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Generic Name: Clopidogrel Bisulfate

Brand Name: Plavix

Plavix Drug and Medication User Reviews

what color

I agree with comment made by "Whats this face". Plavix is a strong blood thinner which prolong usage can lead to bleeding in the body. If I used it I would take only 1/2 a tablet each day.

Plavix caused me to have drug-induced Lupus. I am miserable with flu like symptoms, chills, fatigue, just feeling of like I either have the flu or am getting very sick. I am glad it seems to work for most people,

I’ve been taking Plavix for about 5 years, stopped for awhile on my own which was a big mistake. Had to have emergency bypass on femoral artery because of stopping. No side effects, take with an aspirin every day.

Irritates my Bladder. Causing itching ,tingling in my groin area if i keep taking it starts stinging in my groin area soreness in my rectum and right side just below my buttocks

I have been taking this for 3 years due to multiple strokes. Only issue I have is not being able to stop taking for seven days to receive a shot in my neck for spinal stenosis.

Two strokes 20 years ago- have been on Plavix (and others) daily for 20 years with no (I mean NO)side effects at all. Yes some nose bleeds and some bruising but no big deal

Fuzzy confusion do not feel right

Losing eyebrows and body hair ...upper lip hair not growing back after waxing..hair thinning ..been on since Dec.2015

My experience with this drug is that the only side effect is that I bruise alot. I cannot take any other medicines that contain aspirin.

I took Plavix since an episode about 7 years ago at the direction of my Cardiologist. During that time, I had no significant side effects other than more pleading than normal when I would injure myself. About a month ago, while shaving, I cut a very small place -- almost microscopic -- on my face. It immediately started bleeding profusely. My wife and I patched it up and I headed off to a 7:15 am meeting. During the meeting, someone pointed out that my shirt collar and the upper part of the shirt on that side was drenched in blood. Needless to say, I left the meeting rather embarrased. I had another meeting at 11:00 with my boss's boss. At about 10:15, my wife and I still had not been able to stop the flow of blood. I subsequently went to a medical clinic where they applied Silver Nitrate for 30 minutes straight in order to get the bleeding to stop. I immediately left a message with my Cardiologist about what had happened, so we discontinued Plavix and started a low-dose aspirin per day. I am still mystified how I could go all those years and not have a problem like that until a month ago. I even had three surgeries during the time on Plavix with no notations of excessive bleeding. Stange stuff!

I would like to know if any one has experience severe heartburn and constipation while taking this medicine...was on for a year in 09 after heart attack and 4 stents, don't remember having any problem.. now the DR. Put me on because I had a TIA..Now heartburn and Constipation.

Bruise easy,red spots on arms and where ever I bump myself.

After three Strokes, I depend on this Drug to keep me alive. I Suffer from micro vascular disease.

been taking plavix for ten years!

this drug gave me terrible side effects. numbness of the face, burning tongue, terrible ringing in the ears

After taking this medication for 14 months I wound up bleeding from the large intestine and came very close to dying! I required 3 pints of blood and 2 saline solutions to get back to any resemblance to normal. This is a very dangerous drug that came awful close to killing me!