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Generic Name: Carbamazepine Extended-Release

Brand Name: Carbatrol

Carbatrol Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've had seizures for 15 years and no drug helped. I had brain surgery and that didn't work. Carbatrol stopped the seizures 100%. I've been taking it for 15 years now with no side affects. Generic carbatrol didn't work.

Caused low blood counts. Ongoing severe drop in WBC, severe drop in platelets and in sodium. Bone marrow poisoning. This progregressively got worse after 10 years of taking. Was taking 700 mg twice a day for 16 years. Had to be weened off in hospital when platelets and wbc reached a critical level. My advice is to not start this drug or you might be sorry. It did control seizures but not worth the bone marrow poisoning side effect. Type of seizures was always tonic clonic grand mal. This is scary stuff!

I've been taking this for 10 plus years and have remained seizure free up until a couple days ago. I was getting in the habit of ignoring my triggers and I also wasn't taking my pills exactly 12 hours apart. I learned my lesson and will be more careful now.

I have been on this for almost a year. It has been working great taking 400 mg. twice a day. At my last appointment 6 days ago he switched me to Trileptal, 600 mg twice a day. This is not working for me, today I came close to having a seizure the first one in +25 years. I am trying to get switched back. Why can't they leave things alone when it is working?

very satisfied. Only in last 2yrs. my low sodium levels have become an issue causing equilibrium problems. Been taking 20yrs or more I am in my early 50's. The Dr. was upset at the sodium issue, however I was never informed this can ever be an issue. Have seen 3 or more Dr's over the years and not one has said this can be an issue due to this med.

age 5 years some pros but more cons after 6 weeks.overly agressively friendly.loud,stuttering,appitite better

Used for 2 1/2 years for horrific trigeminal neralgia. Now having erectile dysfunction. Off it for 4 months now. Will the ed reverse?

with the right amout of carbatrol the symptoms have almost totally subsided I have had focal seizures

use for TN the medication works great but i hate the side effects which are slurred speech, confusion, blurry vision, sometimes the meds make me feel like i'm slow and and i foreget things real quick but i rather the side effects than the TN pain.

This medication has stabilized my son, he hasn't had a seizure in 7 years. But recently had a second opinion because I wanted to find out if he needed to be medicated further since he only had seizures between the ages of 3-4. The 24hr EEG performed showed some abnormalities but not the abnormalities that Carbatrol would address. So now his new neurologist has prescribed Lamictal which she feels would improve his overall brain activity. I am a bit nervous but I am optimistic. I would recommend this medication, just make sure to get blood work done as the doctor suggests and don't be afraid to ask questions or for a second opinion if you feel you need more answers.

severe skin reaction. Blisters all over body swelling of the face and inside of mouth which turned into blisters. painful and symptoms lasted for days

Seizures are well controlled using this medication (6-8 per year - occuring tri- monthly)from 3-4 per month!! This effectivenss has lasted for 10 years!! I am very satisfied with my results!!

Since switching to timed-release Carbatrol: Experiencing uncontrolled body movements ranging from big toe kinking up; spasm in stomach, hip/s, throat and difficulty breathing during the spasming, eyeballs spasming, inside head spasming, one or both legs raising up and down to exercise without wanting to exercise, left or right arm or both going up and down at the same time, one or both hands shaking fast. There isn't a lot of time in between before the next bout of shaking beings. Over five years time I have been hospitalized many times and told these symptoms are non-epileptic per EEG. Other symptoms: I also get stiff as a board either one part of all and I am paralyzed for up to 20 minutes at a time. Sometimes the symptoms freeze up my eyes or my mouth and I cannot see or speak, etc. I intned to go off the timed-release version IMMEDIATELY as I have had a full realm of "normal" testings and eliminated other causes of my symptoms. The "timed release" version of Carbatrol has brought torture and torment to me. I am in agony and exhausted from all the side effects of ongoing, uncontrolled body movements, paralysis and freezing up, then passing out. One the body movements start they go on for about four hours at a time.

I took tegretol for a long time after I had brain surgery in 1999. I have been taking this drug for 7 years now and have seen good results. I take 6 pills a day including this one.

This med is very effective in soothing my trigeminal neuralgia. Opiates do not work for this pain. I have had zombie like side effects the first round of treatment. Not as bed on this, my second round, except at the higher doses. I will be sleepy and minor motor problems. On a high dose or when changing doses be careful driving! The other largest side effects are esp. vivid dreams. VERY VIVID. Both good pleasant dreams and nightmares. Incredibly detailed and real. I have PTSD though and the nightmares, some of them have left me in tears they were so intense. Definitely noticed difference before and after and then again when starting it 2nd time. Surprised this is not more of a controlled substance, I could see potential for abuse among those who like to get a mellow high. It is a potent drug though and I would not mess around w it. I think it is important to keep your blood level stable to avoid breakthroughs. I am a chronic pain patient who has been on morphine for 6.5 years and the TN pain makes me cry like almost no other. It is a miracle to be able to get such effective relief. I also have some bipolar issues but am not sure how much the drug helps w that. I am still very labile in my moods.

This medicine has stopped the pain from trigeminal neuralgia. I do get side effects that vary, but I just take them as they happen, nothing severe compared to the pain! The surgerys scare me and I hope to be able to use this medicine indefinately.

I suffer from Bipolar and have been resistent to antipsychotics and antidepressiants. Since taking Carbatrol my modd swings have been less frequent and less severe. When i get mood swings they are no where near as violent and quick and are shorter. Currently trying a different antipsychotic to help control my symptoms 100% But without my carbatrol id probably be in a mental home right now.

I have been taking Carbatrol for app. 13 years now since I had brain surgery for the epilepsy in 1997. As long as I remember to take it, I remain seizure free. The 2 times that I forgot to take it for more than 2 days in a row, I had a seizure. Otherwise, if I do take it, it works perfectly.

severe trigeminal neuralgia(severe pain from jaw line upwards to temple area)