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Generic Name: Drospirenone and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets

Brand Name: Nikki

Nikki Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have always been skeptical of birth control and have never wanted to go on it. I decided to try this out after last trying Loestrin years ago and hating it. I’ve been on Nikki for three months now and I’ve really liked it. I have IBS and I think this helps with my bloating. My breasts grew a little (I was a B cup now I’m a C). At first I noticed slight acne, but now I think it’s clearing up more. My skin feels softer overall. Periods are lighter and range from 2 to 4 days. I still get cramps. Emotional PMS can sometimes be a lot to handle. But fortunately the whole process is quicker than when I’m not on the pill. Main side effect I experienced the first month and a half was nausea. The nausea got pretty bad too, sometimes I had to call off work because of it. But now, after three months, I do not deal with nausea anymore. I feel calmer and more chill too. Overall I really like this pill and I recommend it to my friends. Very effective birth control for me, but everyone’s different.

I switched onto this birth control pill from another brand of pills, on my previous brand I had no issues with spotting or side effects. Nikki birth control caused me sporadic bleeding / spotting and I had 3 yeast infections during the 3 months i was on this pill when I had never had a yeast infection before. I switched off this birth control last month and i'm still mildly experiencing these side effects. Nikki birth control sucks.

I had bad PMDD and very heavy periods that would completely drain me. On Nikki, I have occasional breakthrough spotting, but my mood has dramatically improved. I now have just a few days of PMS instead of 10 days and best of all, my periods have been very light. Overall, I'm satisfied.

THIS NIKKI BIRTH CONTROL IS VERY DANGEROUS TOWARDS YOUR MENTAL HEALTH DO NOT TAKE IT! THIS BIRTH CONTROL NEEDS TO BE BANNED! here are the symptoms of what happened TO ME, Severe anger outbursts, Severe anxiety, Severe paranoia, Severe dark sick thoughts (Had thoughts of murdering/killing/torturing where i even gotten that closely temped into doing it but managed to come back to earth quick enough to stop and realized i wasn't myself anymore cause i'm usually a very super sweet person that wouldn't harm a fly where i gotten scared of myself), Severe irritability, MADNESS, Severe depression, Self harm, Suicide thoughts, Insanity, Severe stress, Severe mood swings, Severe anger, Severe annoyance, I was going so deep off in the deep end going further and further into the darkness mentally that i have nearly ruined my perfect relationship with my fiancé that i now have to repair since it made me lose my sanity bad enough to where it even made me crazy enough to become verbally abusive and very manipulative without realizing it (Not anymore since i took myself off of it) Once i stopped taking it i finally gotten my peace back acting like myself again and have my sanity back 100% no longer have those symptoms but like i said i have to repair my relationship back up of the damage i caused, Other symptoms it did cause besides mentally was Breakouts, Nausea, Skin infections, Headaches, Lack of energy (I was tired all the time), Weight gain, Diarrhea, Night sweats, Body aches, Hot flashes, Dizzy spells, Lightheaded (Felt like i was gonna faint a few times), Those are all the symptoms i had from taking this dangerous Nikki birth control! not dangerous towards your health BUT EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TOWARDS YOUR MENTAL HEALTH it will turn you into a psychopath!

I’m sitting here crying reading the reviews. I have waisted a year of my life thinking i’m going insane. having INTENSE feelings of depression, suicide and anxiety. very insane mood swings, anger and crying everyday. I have specifically gone crazy over thinking i’m losing myself, I had absolutely no sex drive…which was a really hard thing to come to terms with. I thought i was completely losing myself. This birth control is AWFUL do not recommend.

Pharmacy gave Nikki as replacement for Gianvi when discontinued. I had been on Gianvi for many years. Within a couple of months, had breakthrough bleeding for the first time ever, cystic acne, severe mood swings, suicidal thoughts. The pharmacists insisted birth control would not be the cause, but my doctor confirmed hormonal fluctuations can be caused since generics have leeway on certain aspects of the pill. I have been put on name brand Yaz and slowly adjusting back to normal. This is not everyone’s experience on Nikki, and it works great for some, but just want those it doesn’t work for you know you’re not crazy!

My doctor prescribed me Nikki as a contraceptive as well as to prevent awful mood swings and depression I would have leading up to my period. This birth control made my period more regular, but it caused my mental health to become the worst it's ever been. I've struggled with mild depression and anxiety for most of my life, but up until this point its been very manageable. About a month in to taking Nikki, I would have panic attacks daily and just overall very depressed mood. I started looking into the effects of Nikki after I would have uncontrollable anger spells that have never affected me before, I even tried to push my boyfriend, and I also struggled with self harm (scratching, hitting my head, etc). I thought I was having some sort of nervous breakdown from school until I saw what everyone else was saying about this pill. I thought I was losing my mind. I stopped taking Nikki, the only thing I regret now is all the time I lost to my depressed mood and anxiety on the time I was taking it. I missed out on birthdays, going out with friends and just being the happy person I used to be. I don't recommend this pill at all and I wished I knew that it was this contraceptive that was making me so depressed before I kept taking it every day.

Acne sky rocketed. Depressed and anxious. Spotting 3+x a month. 28 years old- tried for 3 months. Not for me.

My pharmacy switched me from Gianvi to Nikki. While the pill has the same active ingredients as Giannv or Yaz, this pill gave me bad acne. I have never had acne worsen while taking birth control. I've been on the pill for 6 years and never had issues with it until taking this Nikki. In addition, this pill gave me some severe pigmentation that turned my palms two tones darker than my natural skin tone. This pill is a nightmare. Do not take this pill.

This has been a nightmare. Extreme fatigue. I used to workout daily and was amazing shape. Ever since I started using Nikki, it is all that i can do to take care of my son in the afternoons, walk the dog, make dinner all before I fall asleep. I sleep 9.5 hours a night and wake up exhausted, I have gained weight, I am constipated, my breasts hurt and its almost equivalent to being pregnant with the symptoms that I have experienced. I have requested a change in birth control and have thrown these in the trash! Do not even do this to yourself.

I was switched from Giavni birth control to Nikki by my prescription plan. I wish I had done research prior to taking it, Nikki was the worst birth control experience I've ever had. Only two weeks in I experienced severe IBS and stomach pain. My anxiety went through the roof and I became extremely depressed with no appetite, fatigue, poor focus and no motivation. My breaking point was when the medication began inducing panic attacks, which I had never experienced before. Ultimately I made the decision to stop taking this birth control and after a week I'm beginning to feel like my old self. I would not recommend this birth control to anyone. Please be cautious when switching to generic medications, just because it is in the same family does not mean the formula will work the same.

After not wanting another IUD, at 34 I finally chose the pill. My doctor put me on this type because I told her I feel like I have too much testosterone for a woman. She put me on this brand because it regulates estrogen, (too much estrogen turns to testosterone in females). From the first day of taking this, my skin has cleared up, I have lots of energy, and sleep great. Plus my mood feels so more even keeled. I think the doctors are the ones to blame if they put people on this prescription that are normal, hormonal wise..be honest,and they should know what to prescribe.

I took this medication for 3 weeks. I started with the nausea everyday, loss of appetite, constipation, and then I starting getting skin sensitivity, I started breaking out on my face and neck , then by skin started started burning with every wash. I had to stop this medication after that.

I was only on this birth control for a month. While I didn’t experience any weight gain, this birth control made me feel really bad. I constantly was cramping every day on it for the whole month and it felt like period cramps. I had no sex drive at all. But it did make my periods incredibly lighter almost non existent just like spotting at the end of the month. One con I noticed with me was whenever I drank alcohol (even small amounts) on this birth control I experienced the worst hangovers the next day which was not normal for me. I would throw up even 24 hours later and feel miserable any time i consumed any alcohol. Overall, this birth control wasn’t terrible. I read reviews and it said sometimes it takes your body 3 months to adjust to it but I wasn’t wanting to put up with these cramps for 3 whole months so I switched to a different one. But it did make my periods way lighter and I experience no weight gain in one month.

I've been on Yaz, Gianvi, and Loryna and have had no issues. I switched to a different prescription service and they gave me Nikki. I noticed more break outs, greasy haid (which I've never had my entire life) and just an overall difference in mood/menstruation during my time of the month.

Nikki has been great for my PMDD. I am normally very hormonal approximately 10 days ahead of my cycle. This medicine has been effective in controlling my irritability and anger. Also, I have not had a period in the 4 months that I have been taking the new pill, which I love. I had Mirena for three years and never stopped my periods. I had a few more pimples during the hormonal period however I would prefer that over my irritability. I'm SO glad I requested this medication from my doctor, definitely worth trying for me.

I took Nikki for about 3 months and I loved it. After reading and hearing so many negatives about birth control pills, I started my first birth control (Nikki) with some stress. When I started it, I had some bad nausea the first day, and minor nausea the rest of the first week, but after that, I never had a problem. The only side effect after that I experienced was minor mood swings. Taking Nikki regulated my period and decreased the pain from cramps. After the 3 months, I was switched to the even more generic version, drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol, and I hate it so far, being about a month in. My mood swings are worse and I�ve had a really light period for over a week already and still counting. I�m definitely going to see about switching back to Nikki.

I didn't listen to the reviews before taking this medication. Well I should have. It was awful! I was sick and had headaches all the time.

My experience in a nutshell, I have never had such horrific depression in my life. If I would of had a gun I would have pulled the trigger. Please if you are on this and are feeling like I was, stop taking this immediately.