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Generic Name: trihexyphenidyl

Brand Name: Artane oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I must say it does it’s job well as I may have had one faint myoclonic jerk on it. That said, and my bipolar may play a part in this, but to say this medication affected my cognitive abilities and memory is an understatement. I literally can not recall any memory of my time on this crap except for very faint delusional thoughts here and there!!! If you want dementia, by all means. Also the junk is so dangerous, it is to be tapered in the most exact way to avoid harm

Uweeeh?! I took haripladol, ended up with a muscle pull in my neck. My head being pulled to one side and one side of my body paralyzed... It was hell!!! I even forgot how to walk. I rushed to the nearest Chemist but they don't offer the meds without a doctor's prescription. So I was rushed to the hospital and after being inserted the drip to flush the haripladol from my veins, I was given Artane and though it took a while for the muscle pull to really disappear, Artane was prolly a life saver. It gave me nausea and after I stopped using it for 3 days as instructed by the doctor, I lost appetite and having a massive diarrhea accompanied by a tummy ache. But again, artane was worth it!

I have cervical dystonia. After trying every drug suggested, Artane was definitely a game changer for Was also receiving Botox injections for years along with Artane. Had DBS surgery which was successful and do not require Botox injections, and my Artane reduced to 2Mg /twice daily. I have tried to do with out the Artane and could not do it.....still take it today


It has off label uses like RLS,works as a drying agent,has antidepressant value,and help relax spasms. It is not controlled and is dirt cheap.

It feels like I'm taking morphine. Makes me giddy and tired. Also, I feel heavy and slow when walking. It feels like there's extra gravity pulling me down. My only problem with this drug is that it causes paresthesia (pins and needles and arm numbness). It's moderately effective at reducing akathisia. I take 2.5 mg a day.

It makes crave food as well a sex. It also makes me move my bowels.

It makes me feel High and drowsy. It also makes me want sex. If I do have sex, the orgasm is heightened.

Using it to offset potential side effects of higher dosage of Abilify. Thus far, I have not experienced any EPS.

Oral mandibular dystonia. Helps somewhat.

So far it has helped ease the the spasms around my eyes but not the actual eyelid which spasms and stings. No one seems to listen to me as the eyelid is the worse of it and all doctors I have seen just seem to dismiss this part of whatever is going on with me. My eyelids are swollen every day and sting and go into spasms. Around the eye/above eyebrow has seemed to stop when I take the medicine.

I have taken Artane for 16 years for Dystonia. At the beginning I was unable to walk one block. Nowadays I can dance the Tango on 17 to 21 mg/day. I discovered that in France, they make Parkinane LP (Libération Prolongée = Sustained Release). The advantage is that you don't have to take it all day but it takes effect all day. I can take 9mg with Breakfast, I experience no "high" and I can function normally the whole day at a desk job. Then, if I'd like to dance, I take another 10mg+ of the faster acting Artane. The Parkinane is very reasonably priced in France 3 Euros for 20x5mg.

i have trouble reaching orgasim

I have closed-mouth dystonia. All this drug did for me was make me want to sleep all time.

I suffer from Dystonia. After trying several treatment options over 2yrs, Artane has been the most successful at eleminating the muscle spasms and relaxing things. The side effects for me include mild depression, drossiness, constipation, memory loss, however the benefits do outweigh the side effects. I keep fighting!!

Loss of weight

I took abilify and it caused tardive dyskenesia. I was prescribed 10 mg of Artane. It was too much for me. It made me have EXTREME short term memory loss for a few hours. After several doses, it started to make me naseous and the only way to stop it was to drink orange juice with lots of pulp. Now I only take a quarter of a 5mg pill every now and it has kept my sypmtoms away. A note: the brand Danbury is better than the Qualitest brand. Danbury doesn't upset my stomach like Qualitest does.

i have only been on artane fer 3 days and can tell a difference,,hope it gets better