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Generic Name: Pravastatin Sodium

Brand Name: Pravachol

Pravachol Drug and Medication User Reviews

Yes it lowered my LDL and total cholesterol to 211 taking 20mg daily. Why only 20mg? Because at 40mg I suffered severe muscle and body aches. Pin prick sensations in my joints. Muscles felt so weak. Every day. I just couldn’t tolerate it. Still have some pain and weakness at 20mg. Trying to deal with it to get the benefits. But it’s hard. I tried another statin prior to Pravachol but had even worse side effects. Wish they would develop an affordable drug with the same benefits and not these side effects.

I was put on Pravastatin in order to reduce inflammation. I don't have high cholesterol. My doctor felt it was safe. I was only on it for four days and I had a severe reaction. Brain fog with visual vertigo, leg cramping, diarrhea, constipation, severe burning sensation on my face that radiated through my body. I have been off of it nearly a week after only taking 4 10mg pills and I am still experiencing side effects. My doctor does not understand why I would still be experiencing side effects at this point. I do not recommend Pravastatin.

Headaches. Muscle pain. Leg weakness.

I have been taking 80 mg Pravachol for about two weeks now. So far, I have not experienced any of the side effects many people have reported. About its effectiveness, I have yet to find out in my next blood draw in a couple of months.

muscle weakness dreadfull tried 4 statins all the same. try opti omega 3 ,plant sterols 3 a day, vitamink2 mk7,vitamin d ,my bones are repairing but not muscles. my cholesterol from 12.1 to 5.3 without statins. low fat diet and low sugar diet and herbal with no side effects

My doctor switched me from simvistatin to pravastatin because of the muscle weakness. However the weakness and leg pain is alot worse so I can barely walk after 8 hrs of work. I have been off of all cholesterol meds for 4 weeks to clear up the side effects with no relief, just more pain. I wasnt aware of the chance that the side effects may never go away so now not only do I need to figure out how to keep my cholesterol down, but how to learn to live with muscle weakness and pain. If anyone is considering this medication I suggest using in the smallest dose possible to start with to minimize the side effects but I dont recommend this drug.

I took them for about 3 months. I have always been relatively fit and coordinated person. I soon experienced severe muscle weakness, muscle pain, muscle wasting and brain fog. I literally had to sit down walking from the kitchen to the bedroom, but for a while, I did not realize why. When questioned, the doctor said, and I quote: "You are just going to have to find a way to deal with these side effects, 'cause you are going to be on them the rest of your life". This statin induced muscle weakness resulted in two severe falls, a torn rotator cuff and a permanent dent in my skull!! I took myself off the statins, went on CoQ10. It took about 6 months for my strength to return. Please.....BE VERY CAREFUL with these statins. They were poison to my body. I wonder how many older Americans out there are feeling weak and are in pain due to these prescribed meds. Had my side effects not been as severe and come on so quickly, they may have been played off as simply getting old.

I was taking another Crestor and it made my hips and shoulder joints ache. Took several months to make the connection. I stopped taking it and the joint pains got much better. Dr put me on generic Pravachol. Almost immediately the knee, joint, and should pain have returned, plus feeling generally lousy. Not positive this drug is the cause but I'm I'm going to stop taking it to see if I improve....again. PS it seems just recently statins are affecting me.

I took the generic RX of this drug,I had terrible pain in my hips and legs.While at the gym walking my legs gave out and I almost collapsed on the floor.It was aweful and no way Jose' will I take this crap again!!!

Switched from Lipitor after reading this drug reduces Diabetes risk up to 30% . Lipid levels need to be checked after two weeks.

I took Pravastatin for about 2.5 years. It was moderately effective in keeping my cholesterol down--the main benefit was raising my "good" cholesterol and lowering the "bad." However, after about 2 years, I started having leg cramps during the night, and leg soreness during the day. It progressively got worse; like you had never exercised a day in your life and suddenly went out and ran a marathon! Talked to my pharmacist on a Friday, and she said stop taking it over the weekend and call the doctor at the first of the week. Well, by Monday or so, all the pain was gone. I quit taking it and refuse to take another statin drug.

I have only been taking this drug for 4 months. It has lowered my overall cholesterol to about 90 and my LDL and HDL are all in satisfactory range. I have had absolutely no side effects thus far.

High level joint pains after only two weeks of use, fluid retention, feeling vague, inability to sleep, dark urine, feeling very tired, muscle weakness, reduced libido.

My cholesterol is now 159 & Triglycerides are 180

Prescribed as a substitute when Lipitor caused aches and pains in sacrum and ilia. Stopping Lipitor for 2 weeks stopped the pain. (Just started taking Pravachol, so star ratings above are there just because they are required.)

After being on this drug for 3 years ive noticed the last 2 years i hurt all the time and its all muscle pain. Its effecting my spine now and I went to dr last nite and he thinks its this med. I will be calling my dr on monday escially after reading all these review. Think its time to come off.

This drug gave me extreme,lower stomach pains, and cramps. I was unable to sleep at nights. I called my Dr. and was taken off for 2 weeks to see what becomes of this .

I've hair loss,depression,leg cramps.

After being on this for two weeks, I had to stop. I had tingling all over, numbness in face, nausea, headache, achy muscles and dizziness. Dr. had me stop and not take any statin for 2 weeks. Will try Lipitor then.

leg cranps, headaches,vision