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Generic Name: Cevimeline HCL

Brand Name: Evoxac

Evoxac Drug and Medication User Reviews

Was very effective used it for about 8 months an then i developed an allergy to it... Caused : " Throat Swelling " Felt like i couldnt breath an felt that my throat was closing off. I tried it again June 13th 2015 took it daily for about 4 days an then after that i had my reaction... swelling in/on throat an so i have stopped taking it. But i did like it, It gave me relief from severe dry mouth.

My nose runs constantly and I get chills but it helps.

This helps me to not have cotton mouth. It is amazing. I refilled it over the weekend and couldn't get it right away. I had to go two days without it. I was doing fine, but after two days I am getting the super dry mouth and tongue. Looking forward to starting it back up! It is expensive, but it works wonders!!!

I have had so many side effects that are bothersome I have tried quitting several times. I have to return to the mrdicine to get relief

I've been using this for several years now with excellent results. Takes 2-6 weeks for it to reach its full affect. I use it in combination with Hydroclorothiazed 12.5 for Diabetes Insipitus and Sjogren's. If I get cramps from sweating I make sure my potasium intake is around 3,000 mg per day. After a month of 2 a day I start using N-A-C 500mg and vitamin C 1,000 mg for a month and reduce Evoxac and see if my saliva glands will work on their own again. If not, Keep taking Evoxac as long as need be.

This medication has worked like magic on my dry mouth , however I am going to have to discontinue use due to severe nausea, stomach cramping, sweating and exhaustion. I am supposed to take three a day, and have gone down to one daily, but I still can't get out of bed due to side effects. I am very disappointed because it is obvious that this medicine really works, but what good is it if I am so sick I can't function?!

I have been taking Evoxac for dry mouth due to Sjogren's syndrome for a couple of years. I started out taking it once or twice a day, but now take it 3 times daily, as the effect does not last long. I try to take it with food, because on an empty stomach it kicks in very quickly and powerfully--too much effect at once! It is only helpful for 2-4 hours after each dose, but better than nothing. I have not had significant side effects, just a little extra sweating. If they could come up with a timed-release dose or a skin patch, it would be nearly perfect for my needs.

My energy level drops to zero in less than 1 hour of taking evoxac, stay nauseous which causes me to over eat and the RX helps my sore mouth but the side effects over ride any benefits. I gained 10 lbs. before i realized i was eating to keep from throwing up.

I have been taking this med for over a year. Works great for my dry mouth. No side effects

This gives me excessive sweating and serious night leg cramps.

I have Sjogren's Syndrome that causes severe dry mouth. This medication is the only thing I have fround that helps. About an hour after I take it I notice the effects. I started with 3 pills a day and am now up to 4. It very effective for about the first 3 or 4 hours, but anyone with this condition knows that relief from dry mouth for that long is great! I don't know how I was able to do without it.

Have taken for more than 6 years. Only could take 1 pill per day because of stomach issues. Worked really well until last few months. I am having severe leg cramps at night and plan to discontinue use.

I am modestly hopeful about this drug. I've been taking it for a week, and find that it does improve my severe dry mouth. I started taking it three times a day, but found that it causes insomnia and constipation, and am backing down to twice a day to see if it's still somewhat effective. It does peak about and hour after you take it, and the saliva that does get produced is very watery, not the normal, more viscous saliva that a normal person produces. I have read that, over time, Evoxac will help build up the mucins (the stuff that makes saliva a little gooier) which are also protective of the teeth. I don't think I will ever have a pre-Sjogren's level of moisture, but the best effect so far has been an improvement of my chronic and painful gastritis, caused by the lack of saliva (saliva neutralizes stomach acid),so for me that alone makes it worth it. No doctor I have ever seen understood this connection; it took reading an academic site on the internet after the fact to learn why it has improved the gastritis.

I have sygorgens syndrome and Lupus and started having problems with dry mouth but what really bothered me was my eyes they were so dry I felt I had sand in them. This medication helped with the dry eyes extremely well. Also my mucous membranes in my nose I noticed it helped. Not sure if it was just my wishful thinking but I didn't feel that they were as dry. I have been on it for about 2 years and it has worked wonderfully. Just do not take it late at nite or you will drool on your pillow. Gucky but kinda interesting since we are used to not having any salva EVER.

I had seroius dry mouth for over 15 yrs, long before taking any medications that exasperated this, but definitely worse with meds.ie bp,cholesterol etc. Evoxac was a God-Send. HOWEVER, after a lot of wasted dr appts. and tests, it turned out to be the definite cause of a deep chronic cough. I even methodically rotated through all my other meds in a process of elimination. Disappointment does not even cover it. It gave me freedom from carrying a water bottle everywhere. But the cough was unbearable to me and everyone around me. Since this is a low percentage side effect it took a long time to figure it out. HOW I WISH it had been anything else. Hopefully this may help some else if this problem develops. It isn't easily defined and is easlily missed. Simply stopping it will tell because the cough stops almost immediately. I've tried taking it once or twice since, and there is no doubt. I would rather give up every other medication if that would have solved the cough.

My doctor prescribed 3 pills/day. I cut it back to 1 because with 3 I had too much saliva and it made me disoriented. 1 pill/day works great for me.

I have been onthis drug for about 6yrs now, after being dianosed with Sjorgren's Syndrome, it has been very difficut with this diease as I cannot get doctors where I live to understand this SS. I have arthritis and a variety of other skin problems no one knows if this SS is the bbasic cause of all of my pain, also take Enbrel 1xaweek. But thank goodness my 1st rhemy Dr. put me on Evoxac, still educating people about this drug. Thanks, C. Pierson Stanwood, MI 49346

I have been on Evoxac for a year and a half, it works well about 1/2 hour after I take it, but the effect only lasts about one hour. Also I think it has made my acne prblem worse, has anyone else noticed this side effect ?