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Generic Name: Cefixime

Brand Name: Suprax

Suprax Drug and Medication User Reviews

The first couple days of taking this I got really bloated and had alot of air in my stomach that wouldnt come out. After a couple of days of that I started to get severe low abdominal pains and diarrhea. I would need to urgently go to the bathroom and barely anything would come out but get really severe lower stomach cramping. Really wouldnt recommend because I have a strong stomach and this happened. I am 19 years old.

Did not work. Had to go back two more times and three rounds of Rx's. Now, I have severe pain on my left side.

I rarely get ill. Haven't had antibiotics for years! Took this in Nov 2014 for strep throat and it worked well. HOWEVER, my side effect was a rash. Not just any old rash though. Itchy, tiny bumps ALL OVER MY BODY! Couldn't sleep, couldn't function during the day due to SEVERE itching. Went to dermatologist after rash didn't ease up for 2 weeks. STILL going to see him 3 months later in Feb 2015! Steroid shots, steroid pills, creams, lotions, special compounded cream to put on wet skin, now on a daily regimen of Zantac, Allegra and Zyrtec along with the compounded cream and still have the hives, rash and petechial areas (that's blood spots under the skin) that are still itchy but beginning to be manageable. Dermatologist says it will just have to "run its course" and I have to just be patient until my body decides to "let it go" and clear up. DON'T USE THIS DRUG! ESPECIALLY NOT CHILDREN! I cannot imagine a child having to go through this extreme itching and be able to cope on a daily basis.

Suprax seems to be the only drug I can take for a uti and not get extreme nausea. Apparently it is very expensive (I have a great RX plan) and the pharmacies dont keep it in stock, so be aware you may have to wait until they can order it in. But it works for me other than noticeable gas.

I was prescribed this medicine for my first UTI. My teenage daughter once took it for a sinus infection and bronchitis and had so much stomach pain she had to stop at day 3. I was open minded about taking the medicine but I had awful gas, stomach pain and frequent stools. I stopped on day 5 for 2 days and restarted for 1 more day and was in so much awful abdominal pain I stopped the medicine. I did not finish the 10 day dose. I will never take Suprax again or recommend it to anyone.

This Suprax 400mg is a first for me...and last. I'm 4 days in at 1 pill a day and not finishing my full 7 days. I'm absolutely miserable. Only had lose stools once. Other that that one time, my bowels have been normal. However, my stomach is NOT happy with me. Abdominal pains and nausea. Body hurts. Weakness. Loss of appetite. I'm miserable. This is the first time I've ever had this bad of an issue with an antibiotic. Never again.

My four-year-old had taken this medication seven months ago with NO problems, and it worked great! This time around, it was almost like he was taking a different batch of medicine or something - it took forever (it seemed) for it to take effect. Secondly, it gave him HORRIBLE diarrhea. It was uncontrollable, and he had several accidents (he has been potty trained since he was 2 1/2, so he does not normally have accidents). One of these accidents occurred at school, and I felt bad that his teachers had to deal with it, and I also felt bad that my son had to endure that in front of his peers. (At the time I sent him to school, I didn't realize how bad the diarrhea situation really was.) I called the pediatrician's office to see if we could switch meds. The advice nurse said that "every antibiotic gives you diarrhea" (?) and she recommended that I give him the probiotic Culturelle. This helped immensely; I will be giving it to him whenever he is prescribed an antibiotic in the future. Was NOT happy with the extra laundry I had to do while my son was taking this drug!

Worked to clear my uti but caused TERRIBLE diarrhea, gas and stomach pain. I've been off it for over a week and the diarrhea still won't stop. Now I have to go to a gastroenterologist to be checked out for C. Diff. So after paying $100 for 5 pills of this poison now I'm going to have to shell out even more money to see a gastro specialist. I will NEVER take this drug again. It should be taken off the market immediately.

Worked to clear my uti but caused TERRIBLE diarrhea, gas and stomach pain. I've been off it for over a week and the diarrhea still won't stop. Now I have to go to a gastroenterologist to be checked out for C. Diff. So after paying $100 for 5 pills of this poison now I'm going to have to shell out even more money to see a gastro specialist. I will NEVER take this drug again. It should be taken off the market immediately.

I was recently prescribed this worthless, ridiculously over priced drug for a UTI caused by e-coli. After paying $100 out of pocket for 5 yes, FIVE) tablets of this supposed "wonder drug" (the urologist's words, NOT mine) and suffering with horrible stomach pain the whole time I took Suprax, I STILL had the UTI. Shockingly, when I called my urologst and told him that his "wonder drug" did nothing but tear my stomach apart and cost me a small fortune he STILL wanted to put me back on Suprax for another five days!!! Needless to say, I told him forget it and that he had to find me an afforable, generic substitute.(BTW, the doctor wasn't even slightly phased when I told him how much Suprax had cost me - talk about being out of touch with reality!) I was prescribed generic cefuroxime (an older "second generation" of cephalosporin that is directly related to Suprax which is a newer "third generation" cephalosporin ) and began feeling better within 24 hours. Best of all, cefuroxime only cost $10! In short, Suprax was NOT worth the money paid for it since it didn't cure my UTI and caused NASTY gastrointestinal problems. NEVER AGAIN!!

I WILL NEVER TAKE THIS AGAIN. I went to the doctors two weeks ago with a sore throat and leaky sinuses and they said I had a bacterial infection. They gave me a 10 day dosage of Suprax and by the seventh day I had to go back to the doctors due to the side effects of Suprax. Terrible abdominal pains, nausea, and diarrhea. The biggest red flag was the fact that I was passing mucus and bloody stools. And to this day I still am, mind you I stopped taking the medication one week ago. I am extremely uncomfortable and I think I may even go back to the Doctors. This will be the third Monday in a row I will be at that doctors office. Had I know about these side effects I would have suffered with my sore throat and runny nose and let my body restore itself.

This is a dangerous drug. Do not let the doctors put your kid on this. For strep throat, my kids always got amoxicillin. This time, it was Suprax. My son was fine for about 4 days, then super intense diarrhea and abdominal pain so severe, he was actually crying. He's 17. My kid can take pain. So, to see him in this condition, completely unraveled, dehydrated (from the bloody diarrhea), and couldn't even walk from the pain, I had to call an ambulance. At the hospital, he was given IV fluids and morphine for the pain. ER doc said the Suprax created a super bacteria and made him sick. Not sure how it all works, but all I know is this drug is horrible. This is BAD bad bad. Stay AWAY from this drug.

upon completing a 10 day dose of 400mg, I developed severe salty mouth

This is the second time I have taken this medication and it is horribly expensive even with my insurance! This time as I am finishing up the pills (last 2 days)I am having horrible Gas pains, and feel inflated! Also this afternoon...I started bleeding out my rectim, very bright red blood! Not a large amount(toilet water is not red, only a few drops, but totally covered toilet paper) So far it has happened 4 times (whenever I have used the restroom) but has decreased in amount each time, very scarey!! No traces in pants, that is why I am not at the ER! Still Scared the crap out of me!! Literally!!

Caused severe rash

This medication started out working quite well until day 4. I was feeling better with the infection , but then on the 4th day, i started getting severe stomaching cramping followed by intense diarehha. Had to then discontinue.

Suprax was given to my 2 year old son,its the only thing that ever worked.....

65 year old male with acute throat, nose, and sinus infection courtesty of my 22 month old grandson. Started feeling better after only two days and was able to go back to the office after two more. the only side effect was terrible case of gas.

I have taken different antibiotics over the years and this was the WORST!! What was th Dr thinking. No wonder he have me a $25.00 coupon off the price! Ubcontrollable diarrhea made it almost impossible to leave the house. It took two weeks to feel better and caused a yeast infection!! Do not take, as for another antibiotic!!!