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Generic Name: Conjugated Estrogens

Brand Name: Premarin

Premarin Drug and Medication User Reviews

Premarin is PREgnant MAre uRINe. As a horse owner I would no more put my mouth around their cloaca, than take this medication for my menopausal symptoms. As well, the foals created from the impregnated mares are often slaughtered either at birth or some time afterwards. The mares themselves stand around in stalls hooked up to ‘collection equipment’. Don’t believe me? It’s googleable. It’s barbaric and I can’t believe that in the 21st century this kind of thing is still going on.

Please don't take this drug. "Premarin" stands for "pregnant mare urine" and that's exactly what its made of. Horses are kept in terrible conditions, always kept pregnant, discarding the foals, in order to collect their urine. There are other alternatives available. Please talk to your doctor about alternatives to this medicine

I have had only 2 reactions from this treatment. Occasional sore breasts, and stomach acid reflex. Without it I am miserable with night sweats and hot-flashes. I have taken Premarin for 20 years, (6.25) after a complete hysterectomy at age 42, but each time I try to go off of it, the hot-flashes are miserable! So back on I go! Guess I am a lifer!

Partial hysterectomy age 45, now 71 yrs old and have reduced my Premarin to the lowest does .3 for the last ten yrs. Tried going off it at age 60. Hot flashes were bearable but had great difficulty sleeping. So I�m back on it and sleeping well so I prefer to take Premarin for the rest of my life. My bones are fine so is my weight.

Iâ??m 71 years of age. I had a total hysterectomy at the age of 38. I was placed on Premarin and remained so up to a year ago, at which time I became concerned about breast cancer and blood clots. I remained off this med the past year plus. Iâ??ve developed hot flashes, chills, foggy feeling, weight gain and fatigue. I decided to see an endocrinologist. He explained to me that I had inadvertently placed myself into menopause. He also recommended I read â??Oestrogen Mattersâ?. After doing so I made an appointment to see my gynecologist and have been placed back on my â??Premarinâ?. Happy to say doing much better.

I was prescribed this medication when I had a complete hysterectomy at 47. I am now 68 and have been on it ever since. About 10 years ago, I began having extreme vaginal and vulva discomfort to the point of desperation! I was hesitant to tell my gynecologist or anyone else about it and just tried to treat the issue myself. Finally it was just too much, so I scheduled an appt. and asked for help. I was encouraged to take my hormone replacement medication as prescribed, as I was not diligent in that area, and was prescribed a temporary additional premarin cream treatment, to get everything under control. Thank goodness!! The discomfort was immediately corrected! Just recently I began having similar symptoms and did not hesitate to consult my Dr. He increased my dosage to the 1.25 level and the problem is solved! Happy, Happy, Happy! I have had several of my friends mention similar symptoms to what I experienced who were, as I was, unfamiliar with what could be the cause other than infection. One was even seeing a urologist who was continually treating her for a urinary tract infection! I recognized the symptoms she described and suggested she see her OBGYN. She did, was prescribed Premarin. The symptoms cleared up! No more urologist visits. Women sometimes don't talk about this issue due to embarrassment and think they must have yeast infections that just won't go away, or some other condition to cause such extreme discomfort when it may just be insufficient hormones! I would give up just about any other prescription other than this one. My insurance covers it except for a copay, but if money was a factor I would do without something else!!

I had a complete hysterectomy at age 24. Today I am 72 and still on it. The dose has been lowered over the years from what I started with. I tried other brands in the begining, because of price, but will never try that again. Premarin is worth every dollar they charge. It truly is the best product you can use.

Does Premarin cause weight gain

No problems except if I don't take it . gp3rzp

I just recently started premarin.I was woundering how long will i take this meds. before i start feeling better?

I hsve been taking Premarin 0.625 mg for over 30 years due to a surgical menopause following 2 years of battling Endometriosis. Without it I am miserable with hot flashes, mood swings and irritability. This drug has saved me sanity and I feel wonderful.

Please look up how this drug is manufactured before you decide to take it. Horses suffer and die in the process which collects the urine of pregnant mares. The foals created are an unwanted byproduct. Most by far do not survive. Together we can stop this abuse.

I am 63 and have been taking 2 x 1.25mg Premarin the past 26 years after a full hysterectomy,no weight gain or any medical problems.I feel fantastic!

I have tried to quit the Premarin several times since having a complete hysterectomy in my late 40s(I am now 73) The only "side effect" was the misery when I was off of the meds-horrible hot flashes and mood swings which were intense. Needless to say, I went back on and feel fine. I just heard from my insurance that Medicare/supplement ins. will not cover the Premarin. After finding out that it would cost about $500 for a 3 month supply if I paid for it myself, I discovered that Walgreens will give an AARP discount so my cost will be $120 for three months. It is a bit more than before, but I can cope with $40 more per 3 months. There is no problem getting the prescription from the doctor, just having insurance cover it. The alternative meds the insurance suggested were anti-depressants and seizure meds. Wacky! After I looked up all the meds they suggested, the possible side effects were worse than any warnings on the Premarin.

Operation in 1972 age 23. Previous tubal operation went bad reason for complete removal. Was on pills most of my 20's. In the 1980 was unable to buy pills was off until mid 1990. I now have heart and other problems. I have been back on Premarin since 2000. I will take them for the rest of my life.

my mother was on this medicine and she ended up in the hospital with pancreastitis and the doctor told her it was this medicine along with one other

BEWARE: All Premarin products are made from the urine of mares who are kept pregnant in cramped inhumane conditions. Do your homework to verify. Also, documented use can cause serious physical conditions, which is why you're told not to use it for long...duh! BECOME INFORMED!