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Generic Name: Edex (alprostadil)

Edex Reviews

For Erectile Dysfunction "This medicine works amazingly for me. Having had prostate cancer, none of the pills worked with any success. Switched to this and have had amazing success. The only issue I ever had was a blood pressure med conflicted with it and seemed to stop working. After consulting with urologist, he suggested that may be the issue. GP changed blood pressure med and it started working again. I use it roughly 3x per week and never have issues. I am 53 years old, and my significant other is constantly remarking that men my age cannot perform like this on a consistent basis. Erection usually lasts 2 - 3 hours, and I am able to perform multiple times in that time period. Highly recommend."

For Erectile Dysfunction "After having my prostate removed, I could not get an erection. Viagra and Cialis did not work. The next step was injections, which the doctor recommended Edex. The injection was painless, and I had a great erection. I had an erection for 6 hours, which I have to tell you, it is not a pleasure, but after reducing the dose in half, it's much better. I highly recommend Edex. The doctor gave me an Edex card, which took care of the co-pay and ended up costing me nothing."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Used Edex for the first time today. I'm 52. I have low testosterone (350), but no other chronic health issues. My erectile dysfunction is mostly psychological. Doctor gave me a few 20mcg samples. Decided to use a very small dose (about 0.25ml or about 5mcg) since it was my first use. Had a nice hard erection in about 3 minutes, and it lasted about 60 mins. Needle insertion was painless. Small bruise at the insertion site. No pain at all, until about 45 minutes into my erection when I started to have a dull pain in the shaft of my penis. I assume that was due to being erect for 60 mins for the first time in 20 years. Edex was easy to use, worked great for me. Try it !"

For Erectile Dysfunction "Wow... Had prostate cancer and it was removed 13 months ago. Was still waiting for my erections to start but nothing. My doctor prescribed Viagra as well as using a pump. Viagra helped in getting the erection up, but it would never stay. It would just, as one would say, peter out in a minute. I was also prescribed some suppository things, but the cost was out of this world. So next, he had me try this Edex. Wow, it works like all the above good ratings. Erection was up in under 10 minutes and lasted about 3 hours (great, huh)... only problem was the pain. I was given the lowest amount... Guess it's not for me. 10 was because it works, a 3 because of the pain."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have type 2 diabetes and I have had 2 emergency discectomies. I was having major erectile dysfunction issues. Long story short, went to doc. He gave me 'truth Serum' injection (my word for EDEX), because he had to measure both flaccid (no problem there) and erect, hence the 'serum'. Told me to go into waiting room. Not fully knowing what was about to happen, it felt like the incredible hulk had managed to get into my shorts. It was amazing. Not only was I alive, ALIVE!! I honestly felt 18 again (48 currently)."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Viagra never worked. Cialis worked partially. I tried the Edex 20 mcg and was amazed at how well it works! I read the instructions two or three times to ensure I understood all. Took time to locate a good spot and avoiding the veins. I was surprised at how little pain there is with the needle (my biggest apprehension) and I did not get any bruising or discoloration at the injection site. Some minor aching, which maybe will go away with further use. Onset took about 4 minutes and full onset within 10-11 minutes. I would rate the erection at about 80%; I am going to try the 40 mcg. dosage, to see if I can attain closer to 95-100%. Many who post here do not discuss dosage levels? I am age 66. I wish I had tried this earlier!"

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have been using Edex for 2 or 3 years. At first, there was very little pain, but now the pain approaches severe. I am using the maximum dosage, and I do get an erection, but sometimes my erection peters out (pun intended), and also it has become more difficult to achieve an orgasm. I also use MUSE sometimes, and although it is not as effective as Edex, it damn sure does not hurt as much as Edex. I am 74 yrs. YOUNG!"

For Erectile Dysfunction "Tried it last night with great trepidation. I am generally a nervous guy about everything and had high apprehension about injecting myself, getting a 10-hour boner, etc. Happy to say that it was super easy to use. I got a 10mcg kit and was afraid of a priapism, so I injected 5mcg (which you can do). I carefully put pressure on the area I injected for a few minutes and got no bruising. I only got very slight burning that lasted 30 seconds and went away with the aforementioned gentle pressure. Got a wonderful erection that lasted about 2 hours. I was glad I didn't inject the whole ten mcgs! Didn't need to. I am 62, and I think most of my problem is psychological. Sometimes Viagra just won't work for."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Excellent results in the first try; removing years of disappointments. As a diabetic, the use of needles is not new, but I was unsure of this location and possible errors. It was easy, accurate, and without side effects."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I use Edex 40mg and take 10 mg of Levitra. I can sustain an erection easily for one hour. I hold off climax as long as possible. When I feel that I may lose my erection, I hasten to climax. It usually stays erect for a little while after climax. I am pretty satisfied with the product. No side effects from Edex, but I have a heavy head from the Levitra. I am 75."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Sometimes causes a small bruise (pencil point size) to as large as 1 inch by 4 inches (twice). Must add, very infrequently bruised, as I've learned to be careful at the injection site. Been using 40mg Edex for about 6 years. Like it better than Caverject (5 years) for ease of injection and preparation. Twice had gotten bent needles, but called Edex, and the medication was replaced free through my provider. Sometimes use a 'ring' with the medication. Gave a 9 instead of 10 because of bruising."

For Erectile Dysfunction "A miracle drug that changed my life... I tried all the pills and felt that I was at the end of the road and just accept I have ED... I tried Edex shot injections and it was a life changer as far as intimacy with my wife. It has been amazing. I highly recommend to anyone with this problem."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Tested today with the urologist. I'm a 38-year-old diabetic in great shape, actually, but have erectile dysfunction, and nothing seems to work. They prescribed 20 mcg of Edex. We tried it at 10 mcg. Seems to work really well."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have used Edex for over 3 years. Very positive in that it almost never fails to give me a nice, hard, durable erection within a few minutes with stimulation, maybe 2 'erection fails' in several hundred uses. The injections are painless and very easy to get used to. The cost per dose is very small. Not so positive is that for about 2 years I have had a difficult time reaching orgasm, and when I do, it often is only after very hard, intense, prolonged stimulation, almost never through intercourse alone. My urologist insists that the orgasm issue is all in my head, that the medication is giving me the erection as it is supposed to, but that there must be some other issues involved."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have a serious heart condition. I must take nitrates to lower my blood pressure. They are the only ones that work. Taking oral ED medication lowers my blood pressure to a dangerous level. (I have ended up in the ER twice) My urologist suggested Edex, I agreed to try it. I started with 5 mcg. It is very simple to administer and it does not hurt. I was not satisfied with my erection so I chalked it up to first time jitters and too low of a dosage. The next time was even easier to administer and I bumped up to 10mcg and let me tell you, before I could dispose of the needle, vile and wash my hands, I had a raging erection. From the time of the initial injection to foreplay, intercourse (2 times) and finally falling asleep, it was close to 4 hours of an amazing erection and sex. However, I’m going back to 5mcg for my wife’s sake. It’s too much. Cheers!"

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have been using Edex for 20 months after a Da Vinci prostatectomy. Works perfectly. Started with a dose of about 7, 2 months after the operation but found it to be not enough and so my Doc gave me the 20 mg syringes. Tried 15 and that worked fine for a while before becoming painful particularly during penetration. Dose reduction helped matters and today 20 months later 5 gives the same results, presumably because nerve endings have healed and linked since the operation. A great drug, that for me only wears off after 4 hours which is a bit problematic when my wife wants some action in the morning. Only 2 misfires both times when injecting standing up. Lying down I find easier and more comfortable. If the drug usage is painful it is probably because you are overdosing - anyway that is my experience."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I'm 61 and on heart meds that impair sexual performance. I was taking Cialis 20mg in an attempt to regain my confidence. But it worked slightly only sometimes, this was not acceptable. So, I took the next step, and was prescribed EDEX. It took a long time to work up the nerve to stick a needle into the side of my penis, and I was sweating bullets when I finally had the syringe in my hand and the needle against the skin of my manhood. It took 15 minutes to insert the needle into my corpus cavernosum, yes, I was that queasy. There was no noticeable pain to the entire process, and I was totally relieved. This is a life changing experience and is the end of the road for my performance anxiety. EDEX completely freed my from my performance anxiety and my declining performance due to age. I only need a 10ug dose for a rock hard erection that lasts well over an hour. My girlfriend is also relieved from her anxiety of wondering if I'm gonna last long enough for her to have an orgasm. Win, win!"

For Erectile Dysfunction "At my urologists suggestion I used Edex today. 10 mg dose and injected the entire tube. I had a solid erection in about 5 minutes and it lasted for 3 hours. It went up much faster than it went down. So, it worked. Unfortunately it became quite painful, so much so that intercourse would not have been pleasureable. Doseage can vary from 1-40 mg so I will try again with a 2 or 3 mg dose. I had my prostate removed 2 years ago and haven't had a woody until today. I'm wondering if the pain is from the stretching of the tissues. Some indication online that there is less pain with increased use. Viagra and Cialis did not work and I had crazy muscle pain with the later. So this is my likely last option."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I was having trouble getting an erection for a couple years. I tried all the pills through my urologist. We talked about the injection and I really had to come to grips with injecting myself. I finally decided to try it and the effects were amazing. My girl almost left me because I was unable to be intimate with her. My ejaculations were also premature. The EDEX made me very hard and gave me amazing stamina as well. I finally heard her moan out my name again while we were making love again, finally. I love this product, it saved my relationship. The cost is way cheaper then the pills and it works way better. The vial I get has tons of dosages. I wish it wouldn't expire so soon."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I was given the 40 mcg injections. Like other people posted I got up in about 5 minutes. But when it came to performance, I went soft after inserting into my girlfriend. This is a big disappointment to her & makes her feel unwanted. She is very close to leaving me because I can't be a man in bed."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Look I won't hid the fact that it doesn't work like when I was young. Diabetes or the lack of control has me. ED Pills worked for awhile but stopped. I forget the name of the next stuff I had to insert which was good but didn't feel right. As I am taking insulin the use of needle was not a problem and when I saw how fast the results were I was thrilled!!! This is not to be used everyday or to make up for past opportunities. Yes, the length or time of hardness may outweigh your stamina but MAN! It feels good to be able to sexually make her happy again."

For Erectile Dysfunction "After fighting rectal cancer for 2 years I lost the ability to get hard. My doctor prescribed 100mg Viagra which worked for a while and then it got harder to produce an erection. The doctor asked me if I thought I could stick a small needle into my penis. I told him I could and would if it would help me get an erection. I have been using Edex for over 2 years with mostly a good reaction to the drug. The only reason I gave it a rating of 9 instead of a 10 was every once in a while when sticking the needle in I would miss the sweet spot on my penis and my erection wouldn't happen or only last a short amount of time. I'm finding after 2 years of using Edex the needle has become harder to inject and more pain full. My wife loves the hardness."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Edex began to work this first time in about 5 minutes. I took 10 mg and it produced the best erection I could manage with a pump, with sildinafil, or any other way. Adding 10 mg more within 20 minutes improved the rigidity a bit, but the overall erection was probably at 80% of in my youth. I feel no burning, but I do feel what feels like a pressure in my prostate. I just got a TURP and still feel the effects of that surgery a bit, since it has been 6 weeks ago. This may just be what happens with my initial dose. If 20 mg doesn't work, I'll try doubling that. 20 mg would probably suffice for insertion during sex, but I doubt if if would feel good for me or her."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I had stage 3 prostate cancer a prostatectomy in August 2014 which resulted in severe erectile dysfunction. After a couple of attempts, I was able to inject correctly and restore my sex life. I tried every kind of oral drug without avail and basically thought my days of intimacy were gone. Edex is a miracle drug!"

For Erectile Dysfunction "At 57, after trying all of the pills and having hard erections fade quickly, and unrelated to our excitement, I PLEADED with my Doctor to try Edex. A lot is made of the injection itself. NO PROBLEM! The needle is a tiny. Remember 10 and 2, avoid any visible veins, and don't over insert it. IT WAS 1000 TIMES EASIER AND LESS PAINLESS than I thought it would be. DO hold pressure on injection site for 5min as directed to avoid bruising. I used 20mcg and in 10 min had an 85% teenage erection. It was an amazing, hulk-like, towel-rack erection and stayed that way for 1 hour plus. My girlfriend "got there" eight times and was completely and fully satisfied. As for soreness... I can say my manhood, balls, stomach, and back muscles all feel like they had a "full work-out" last night... this is a wonderful tender feeling! Now looking for coupons. I want to go to work for EDEX and be their Spokesperson or Sales Manager -- This is how much I love this product."

More about Edex (alprostadil)

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  • Reviews (48)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: impotence agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Edex advanced reading
  • Edex

Other brands

Caverject, Muse, Prostin VR Pediatric

Professional resources

  • Edex Injection prescribing information
  • Alprostadil (Systemic, Local) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Caverject, Muse, Prostin VR Pediatric, Caverject Impulse

Related treatment guides

  • Erectile Dysfunction