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Generic Name: Carvedilol

Brand Name: Coreg

Coreg Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took coreg for 8 months. I just talked them into taking me off of it. That took a lot of doing. I started out on the 6.25 then recently went to the smaller dose. Oh I have never hurt so bad in all my life as I did on this medication. My bones, joints and muscles hurt until times I was in tears. I haven't been helping my sister take care of my 87 yr old Mother because I felt worse than she did. Now that I quit taking that stupid pill I do not hurt all over. It didn't help that much with blood pressure, I did have fainting spells and was sick to my stomach. I have Afib already plus I have a kidney disease I found out I has 2 yrs ago that a nurse practitioner didn't tell me I had for 5 yrs. I had some breathing problems on this medication but I also have asthma and allergies. I do know that this coreg made my anxiety worse than I have ever been in my life. To a point I couldn't stand it any more. You need to take this off the market in my opinion!!

I only took this drug for 3 days. My blood pressure on day 3 soared to 228/110. I spent the day at the ER where tests were run, ECG done, blood work done. I got no answer except, DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG AGAIN! I won't.

Twenty years taking 100 mg immediate release a day with no organ damage at all. I would likely be dead without it.

I have been taking this for 20 years, 100 mg a day. No organ damage of any type. Few hospitalizations. Some dizziness but reducing diuretics resolved that. Absolutely a great medicine, I would likely be dead without it.

I take Coreg for heart failure post chemotherapy. My dose is low at 6.25 mg twice a day. BP runs about 100-110/60-70. I have learned to lessen the symptoms of low BP by getting up a bit slowly. Otherwise, absolutely no problems after 3 years.

I had congestive heart failure at age 60, and had only one artery plugged so required a stent. Afterwards I was put on Coreg and first side effect was immediate. My nose became congested and started running 24 hours a day. Constantly draining into my throat and making me sick. Also weakness, fatigue, ED,and soon after started taking it my teeth started to fall out. They would become very loose and eventually fall out or have to be pulled. In a five year period all but 4 teeth had fallen out. After I researched common and rare side effects of Coreg my heart doctor switched me to Metoprolol and immediately my congestion went away and the last of my teeth stopped falling out as well as the ED went away. As far as I am concerned this drug has way too many common and rare side effects that it is absolutely scary and I know that the drug I'm on now is not quite as effective as Coreg for the heart problems but frankly I've never, ever had high blood pressure and all my live it has been about 120/70. My quality of life was destroyed by the 5 years of taking this drug.

After taking Carvedilol for 9 years, I have now been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. I believe it is this medication that has caused this medical problem. My nephologist has cut my pills from two per day to 1/2 twice a day. I want off of Carvedilol as it has ruined my life. The manufacturer needs to be sued! I wouldn't advise anyone to take Carvedilol.

Exhaustion, swelling of legs, extreme difficulty breathing, loss of sleep due to breathing difficulties, body pain, depression, unclear thinking, anxiety, nightmares. Hate this drug. Generic version cannot be the same formula as the original Coreg. Forced my cardiologist to allow me to back to Metropolol.

Began taking Coreg at age 58-59. Was prescribed 12.5 mg twice a day. Side effects (tiredness) wproblem resolved by taking a 20 mg, time-released rx. One very impt fact. I do not use generic Coreg. I think time released Coreg doesnt come in generic. Also I take lisinipril(generic) and an old generic water pill. I'm 68, no problems with bp. Big prob is water pill! But water pill brings bp down well. Only I have to drink more water, avoid salt

I took Toprol XL for half a year and at first it controlled my blood pressure well. I did have side effects however. I was tired all the time and had ED sometimes. After half a year it stopped working and my blood pressure was high again (160s/90s) so my hypertension specialist switched me to Coreg. After reading the reviews here before taking it I was horrified. But I think the people who have success taking it don't post a review here. I have had absolutely no side effects at all. No ED. And I feel great on this medicine. It also controls my blood pressure well. I am down to 130s/80s and I take 12.5mg/2x a day. So for anybody reading this do not be scared of this drug. I believe it works for a lot of people!

Side effects.....low blood pressure and others. Bright side...I'm still alive and functioning fairly well since diagnosed in 2003.

No problems. Blood pressure normally 110-120/60-80.

tired,week,unclear thinking,hard to focus,can't sleep, knee joints hurt

I would not recommend this drug to anyone. I'm always extremely tired and unable to focus on much of anything. It's not worth the benefit.

I am a caregiver for my mother. They sent her home from the hospital with the drug as an addition to what they were giving her there. After the first dose she developed shortness of breath and a violent cough. It was so bad she couldn’t breath and I thought we would lose her. This is a terrible drug.

Fatigue, dizziness and headaches. Also experienced growing tenderness in my gums and nasal passages.

Has helped with Afib. I started taking a dose of 6.25 mg one tab by mouth twice dailey, and if my7 heart rate should stay over 60 beat per minute take two 6.26 mg pills. I was working fine so I requested that I be place on a holster to check my results. The finding was that I had very little episodes, was told I had nothing to worry about. Then the doctor said that he recommends that I increase my dose to two 6.25 mg pills from 2 a day to 4 a day/ two in morning/two at night. I did as was instructed and at first couple of months I didn't seem to get any side effects. But then I started feeling really sleepy and wanted to sleep a lot and lost my zest for my life hobbies. I didnt really what was happening it snuck up and I thought it was normal. finally I relized that it was not normal. I took the chance and went back to 1 pill morning and one pill night. I now feel so much better and life is fun again. it is a great medicine it has helped me, but doctors need to relize that we can be over medicated to.

I have only taken carvedilol for 3 days and I have my head and chest pound when I get up or it is near time for the next dose. I have had a non-stop headache, nausea and a metallic taste in my mouth. I will give it til Friday for improvement. If none I will talk to my doctor about changing. I had been on metoprolol for over 10 years with no problem, but because I have adult onset asthma everyone has been bugging me to change drugs.

One week into coreg(generic)12.5 so tired I am moving in slow motion. Mouth is blistered, burned swollen. Head hurts. Pupils so dilated I can barely see. No control over bladder. Terribly sore all over.Want to crawl in hole and stay there. 2(?) daily plus lisinopril. More side effects. Miserable

I am a retired RN. I have a high heart rate in 140's and high blood pressure. We always gave Coreg if heart rate was high when blood pressure was extremely low as Coreg lowers heart rate first allowing more time for blood to fill chambers of the heart and thereby raising blood pressure due to more blood being moved through the body. You must eat a 4oz meal or food before taking Coreg or your blood pressure will bottom out and get extremely low. You cannot cut Coreg CR or extended release pill but you can cut regular Coreg. I control my meds as doctors don't have time to check closely. Doctors have been trained by Big Pharma who wants MONEY that if a blood pressure med don't work then don't discontinue the medication just ADD another blood pressure medicine. Some patients complained to me that they couldn't hardly afford their meds and many told me of the blood pressure meds not working but doctor refused to stop them and just added another blood pressure med til the blood pressure decreased. You have to CONSENT to taking the medication into your body NOT THE DOCTOR. You have to tell the doctor your not taking something that doesn't work and waste money on a useless medicine. The normal blood pressure is 100/60 to 140/90. Yes 140/90 is in the NORMAL range. It is borderline for high blood pressure. Just take enough blood pressure meds to keep blood pressure in normal range without letting it get too low. A lot of people kept blood pressure at 100/60 which is too low as kidneys won't work well with too low of a blood pressure. Research your medications and read the pharmaceutical pamphlet completely as your life may depend upon it. Since doctors rarely read it completely through as they are too busy. Take pamphlet to doctor if you feel med is not for you due to a reason listed in pamphlet to teach doctor about medication so the doctor will watch other patients for same problem.