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Generic Name: Citalopram Hydrobromide

Brand Name: Celexa

Celexa Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have struggled on and off through adulthood with anxiety and obsessive thoughts. I had a major episode after the birth of my child 20 years ago. My doctor at that time put me on Prozac, which helped, but took a long time to start working and had some undesirable side-effects. When I had another major episode 5 years ago, my new doctor prescribed Celexa (Citalopram) 40mg and it was a miracle for me! It started to work very quickly - within the first 2 weeks (much faster than Prozac) and had far fewer side-effects. I have been slowly decreasing my dosage over the years and now take 10mg per day, and that is enough to keep the trouble at bay. I haven't had a single episode since starting Celexa. I also exercise daily to keep the stress low and eat a healthy diet. I know not every medicine works well for every person, but Celexa is certainly one worth trying if your doctor recommends it. Please don't give up hope. Keep trying, and you will find something that is right for you!

I noticed this medicine helped with my bad temper. I no longer get irritated or lose my patience with people or myself. It’s helped with my anxiety and depression. The only side effects I experienced at the beginning was diarrhea and mild nausea. Overall it’s pretty effective.

It helped so much in the beginning but then it just “stopped” on me, It made me feel really worse so I had to stop. One of the most best medications I’ve been on though

didn't really work for me

I have taken Celexa for 17 years. My quality of life improved after about 6 weeks and I have never looked back. I wish I had been given thus drug as a teenager. My life would have been so much better then.

I have been taking celexa for about 3 months for depression. I didn’t notice a difference until the second month and I really have felt different by this month. I had no motivation at all. Since I’ve started a lot has changed. I would recommend it.

38 yr old female. Initially I started taking celexa for depression and mild ocd. Been on celexa about 8 yrs now. During these 8 years I have developed extreme anxiety, worse depression, worse ocd, hair pulling, head shaving, skin picking, social phobias, psychotic episodes... I went from being able to hold a job to now being on psychiatric disability. I have tried weaning off this medication and all these effects become 100x worse. Shaving my head turns into cutting into my scalp. This medication has ruined me. I literally cannot function on this medication and I cannot get off it. Celexa has ruined me.

I keep forgetting simple words or use the wrong ones (completely out of my character)

I was having uncontrollable anxiety attacks. Started taking Celexa and it stopped my anxiety attacks, calmed down my heart palpitations, and improved my mood! Been taking it several months now. Would recommend!

at first, Celexa was my saving grace. It pulled me out of a very dark point in my life. slowly after 6 months, it stopped working, and then began working against me. it intensified my symptoms of depression. I went from feeling full of life to more suicidal than I'd ever been before. I started sleeping for upwards of 16 hours a day. I stopped attending school and when I did I slept in class. I slept, not because I was fatigued, but because I didn't want to be awake. Sleep was the closest I could get to death without hurting anyone. I'd wake up angry that I didn't die in my sleep. I dreamt about killing myself. I'd never before wanted to die so badly. this effect made me not want to take it at all. I'd talk to my doctor and he'd up my dose and contact me 2 weeks later to check in. Usually I was doing better. but after a month, I was back in the same pattern of living without wanting to live. this happened 3 times, and after the third time, my doctor had to take me off of it because I was so miserable and depressed that I didn't even realize it was the fault of the medication and instead blamed myself for being too depressed to be helped. Personally, I would not recommend Celexa to anyone.

I will never take Celexa again, not only was it totally ineffective, but I even had major side effects one of them being self-harm when I had never before I started taking it and never after I stopped.

I've been taking Celexa 10 mg. for depression for 2 weeks. I've experienced Terrible headaches, Nausea...(Bad stomach aches

I felt like the depression was at bay, but it made my anxiety skyrocket. The side effects were extreme—either not enough sleep or I’d sleep the entire day, always felt unwell and nauseous, horrible headaches. I’m currently on week three of coming off of 20mg, and I keep forgetting simple words or use the wrong ones (completely out of my character)..!

Was switched to Celexa after Cipralex started not working for me. Celexa makes me sweat and cannot get a full nights sleep.

I have been taking Celexa since it was first available. Previously, I had taken Zoloft for many years. The Zoloft began giving me severe heartburn, so I had to stop taking it. Celexa controls my clinical depression. Without the medication, I am angry and unable to interact with others without being abrupt and hurtful. I really like that it doesnâ??t take a great length of time to get back into your system if you are without it for a few days. I am pleased with this medication as it allows me to function in my daily life.

I have been taking Celexa for around 6 months after being diagnosed with agoraphobia. Before starting treatment with this medication I was riddled with anxiety and would pretty much only leave my house to go to work and worried constantly that I would have a panic attack in front of people or I would be inside a place like a grocery store and have to leave due to the stress of it all. Sometimes I couldn’t even get out of my car to go inside. Since I have been taking Celexa, my symptoms are definitely lessened. It’s a work in progress but Celexa is definitely helping. As far as side effects, I’ve only had one negative and that is a complete loss of interest in physical intimacy.

I started out with 10mg and it helped with my depression tremendously. The first week or so on it was horrible with all the side effects (dry mouth, night sweats, headache), but I stuck it out and am really glad I did. I recently increased to a 20mg dose because I was still experiencing quite a bit of anxiety w/the smaller dose. Some depression meds make you drowsy/spacey but Celexa hasnâ??t made me that way at all. I highly recommend giving it a try!

Worked great for the depression, but left me not caring about anything. No sexual desire.

Please have your doctor start you on a lower milligram ( im on 10mg ) if you deal with rapid heartbeat and more anxiety during 1st couple weeks ....but I must tell you after two weeks of taking off work and toughing this out ,my anxiety and severe panic attacks from underlying issues an non stop drinking habit to cope finally came into play an this drug has me living life again.

I do feel a lot better since I began taking this medication. I do hope to improve future, as I've only been on this medication for about 3 weeks.