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Generic Name: Indomethacin

Brand Name: Indocin

Indocin Drug and Medication User Reviews

Doc prescribed this drug for management of pain for gout attack. I took 1 50 mg capsule with food and also took 2 .5mg colchicine tablets at the same time. I’ve been taking colchicine for years with no problems but this Doc said I should also take the Indomethicine. I read nowhere, nor did the Doc or pharmacist warn not to take these together. About an hour after taking the meds I began to feel dizzy and laid down on the couch for a while. Within about 30 minutes I began to have what I thought was a stroke or heart attack! My left side began to go numb ant twitch. I was so dizzy and scared I had my wife call 911 because I really thought I was having a heart attack. By the way, I have never had a heart attack so had nothing to compare it to. The paramedics showed up ran there test and confirmed it wasn’t a heart attack or stroke but wanted me to go by ambulance to the ER to have test run. By this time the panic had subsided somewhat and I decided that we could drive to the ER ourselves. By the time we got there, about 3 hours now from the time I had taken the meds, I was starting to feel better. The dizziness was subsiding and twitching had gone. We sat in the parking lot of the hospital for a couple hours just to be safe then headed home after all the symptoms had gone. What a terrible experience for us and our children who were also there watching the whole episode. This also could have cost me $10,000 (my insurance deductible) had I taken the ambulance ride and checked in to the hospital. Now after this incident and going back and reading other people’s stories and reactions to this drug, do I take the reading the label warning seriously? You bet! But also reading other people’s experiences also may help. I hope my experience may help someone else reading.

Given for nerve pain in foot, no change

Had severe outbreak of gout, Dr prescribed indocin, you must take this drug with food!!! I suggest you eat about 1/2 hour before taking or else your going to get dizzy and probably have diarrhea , it has definetly reduced the pain and swelling after only 2 pills, another great thing for reducing swelling is Turmeric ,it is a natural herb easily available, works well with no side effects!

male 54 have had gout for 6 years I don't have to tell anyone on this site how painful gout attack is. Nothing takes pain away quicker 75 mg once or twice a day pain releief in hours I do not travel anywhere with out this gout wonder drug with me. Also take 06 colcryst once a day but flare ups do happen. You can not take this drug on a empty stomach do not try it. It also makes me feel totally anxies and like my heart will come thru my chest and dizzy. But I will take it over the pain nothing stops gout flair up quicker. don't leave home with out it. also stop as soon as pain is gone do not take more than a day or two.

I've had ankylosing spondylitis arthritis for 27+ years and have taken this drug on/off. I want to note that people stating the drug caused bowel bleeding should research ulcerative colitis. Its extremely common for people suffering arthritis to develop various bowel problems.

Dr said I had gout in my foot. Do I have been on Indocin for one day and one evening. Total of four doses. Tonight after I ate dinner I took and I have been suffering all evening w/ a very swollen foot and a lot of discomfort.

Prescribed for acute extremely intense pain in my ankle presumed to be gout. Doctor said it should help the pain quickly. 12 hours later I am still in agony. I wish a short dose of stronger pain meds would have been given along with this. So far 12 hours of agony and still waiting for something to kick in. Why allow me to suffer like this.

I have taken indomethacin several times for occasionally recurring gout and achilles tendonitis. Most of the time it is very effective and it works great for me without side effects. Typically I get symptoms a few times a year for a week or so, and then it goes away. However I have noticed that when I take it from a bottle I purchased 6 months ago or more for a previous flare-up, the medicine doesn't seem to be effective at all, EVEN IF IT IS NOT EXPIRED. On such occasions, I have asked my doctor for a new prescription, and it works fine.

Prescribed Indocin for chronic headaches and effect has been marginal over a six-week period. Believe doctors should be more careful prescribing to patients with hypertension. My BP has soared culminating with a visit to the emergency room after collapsing (with momentary unconsciousness) while using the snow blower. I have decided to stop taking Indocin until it is re-evaluated by my doctor.

Immediate positive results for cough headache where nothing else had worked. No side effects.

got very sick and ended up in the hospital after taking one pill i would rather be in pain then take it

having chronic gout for a month in knee, Achilles, and ankle. it had helped there. this morning, however, I took it w/o food and within an hour became light headed, disorientated and somewhat faint which made me very anxious. googling "indocin light headed" made me calm down after seeing this reaction is not to be unexpected. also diarrhea. but alternative is I can't walk so pick your poison.

Had a form of cellulitis/phlebitis from a suspected insect bite. I developed a large area of red patches of skin and swollen varicose veins in that area. Indocin gave me diarrhea and stomach cramps. Indocin did take the swelling down but since I could not continue Indocin use. No complete benefit.

Had gout for my second time in three years was taking colchicine first and it would take the pain away but not reduce the swelling. Took this drug and it did wonders. Just one day (2 pills later) and I was back to normal. No side effects, just took it with lunch and dinner now good as new. I would suggest this drug if you have rare attacks, it helps. My doctor told me that colchicine is used to prevent gout, to be taken if someone has serious ongoing gout problems, a pill a day routine to keep it from happening. This drug is used to reduce swelling and get rid of the pain and it works. Like I said no side effects, just take it with food and you should be ok.

I take this medication along with several others for intracranial hypertension (or pseudotumor cerebri). My doctor prescribed this to help control how painful the headaches were, however short time I have been on it so far my headaches have gotten much worse than they were before. Did anyone else have a problem with severe headaches on this medication? If this continues I will probably stop taking it all together.

It will knock the glout out in a few days

I had severe hip pain which was debilitating. ER Physicians were unable to diagnose my pain. My MD, based on his exam determined that my pain was related to possible hip joint pain and ordered an MRI, the results are not in, but after taking one dose of Indocin, my pain subsided within 2 hours. Indocin was prescribed to take 3X daily. I have taken the prescribed dosage for the past 2 days and, Indocin has totally relieved my pain with no side effects.

Since taking this medication, my blood pressure has increased from 125/72 to 160/100. I do not see this under the listed side effects. Has anyone else experienced the something?

i have pain inshoulder and knees