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Generic Name: nizatidine

Brand Name: Axid oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication worked for me for 30 years until it became unavailable over a year ago. i wish i could obtain it again. Why is it not available ?

I have been using Axid for many years now and find it better at relieving all of my symptoms of heartburn, acid indigestion, burning throat related to certain foods or eating late. I'm finding it hard to locate now. What's up with this??? IT'S WONDERFUL!!! Please tell me where to get it now that Wal-Mart doesn't carry it any longer.

This works very quickly to relieve stomach discomfort when eating foods that contain onions or peppers, or if I have heartburn from Gerd

I am not able to tolerate PPI's for my esophageal condition. My doctor had me try Axid and it has worked like a charm! Most popular drugstores carry this med by prescription.

i had sudden stomach problems and my doctor gave me this drug -i take pain medication also for other injuries--this medication erased all stomach problems and i lost the desire to drink any alcoholic drinks(good thing) i recommend this drug over prilosic

I was taking Prilosec OTC for years and not getting better. A new doctor switched me to this and my symptoms went away in two weeks.

Axid was a very successful medication for my pre-ucler status. After taking it for a period of approximately one month, my condition improved greatly. I found the condition cleared and I have been without any ucler related problems until this year. At the present time I am having ucler related problems again and have been unable to locate any store that carries Axid. Is it still available? I certainly prefer Axid over some of the other medications I have been prescribed and would like to be able to purchase Axid now.


I have stomach problems for a very long time and this the only thing I have found that works for me. My doctor gave this to me and it seems to be doing its job. I had a test done on my stomach and it showed that the medicine was healing my ulcers within a week after I started taking it. I thank GOD for it because I am ready to go without the stomach pains and the problems.