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Generic Name: Celecoxib

Brand Name: Celebrex

Celebrex Drug and Medication User Reviews

Found that the 200mg capsules were too hard on the stomach so tried the 100mg .much better. Also works better when taken with panadol or panadolosteo. And always take after food. Or with a class of milk. A smaller dose taken twice a day is always better than a high dose once a day which can cause stomach alsers.

This is absolutely the best nsaid around. Works better than most opiate medicine. I have herniated discs and I can barely get around, with celebrex I actually feel little to no pain. Great to be able to live life

Crap drug. Dr scripted generic cataolopram for anxiety. So, 1 month later, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, vision loss, tinnitus, shakiness, gastro bleeding, etc...absolutely zero effect on anxiety. Oh, then the withdrawal symptoms, brutal. Someone had to pay someone to get this drug approved. It caused extreme chest pain, difficulty walking. Walking 2 streets away to a grocery store, I could barely make it home on the return, at the 1st street, I fell to the ground on all fours, as I was violently shaking, getting tunnel vision,, barely getting breath. Made it home, could not make it up the seven steps. Sat on the first step, groceries strewn about, violently shaking. Brutal. Absolutely brutal. It lasted over 30 mins before I attempted to go inside. These events, lasted over 3 weeks. My vision is still affected, and I still have gastro intestinal bleeding, all thanks to the makers of celebrex, may you all rot in hell. Avoid this drug, at all costs!

Full body pain, couldn’t stand up straight by the end of the day. Took two weeks to really see a difference but after one month much less pain and almost back to usual self. Loose stool, gas and bloating is improving but worth going through for less pain. I am, however, gaining weight. ??

Had issues with a staph infection following a total knee replacement. Enough pain to interfere with rehabilitation. Once I started taking Celecoxib, the pain dissipated, my range of motion improved and I rapidly gained back the ground lost when treating the staph infection. I had been eating ibuprofen and acetaminophen like candy and knew I was doing more harm to my organs than good for the pain. This was a real game changer. I was lucky enough not to have the gas or stomach issues that some reviewers have, I’ll take the win.

Greatly reduced my back and leg pain. I can function almost normally for a 63 year old man. Some gastrointestinal side effects in the beginning like bloating and loose stool now and then. But after a month I’m doing well and find this Med to be a god send. It’s the best pain Med that’s not an opioid.

My knee replacement was delayed due to COVID and I was taking so much ibuprofen and then antiacids, even through the night. Sleep was interrupted by pain and indigestion from the ibuprofen. Called my dr and asked for prescription strength ibu but she suggested generic Celebrex. GAME CHANGER!! I'm sorry I waited so long to call. Have used for 7 months - still waiting for surgery - and have much reduced pain and swelling. I'm sleeping better and experiencing less indigestion.

Nothing special...... and a lot of stomach upset! No real help for the lower back pain either!

I worked on concrete floors in plants for several years and it took a toll on my legs. I could barely walk at times. I took ibuprofen to no avail. My doctor put me on Celebrex and now I feel like my old self. It is so WONDERFUL. I've had loose stools every now and then and insomnia a few times but I THANK GOD FOR THIS MIRACLE DRUG. It Took 2 weeks for it to start working. Praise the Lord. Penny Maddox Smith

Diagnosed with osteoarthritis and osteonecrosis in both hips. Walking and sleeping we’re becoming increasingly difficult. Prescribed Celebrex and within a week I was pain free. No side effects. It has allowed me to delay a hip replacement. I am very thankful for this drug!

I can't pinpoint how long I've been taking Celebrex (generic form). It means the difference between ability to move or not be able to stand without excruciating pain. I have arthritis in my hips and knees and back, (almost every where) in my body. I still have swelling in the joints but at least I'm mobile.

I was having acute SI joint pain, and since I have ulcerative colitis (in remission and managed by Entyvio), I cannot take Advil, ibuprofen, etc. I took 200 mg of Celebrex twice per day with food for three days, and I developed such horrific stomach pain followed by acute diarrhea that my doctor immediately had me stop taking it. The stomach pain and acid reflux (mind you I take a Rx for acid reflux) were so acute that it woke me from a deep sleep. And as someone who has had colitis for 20+ years, I have a pretty high pain tolerance level. I do not recommend this drug as an alternative for people with IBD. Honestly, I have taken ibuprofen on occasion and it never wreaked havoc on my gut like this drug did. I stopped taking it 24 hours ago and I’m still running to the bathroom. And I took a total of 6 doses! Seriously.

50 years ago a steel overpass beam fell on my legs basically crushing my feet and braking both bones in my legs. i get sever pain standing for extended periods of time. the Celebrex drastically reduces the pain

I could barely walk due to loss of cartilage in both knees. Extreme pain, standing and walking. Celebrex has worked wonders for me! I forgot how it feel to walk w/o pain! It's amazing.

No left leg and thigh pain except at PT. No side affects. Miracle drug.

I was put on this for severe fibromyalgia pain and full body osteoarthritis.. I took it about two weeks before I noticed that I was dizzy all the time. My heart was racing constantly. And I have sever stomach pain like heart burn that feels like I am having a full blown anxiety attack.. out of the blue I developed carpal tunnel syndrome in my thumb joints.. i am not going to take this anymore ! The side effects are not worth the relief ! I will continue on my pain meds and my fentanyl patch .. this stuff is garbage and dangerous

Joint damage from Lime. I took 400mg for seven days. Terrible fever, fast heart, heart pain and a heart attack on seventh day. Dr. said I was allergic to it. I would never take again.

Was on this medicine for a week and could absolutely not take the side effects (I'm someone who experiences a lot of unusual side effects so I've come to expect them, but on this it was unbelievably bad). Had diarrhea everyday for a week and couldn't stand it anymore. I did notice most of the sharp pain in my joints had dissipated, but I was left with an ache and stiffness. I found it was a bit hard to swallow as well? it always felt stuck in my throat. overall, I have more relief with 800 mg ibuprofen.

I havent been able to relieve my back pain with this drug and i wake up at night

Celebrex gave me joint pain relief that I could not manage on a biologic alone, and it is supposedly safer than Advil. I noticed a lot of dizziness while on it and heart palpitations, which gave me panic attacks. My stools turned a pale color, and I felt sluggish. Weight gain and bloating didnâ??t suit my petite frame, but it was the dizziness and palpitations that made me stop taking it. Nausea accompanied the dizziness. My rheumy wanted me to take an anti-nausea drug and another for vertigo, but they had their side effects. Overall, Celebrex worked for my pain; the many side effects though outweighed the pain relief benefit, so after one year, I stopped taking it. If you donâ??t suffer these side effects, you are fortunate.