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Generic Name: butabarbital

Brand Name: Butisol oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have had Chronic Insomnia for since my early Twenties. Back then I used Methaquaalone, Placidyl, Valmid, Nembutal, Tuinal, and GHB, in addition to many others including Butisol Sodium. The Butisol works very well as an Sedative/Hypnotic, Onset of Drowsiness between 30 minutes to 1 Hour and from a 50mg Dose Natural Feeling Sleep Duration is about 6 hours. The only down side is it's Cost. I'm very happy that they still manufacture this Medicine because for some people like me a Barbituate with Sedative/Hypnotic properties is the only thing allows me Quality Sleep.

In the very extreme moments of anxiety that Xanax couldn't touch Butisol was helpfull. It allowed me to stay in one piece. But the price is high. I became not intoxicated but had strange experiences like an inability to read. The hypnotic effect would take over within a few seconds and I entered a strange state that could not be said to be aware or focuse but rather dreamy and felt I was still "present". What I was reading I began to dream when,in fact,I was making it up-writing it in my head. I would drop my book-many times-believing that I just had to concentrate. I repeated this many times. Oddly, I could get up and function without my family knowing I had taken the medication,but if I watched TV,read-I was GONE! It always boils down to a "Risk-Benefit Ratio'. This drug also strikes when you drive so I stopped driving despite seeming in control when active. I am convinced How" you use your eyes adds to the hypnotic take-over. Driving is hypnotic in itself-don't even try as you may not ever know if you will live to relate your experience. Think of coming to only to find out you lost awareness for 2 seconds and .........killed1,2,20 children.