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Generic Name: Clindamycin Phosphate, Tretinoin

Brand Name: Ziana Gel

Ziana Gel Drug and Medication User Reviews

Exellent product,the best I've ever tried for acne and blemishes and I've tried multiple products over 30 years. It really minimizes acne and acne scarring for me

I have been using this for the last 6 months once a day. My doctor said this would treat and prevent my acne without drying out my skin. I haven't noticed a big change in my skin. Since I started using this, my pimples went away, however I still get frequent whiteheads and blackheads. Overall, its not drying at all, but I will probably ask for a different acne cream next time.

Well as for me I'm on my 2nd month with ziana. My skin is still purging with small white heads and minimal skin flaking. I have noticed some smoother areas on my face and brighter skin on chin. I'm still gonna stick to using it faithfully like my dermatologist instructed. I'm being positive, patience is the key. I'm hoping I will see more better improvement in another month. I will post another review soon.

I have the dryest and most sensitive skin ever. I started using this product about two years ago and in the long run, my skin looks SO much better. I used to have awful acne, I couldn't tough my face without feeling tons of bumps, and now I only get an occasional 1 or 2 zits if I'm super stressed or not drinking enough water. But for everyone who's only been using it a week or so and is worried, don't be. I didn't start seeing results until I had been using it for about 6 months. Just moisturize moisturize MOISTURIZE! I cannot stress this enough! 1. wash your face. 2. ziana. 3. moisturize (one without any oils or harsh chemicals or harsh scents.) it burned me at first and now it doesn't in the slightest. give it time :)))

i have been taking ziana for almost a week and all it has done is burned my face, made it break out, and made it peel very bad. i am very scared of the IBD and bloody diarrhea i have read about. i have minor acne and i don't feel like messing up my internal organs for clear skin. ugh i don't know what to do honestly.

I am a 41 year old female who has always suffered from acne, but started getting cyst-like acne on my chin, and just under it about 6 years ago. Nothing, I mean nothing has worked for this type of acne for me. The cysts were large, painful and would last sometimes two weeks. I finally found this ziana gel from a dermatologist that I visited for something unrelated. It's like a miracle. I'm no longer self conscious or constantly picking or covering up my face with concealer. It will burn a little on about day two or three after you start. Don't give up on it. Also, your face will peel after the first week. This goes away soon. Please take my advice, and before you start using ziana, buy a vitamin C serum off of amazon- around 18 dollars for a small bottle. Wash your face with a cleanser that does not contain an acid, like grapefruit, or the burning will be worse. Just before your face dries, apply a light layer of the vitamin C serum. Allow it to absorb and make a protective barrier on your face. Then, apply a very light layer of the ziana gel. Avoid getting it near your lips or eye lids. Ouch. After the ziana is dry, apply your moisturizer- one that isn't heavy in perfumes or acids. Now you are ready for bed. In the morning wash your face and use the vitamin C serum before it dries. This will save your skin from drying, peeling and purging. Only use the ziana at night. Avoid bright sunlight.

Ziana has provided very good results treating my adult acne problem. However, it leaves a very shiny sheen on my face. It is like my face has been varnished.


I have been taking Ziana for a week now and my skin has never been drier. I have red, almost scab like raw areas. Has anyone else experiences this? Does the dryness get better?

I had Acne when I was younger, and it seemed to stop on its own when I turned about 20. When I hit about 28 it seemed to have started coming back, after trying a ton of OTC Acne medications I went to the doctor and he prescribed Ziana. The first 2 weeks were difficult, but after that it cleared my Acne and also made my skin look smoother, even toned/firm and reduced the size of the pores on my face. For me, personally, this is a wonder product. I thank my dermatologist every time I see him.

At 52 my acne was worse than when I was in my teens! I was getting cystic acne on my chin and cheeks. Is would take weeks for them to clear up and then they left scars. My dermatologist prescribed Ziana and I could tell a remarkable difference after only using it for a couple of days. I also noticed lightening of age spots and reduction of fine lines. I have used Aczone in the past and it didn't come close to working for me like Ziana! I'm in love with this product!

I followed the directions by using a pea size amount of gel on my face for 2 days. When I woke up on the 3rd day, I had broken out in a horrible dark red rash on my face. Over the following 3 days, the rash proceeded to spread all over my body, including my palms and bottoms of my feet. The rash is extremely itchy and I am miserable. I have been running a fever as high as 101 F throughout the day as well as having a miserable headache. My doctor told me I was probably allergic to Clindamycin. I've been taking Prednisone and Benadryl tablets for 5 days. I was using Benadryl lotion on the rash, but it did not help the itching. My dermatologist prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream 0.1% to use on my skin twice a day. This cream is providing some relief from the itchy rash. It's been 6 days now that I have been suffering. I hate the company that makes this gel because their website did not list the side effects that I'm experiencing. I do not appreciate being used as a guinea pig. I am praying this rash goes away soon so I can once again enjoy my life.

I am 50 years old and have had cystic acne for about 35 years. Sadly, it is far worse now than when I was in my teens,20's or 30's. The Ziana cleared up the cystic bumps right away with no redness, peeling or any other problems. If I skipped an application however, I would get a new bump within a day. Now, after about 1 year of using Ziana, I have begun to wake up with badly swollen eyes. As the swelling goes down, my eye lids are red, itchy, painfully cracked and peeling! Not sure what to do now. If I stop using it, I get cystic acne again with a day or two. Anyone else have anything like this happen to them? I do wash my hands after applying the Ziana.

This did a good job of clearing up my mild/moderate acne BUT for me, the side effects out weighed the benefits. I started having hot flashes, facial sweating...im not at the age for menapause either.

Ziana left this sticky feeling on my face. And, it didn't help with my acne at all! I used about 3/4 of the tube before I finally gave up and threw it away. Waste of money.

My 18YR OLD daughter used Ziana for about 3wks. After about 2weeks she started having bloody diarrhea,and severe stomach cramping. We realized that this was a side effect of this drug and she stopped immediately. It is 7 months later and she is still suffering from these severe side effects and she has had every GI test under the sun. This medicine has caused so much pain and discomfort and she is still not well. Please be advised that this SEVERE SIDE EFFECT which "they" say rarely happens HAPPENED.

This is the first time a treatment in a 4-year battle against acne that finally gave me the results I was looking for. I've tried many products like Pro-Active, Clean and Clear, and Acne Free Severe. I've used each of those products for almost a year switching to another if it didn't work. Then my friend told me about Ziana and not even a month later I see the effectiveness of this medication. My acne has stopped dead in its tracks and everyday there's been less and less of those persistent bumps on my face.

been using this product on and off. never really had a great result. I continue to use it hoping that it will reduce the amount of scarring that I will eventually have. note : i was on SOLODYN!*** for a couple of years and now I have severe liver problems due to this. please be careful with SOLODYN and any other antibiotic that you take for acne. im 20 and already have liver issues due to taking antibiotics.

I had never had a major break out so when like 15 bumps appeared on my forehead and chin i ran to the doctor to stop what ever was happening. He recommended Ziana gel along with solodyn. I was suggested to apply at night all over my face. On about the 6th day i was traveling and i woke up and areas of my face felt raw and sore... very concerned i stopped using my ziana and went online to see what others thought of the product. by the next day and after putting plenty of moisturizer the tender areas began to peel. I was afraid that Ziana had burned me and i was going to look worse than before i started, but within about 3 days everything was back to normal and a little better like as if i had a chemical peel. after a day or two more i noticed a few new small bumps starting to appear so i decided to start back with my Ziana every other day. I actually notice a glow again! The redness and tenderness never happened again. It totally keeps bumps at bay and now i use it every day. I feel it has somehow lessened the appearance of fine lines under my eyes. And I do not have not one bump right now.

It been 4 weeks with Ziana, Spironolactone, aczone gel and Yaz birth control. My skin has improved about 75%, face is much smoother and radiant. First 2 weeks was purging last 2 weeks I have seen a great difference and I am sure it will continue to get better. I had very little flaking but moisturizer takes that problem away. I dont like the greasy feeling it leaves but I rather sleep with a greasy face knowing the next morning my face will be smooth and radiant.