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Generic Name: Cannabidiol Oral Solution

Brand Name: Epidiolex

Epidiolex Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication is sweetened with Sucralose, which is terrible for gut health. There are no other options, it only comes in one form. Even if someone has a feeding tube, and no need of sweetener, there is no other form. It would be a decent medication if it did not have that one ingredient. Gut health is very connected to seizures. This med has seemed to help with startle seizures, but then different small seizures were happening, and the startles are back but not as strong. We have room to increase but I’m very unhappy about the Sucralose.

The Epidiolex has helped significantly with significant decrease in absence seizures and clusters and it also has a calming effect. On the negative side, it has caused acute euphoric and delusional episodes that can become dangerous. It is unknown if this is caused by the medicine or by the Epidiolex interacting with other medications.

I Have been dealing with seizures since March 2020 and had been prescribed many other medications that were not very affective and caused very negative side effects. However since starting Epidiolex along with other medications my seizures are under control for going on a year. To the other reviewer that used the medication "1-6 months" I didn't see full results until well after the 6 month mark. I highly recommend Epidiolex over anything else my doctor tried.

While changing over experienced a severe cluster seizure episode followed by Drug fever that lasted 7 weeks. all other test were negative. Lethargy, loss of appetite, extreme thirst, constipation, night sweats. Off of it now and returned to normal.