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Generic Name: Carbamazepine XR

Brand Name: Equetro

Equetro Drug and Medication User Reviews

PDoc started me at 100mg at bedtime. Been taking for 2 weeks. She even wanted to get me to 200mg w/in that time. But w/in 4 days I realize Iâ??m wide awake until 2-3am. Getting 4-6 hrs sleep. Going try taking in a.m which i nvr thought of until now.

Teen, made depression worse, drained of energy

Easy to take controls mood swings but affects my sodium levels

I have been on over 30 different medications, and have actually been off of medication for my rapid cycle bipolar. NOT RECOMMENDED. I went on this med 3 weeks ago and I am amazed. A little tired when increasing dosages. However, no weight gain, mood swings have decreased, reading thoughts have decreased, depression has decreased, mania has decreased. I was hopeless going back on any medication and I am more then pleased, i am slowly getting a handle on my life and it feels amazing!

I have been on this medication for two months and my mood swings haven't gotten better...

First of all the stars I clicked don't match the sentence beside them. Light headed, extremely tired, cannot do daily activities. I am taking these meds to help alter my mood swings. But the side effects are causing me trouble and I may have to stop.

My daughter has been on this since Nov 2010 and her manic epidsodes have disappeared! It has been really nice not having to deal with her episodes!

This medication has helped me so much and i have only been on it for a little over a month. I have radid cycling bipolar illness and this really helps with that, the side effects are not terrible a little tired when i first started taking it. I am so thankful that my phsyciatrist prescribed me this...i think it will be a good start to getting my illness in check

balance my mood well, but I do have constipation

This drug has turned my life around. It limits my bipolar episodes. If I miss just one dosage, (I take it a.m. and p.m.) I have racing thoughts of catastifies. I could not make it without it.

My daughter has been on this med since June. It has worked wonders for her. She lives being on it because she says she feels better now. She remembers to take it every day all by herself. The only two problems that have occured are weight gain and one time when we were up-ing her dosage she became very dizzy until we decreased the dosage again. Otherwise we have been problem free. YAY!

This medication has seemed to be a magic bullet for me. It has kept the manic part of my disease from even coming back. I have been very satisfied with my results.