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Generic Name: Metroprolol

Brand Name: Dutoprol

Dutoprol Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medicine combination is a rip off. All it is is metoprolol ER and HCTZ, both are basically $ 10 generics. This is almost $ 200. Ask your Dr first before being 'duped' by Dutoprol.

THERE ARE MANY SIDE EFFECTS i HAD MOT OF THEM, sweating, ,lightheadness, fast fast heart beat, muscle cramps to the extreem, It'been more than a month and I still don't have the use's of my right are from massave muscle cramps, haven't been able to work becausse my right arm doesn't work and i have a lot of pain, confusion, dry mouth and just self lousy, mood was up and down, and I felt bad every day i took it and it got worst each day. It's a real bad drug and very dangerious. It been more than a month and I still haven't recovered from all the side effects.

My mother is taking this horrendous drug which should be taken off the market. How can the FDA and "doctors" all this poison to be taken? My mother is experiencing a lot of the severe symptoms. I would like to feed her doctor to the wolves allowing this. We just read the side affects. Worse side effects: vision loss, hair loss, a lot of fatiuge..............the quality of my mother's life at 87 obviously has never been considered by her doctor.

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