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Generic Name: Capecitabine

Brand Name: Xeloda

Xeloda Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have Triple Negative Breast cancer that spread to 4 axillary nodes. After 41/2 months of dose dense ACT, surgery, and 19 radiation treatments, I am on Xeloda daily, 3300 mgs. Day 1 through 9 weren't too bad. Little nausea, dizzy/headachy upon taking it but that resolved within an hour or two. By day 9, my feet started hurting, stomach pain was tremendous, and my eyes were so dry I couldn't open them in the morning for many minutes. By day 12 I couldn't walk for the pain and burning in my feet, stomach and eyes were still a problem, and my eyelashes started to fall out. So they started my week off the drug early. I have been off it 6 days now. I can walk but still have mild pain and burning, the eyelashes continue to fall out and are almost gone, and my eyes and stomach are still a problem. This was cycle one. I'm not sure where we go from here.

I answered Fair because I haven't started. I begin on Monday and I'm not gonna lie, my anxiety is a little weird right now. All of your comments are amazing and have already helped me. I have neuropathy from prior treatment, tired, sore joints, etc. Hoping I have a good response to post in a couple of weeks or so and if anyone can respond to me and give me a confidence boost I'd appreciate it!

I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer stage 2 in 2020 right breast no lymph nodes spread I had chemo surgery n radiation then my oncologist prescribed xelonda I was a bit taken a back because I thought after chemo surgery radiation that was it but I’m taking this drug for 4 months last medication ?? in august NOW … I never liked medication n the infusion was not easy but the side effects of this drug is horrific my hand n feet look like a mechanic I’m African American so I’m black black on my feet n hands ??. I’m tolerating this by keeping moisturized feet n hands but BOY it’s the worst my vision is blurred a little at times but I rest my eyes n sometimes watery but overall I’m living to share my journey so I’m here to help someone conquer I’m ALIVE my positive energy result in my outcome someone on here have a negative review but life with cancer is hard we must help one another to fight with this disease I put on my lipstick lashes wear color and push thru …. Life is not over if you are sharing your testimony be strong and winning warriors are here Drugs yes I’m on the no take train but god know what I need n he is my strength….. keep shining ????????????????????????????????????????? Thanks BB

I have been on Xeloda for 6 mo. and last 2 CTs showed no sign of cancer. I had triple neg and surgery after chemo removed most of the tumors, the last 2 in middle of my chest were removed by Xeloda within a few months. They were cut in half within 1 month! I am currently taking 3 pills twice a day and have hardly any side effects. I take good care of my feet so I don't get Hand and Foot Syndrome again, putting lotion on at least once a day, shoes off after walk, watch for redness and ice them if I overdo it (i.e. play tennis then do yard work when it is hot). The other effects are minor constipation but I eat wheat cereal and maybe take an extra probiotic later in the day. The thing that bugs me the most is the red spots that appear on face and arms, esp. since it is Summer and hot here. Apricot scrub helps reduce them quickly. So, I AM ALIVE.... and just a bit spotty! Hang in there all and hopefully you will have the same blessings I have had.

I have only been using Xeloda for 4 months but I love the stuff. Yes, I have the hand and foot syndrome, diarrhea and fatigue. However, my tumors are shrinking and my MRI yesterday showed no new mets in my brain. Yeah!

Xeloda gave me severe side effects. I couldn’t eat, drink or speak because of the mouth sores on my mouth and throat. I ended up in the hospital boarder line to death. I had severe diarrhea and started vomiting. I was in the hospital for 22 days due to my body not reacting well to xeloda.

I have been on Xeloda for 6 weeks now and had 1st confirmation that my 2 diseased lymph nodes in middle of chest were "Significantly Decreased in size", Yay!m My side effects started 1st cycle, week 2 with cramps, loose stools, minor nausea and quesy stomach at times. 2nd cycle, week 2 worsened, with Hand and Foot Syndrome on feet only*, cramps more severe. Also, developed a rash on chest, upper arms and back and face which was relieved by Kenalog creme (0.1%) quickly. HFS 90% better after 4 days of using the 10% Urea lotion 3x/day (Cetaphil is inexpensive). I seem to have less of a quesy stomach if I eat better, cutting out the junk food. My off weeks were nice with none of the effects from cycle 1 above. In summary, it seems that drinking 1-2 qts. of water, elevating off my feet hours per day, applying lotion 3x/day to hands and feet and eating well has helped me to have less side effects in these first 2 cycles. *Started 10% Urea lotion again 3x a day once HFS started. I feel like it could have been prevented if I would have kept up with the 3x/day I did 1st few weeks and drinking close to 2 qts. of water plus not taking such hot showers. I had read if using that lotion for 1st 6 weeks of treatment, it can prevent HFS. My heart goes out to all of you women dealing with this It is a rough road, worse for some than others. This page has helped me a lot, I have come back many times to re-read parts and have gained encouragement. May God bless each of you and give you peace and strength to endure. Enjoy life too!

I have been on the drug for 5-6 months. The side effects just started about a month ago. I'm trying to deal with it by moisturizing twice a day. I'm hoping that it continues to get my markers down. I'm going for a scan in a month. That will tell the story. I'm afraid of what happens next.

Did not work for me I am at stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.

2012, stage 3-c colon cancer, lymph nodes involved, 18 months of xeloda, suffered the side effects of hands

Tumors decreased in size rather quickly, Experienced tiredness and diarrhea at beginning.im on it for 6 months and side effects easier to handle. I take 1500 2xa day, one week ,one week off, Minor side effects now. Iâ??m not sure how long it works for. Good drug!

I had triple neg breast cancer that had not spread to lymphs. Oncologist put me on regime to provide prevent defense of any return of my cancer. I tolerate it very well, hand and foot syndrome is annoying but small price to pay. Drink a ton of water with lemon and I mean a few gallons per day. Made a total difference in my uncomfortable fingers and feet.

I have been taking xeloda 5 years 1 week on 1 week off hand and foot a real problem but mets to bone gone much fatigue but overall a 7 year survivor

my mother suffring from ovarion cancer. He geting the chemo medication in iv and oral form. Taking xeloda 1500 mg tablets in morning and xeloda 1500 mg in evening. Two sation of chemo have no side effect but 3rd and 4th cycle had sideffect include vomiting Stomach pain platlets down 8/150. But doctor treated carefully my mother. Xeloda is very harmful for patient.

Very effective at half standard dose. Dropped to half dose on second day due to fever, low blood pressure, weakness and nausea. Now just slight fatigue and minimal hand and foot peelng. Very pleased with drop from almost 800 down to 20 in CA 15-3 over 15 months so far.

I took the xleoda for 5 years always felt great no problems. First I thank God for being there and his healing power. Prayers to all God is No RESPECTER PERSONS.I was diagnoised with stage 4 in 2011.

liver met reappeared after 2 years on anti-oestrogen therapy. Xeloda supposed to be a "gentle" chemo Am now on cycle 6 2 3 500mg and have very little side effects while met is decreasing. Some thickening of palms now and some nasty GORD and dizziness at start of treatment with. Dizziness still occasionally persists but GORD seems to be over. So far so good and may it continue so. Sites like this are so helpful - thanks

After three months of use, i am almost back to feeling 100% normal. Previously I was very fatigued from the Stage 4 breast cancer that I have.

My mom was hospitalized three days after taking a low dose of this poison. Even before she started, she was not really eating and drinking (receiving hydration IVs three days a week). Her liver was so swollen that she could barely swallow her tiny pain pills every four hours. We had to be creative -using honey and Jell-O to keep pills from getting stuck in her throat. I’m guessing that this drug is intended for younger or healthier people, and that in my mom’s case, it probably robbed her of some precious time with her family. She is so much weaker now than before.

After starting to take this drug my mom passed away shortly after this drug I think played a big part in her death please do not take this drug