the side effects, thinking it was the other meds causing the effects. Anyway, I stopped Flomax 4 days ago and ever since I stopped, I have been feeling the severe side effects of fatigue, flu-like symptoms every day. Has anyone taking Flomax had the same withdrawals that I have experienced in coming off Flomax? Nowhere does it say that there are withdrawal effects when coming off Flomax. I have checked almost every site. All they say is if you stop Flomax, tell your doctor before starting again. I will be searching for anyone’s reply."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I've posted before about this drug not really working well, with side effects making me question whether to continue. Recently, I was seriously considering that I'd have to have surgery and I'm only 58. But I discovered that eliminating coffee has cleared up almost all my symptoms! The doctor didn't suggest that. I was suffering from pelvic pain, a weak stream, incomplete emptying, inability to start, many nighttime trips, and having to pee in the shower to get relief. I've been on the drug for 90 days now, and the first 60 days were like that. Since stopping coffee and switching to one or two green teas a day instead, most of my condition has cleared up. I remain on the drug, and I've gotten used to the slight fatigue. Ejaculation is almost normal too. I'm also on 5mg of Cialis. I'm so happy I found a solution that I can control. If you haven't considered eliminating coffee, please try it before going any further with a second drug or procedure."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I was on Tamsulosin for moderate BPH symptoms for 3 1/2 weeks. The first week was moderate side effects - positional dizziness, stuffy nose, some fatigue after light exercise. Second week saw some improvements. Beginning of the third week I had increasingly severe fatigue and bodily weakness, constipation, stuffed sinuses. It got to the point where I was spending 12-14 hours per day in bed, and was too weak for most activities. I stopped the medication, and recovered fully in about 10 days. Lesson: At the onset of severe side effects, just stop."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I tried Flomax years ago and have suffered from BPH for many years. I expected retrograde ejaculation, but I didn’t even feel like I had an orgasm and changed my arc. Last week I was prescribed Flomax after my lithotripsy. I’d forgotten and had intercourse today. I cannot have an orgasm with Flomax or meaningful pleasure. It’s back to doxazosin mesylate for me immediately. I could live without the ejaculation but Flomax completely ended my sex life in 3 days! I hope to be back to normal in a week or so."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Flomax works great and quickly too, but it sure makes me feel bad. I find myself skipping days and those days I feel much better. When I take it, I feel tired, slow, and light-headed... like I'm in a bit of a fog. I also notice that my vision is very much blurred when I take this drug. It takes hours after waking for my vision to be somewhat clearer. I'm supposed to take it twice a day, but once a day is more than sufficient. There doesn't seem to be a lower dosage in a capsule, so I open them and dump some of it out. It's pretty inexpensive so that's not a problem."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Almost immediately elimination of nighttime visits to the bathroom, and accompanying discomfort of urination. Could sleep all night, and in the morning, no painful urination. First night or two encountered mild side effects including mild nasal congestion and minor headaches or occasional back pain, but side effects went away after a few days. Certainly manageable but sensed no immediate or significant flow improvements (strange). Now two weeks in, flow is improving. No erection issues except reduced semen (who cares) and occasional multiple orgasms, a great trade-off. Give it a try for a month unless side effects are unbearable, but keep in mind such posts and blogs usually attract folks who have issues rather than those who don't."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I was on this drug Flomax for nine months, and although it worked very well, I couldn't stand the side effects. Tired, stuffy, short of breath. I didn't have ejaculation problems after I got used to it. But I decided I'd had enough and dared to taper off it. First every other day, then once every three days. Symptoms returned, but not as bad as I had anticipated. Occasional trouble starting and weak stream, but I was getting by. It's been two weeks without it. I started a natural supplement at the same time, which I take twice a day. I bought a three-month supply, and it seems it's helping me transition off the Flomax. Energy is returning, congestion is going away, and getting by pretty well. I really can't recommend this drug unless it is absolutely necessary. It's just not worth feeling like rubbish all the time."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Helped me urinate a stream like you wouldn't believe. Took this medicine for 6 years and saw my sexual performance fade away fast. Sex felt numb. No ejaculation, poor performance for my wife. Finally quit and have better erections and love life is much better now."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I must be the perfect patient for this medicine. My doctor and pharmacist said to take it in the evening, that way, you would sleep through any of the lightheadedness. I'm 65 years old, and this is my first medicine I have taken. I noticed good results the first thing the next morning, and it has been getting better all week long. Also, I have had the first full night's sleep in over 10 years. I had a stronger stream, much easier starting, and no dribbles at the end. Oh, and I have not had any bad sexual side effects, and my wife is happy. So, I can only say talk to your doctor and follow his recommendations."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Does exactly what it says it does. Helps stream and urine flow and eases discomfort. Absolutely kills sex drive, causes abnormal ejaculate and possibly causes irritability. Hopefully something better comes along, but I need it. Take if you need it, but avoid if you can."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Took first pill, room started to spin, dizziness and heart rate through the roof. Thought it was going to be it for me, wanted to call ambulance but tried to work through it. Passed out at some point. Ridiculous"

For Urinary Tract Stones "I am using tamsulosin (Flomax) to aid in passing kidney stone fragments following shock wave lithotripsy. The medication has been successful in relaxing the bladder neck muscle and prostate to allow the stone fragments to pass. However, men should note the possible sexual side effects. I have experienced retrograde ejaculation. The relaxed muscles allow the seminal fluid to flow backward into the bladder. There are no forceful involuntary muscle contractions and no pleasurable fluid release from the penis. I experience a few weak pulses and a few drops of semen ooze out. I've felt no discomfort when seminal fluid flows into the bladder, just a feeling of fullness that is relieved later during urination. Overall, sexual satisfaction is diminished by 50%. No issues with maintaining a firm erection, responding to stimulation or feeling the initial stage of orgasm, but without the physical relief of expelling seminal fluid from my body I feel frustrated at the end of sexual activity."

For Urinary Tract Stones "Ended up in the ER with first bout of pain and CT showed 26 stones, one of which (5mm) was in the ureter and causing an obstruction. Was sent home with conservative management. A few days later went back with immense pain. Was given the option of surgery or continuing to wait to see if it will pass on its own. Was prescribed Flomax and pain meds. Took Flomax at 6 pm and by 10 pm had passed the stone!"

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "The flow is better. I had to go to the ER because I could not pee. They catheterized me, got over 800 cc's from the bladder. The ER doctor put me on Flomax. I am on blood pressure meds, and they help, but the pharmacist mentioned that Flomax can cause blood pressure to drop even more, and ask if I have a blood pressure monitor, and I said yes. She said I should keep a close eye on it. The lowest it got was 108/60, pulse 49. The only positive thing is that I am peeing again. The worst thing, and this had never been an issue, is that when I get the urge to go pee, I have to RUN to the bathroom or I won't make it in time. The ER Dr. wants me to follow up with my PCP ASAP."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Been on Flomax for about 4 years. Had all the bad side effects at the beginning like everyone else. Gradually they went away except for dry orgasm. On doctor's suggestion, had UroLift procedure last year with the plan that I could get off the medications. Gradually stopped the Flomax over 1 month. Went without it for 2 months, and normal ejaculation returned. Then symptoms began to return, and I am back on Flomax. Don't know what's next or maybe Flomax is the only thing left."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I had to stop taking Flomax because it made my sinuses completely clogged. I could not sleep because I had to keep my mouth open to breathe, which caused dry mouth and sore throat. Never got any sleep on it. It also caused retrograde ejaculation, where the semen goes back into the bladder instead of out the end of the penis. The short time I was on it helped the urination a little, but not a lot."

For Urinary Tract Stones "Had pain on the left side. Cat scan showed 6mm stone in ureter. Started Flomax twice daily and drank lots of water with lemon juice. Started Flomax on Monday night. Passed stone on Friday morning. No pain. Never needed Lortabs. I have had kidney stone surgery twice. To be able to pass a 6mm stone with no surgery and no pain is wonderful. $12 versus $30,000."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I am 57 with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. Was having problems urinating and have been on Flomax for 1 year, after several weeks problem pretty much gone. Side effects are stuffy nose and a reduction in semen volume. All in all, I am pleased with it."

For Urinary Tract Stones "I also was prescribed Flomax, and had the same experience of passing out when I got up during the night after just one capsule. I had an anxiety attack and went to the hospital. My urine was already brown. The hospital told me that was toxicity, and also that I passed out because of an extreme blood pressure drop, caused by the medication. I will not be taking this medication again, and I am also female."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Was prescribed Flomax for urine retention issues, after going to ER to have catheter to empty bladder. Within a week or so after starting the medication, experienced severe back, hip, neck, and shoulder pains - pain seemed to move from location to location. Was so bad that at times I could barely move. Stopped the meds and pain vanished in a few days. Subsequently had a TURP procedure which seems to have improved urine flow and reduced urine retention."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Been using Flomax for several years. I’m 70. My U Dr told me to stop taking Flomax four to six weeks before my next appt. To test/measure the results of the long-term use of it. Nine months ago, he started me on Finasteride 5 mg. Since stopping Flomax cold turkey, I’m very weak, stuffy nose, back pain. Can’t urinate completely, pee runs out several seconds later. I end up standing there waiting, and several streams expel in two or three intervals. Night sweats. Face flushing during the day."

For Urinary Tract Stones "The side effects that people are talking about, they think are from Flomax, they need to consider whether what they think are side effects from Flomax may have been from the kidney stone because severe pain can cause those symptoms. I’m on Flomax on a regular basis for bladder problems (Flomax is a common medication used in MS to help with bladder problems) and I have never had any side effects from it. When I had two kidney stones that were severely painful, it did not take me as long to pass them as it normally takes to pass a kidney stone, so please do not blame side effects on Flomax automatically. I am so thankful I was on that drug when I had the kidney stones. Because as painful as they were, I passed them quicker than I normally would. Like I said, I have never had any side effects from Flomax and have taken it every day for years."

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I found Flomax very effective for increasing the size of my urine flow and taking away the uncomfortable pressure I felt moments before urinating. I take the lower dose of 0.4mg and have found that taking it every other day is as effective for me as taking it daily."

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  • Drug class: alpha blockers
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  • Flomax prescribing information
  • Tamsulosin (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia