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Generic Name: Testopel (testosterone)

Testopel Reviews

For Hypogonadism, Male "Started TRT in my early 40's. Creams worthless, injections worked but every week with the wave of ups and downs? Started testopel several years ago. Love it! I get 15-16 pellets every 90 days. My insurance covers so that's a big bonus. Nothing else gave me the increases to my levels and the consistency. Yes the incision is sore for a few days and bruises. Yes, over time it's creating scar tissue that only my wife sees. However, my quality of life is so greatly improved these are minor things. My natural levels are around 200. With Testopel I get into the 800's."

For Hypogonadism, Male "You are not going to get immediate results with Testopel. It took me 17 days last time before I felt like a champ. You just have to give Testopel some time, and you will throw rocks at gels and shots. I have insurance that pays for most of mine, but I would definitely not be on Testopel if I didn't, just because it costs so much."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I have age-related low T ( age 69). Turns back the clock to about 40 (mentally maybe 18. I see beautiful women everywhere.) Enables me to retain the active life I want for sports, sex and creative enthusiasm in my work. The procedure is briefly painful with an antibiotic shot on one side and anesthesia shot before the pellets. Some slight ache at the site for a few days and a small lump that owly disappears over 3-4 months. My very careful urologist repeats labs for T levels and PSA for safety and medical necessity before each repeat. Medicare covers only 6 pellets every 90 days. I pay $4-500 for an extra 4. Well worth it to me to get back the life I want."

"I am about to do my 4th treatment. I have used Androgel and injections, and nothing has worked like this. You have to give it at least 2 weeks after the treatment to see the full effect. It has really worked for me. My symptoms go away until about 2 weeks before my next treatment. That is the only issue."

For Hypogonadism, Male "35 y/o male. Pre levels 200-280. On/Off Testopel 2.5 yrs. It really does the trick for me. It takes the right doc, labs & patient. Be persistent, you deserve to feel good again. Hoping this post helps others as there seems to be conflicting & an overall lack of information online about pellets. I have more clarity, focus, drive, libido and just getting stuff done like I used to in life. It ebbs downward towards end of month 3-4. Coming off this last time I really noted how much Testopel improves my daily life. I take an estrogen inhibitor. Butt will hurt 2-3 wk. Get as high up as the doc can. My doc inserts in love handles. This is rare. I could not find another doc that does this. If you do, try it. I get a hematoma in both the cheek or flank but given the alternative I say it's worth it. Procedure is easy & painless, it's the subsequent swelling that's annoying solely because you sit there. Never had pellets push out, never had infection, insurance covers it, life is good."

For Hypogonadism, Male "Took shots for years kept my level at about 1000. Everything great. I thought I would do the pellets for convenience and consistency. It is consistent but my levels come back at 600 now, no drive, weak erections. Weight gain. Never had a problem before. Took a shot yesterday woke up hard. Feel better. My advice? If the shots are working don't mess it up"

For Hypogonadism, Male "After being on Androgel for about a year and not feeling better I decided to switch to Testopel. Got my first implants of 10 pellets of Testopel 7 days ago and I still have the low testosterone symptoms."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I am the wife of a husband who was put on testosterone therapy of various forms through the years. I can honestly say it is ruining our marriage. My husband is 50 years old and we have one young son. My husband's personality is different. His sex drive is abnormal and embarrassing at times. I have strong fears that my son was exposed to the gel that he was initially prescribed. The doctor who prescribed it did not do enough to warn my husband of the huge risk of my son being exposed. "

For Hypogonadism, Male "I am a two time testicular cancer survivor. My body no longer produces testosterone. I am 30 years old and this will be for the rest of my life. I was on Andro gel for about 2 and a half years. The last I would say 8 months I felt like complete crap. Depression and always tired and lethargic. Didn't feel like doing anything. No motivation for anything. I just had my second round of testopel about a week and a half ago and I love it. The first time I got it I felt the difference within the first week. Same with this second go round. I have more energy. The only problem I have, is that on both times my incision site leaks and one pellet did fall out. Other than that I love this stuff."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I have had low T for years .. I have tried the gel and shots every two weeks with little results. The implants have worked for me. I have 10 pellets implanted every three and a half months. Soon after I feel my libido increase and my energy increase. My levels stay high and has helped my sex life. But no change in muscle mass. This is the answer to my problem... recommend it."

For Hypogonadism, Male "(52 yrs old male) 240 t level. 10 pellets on 10/2017. Insertion was smooth no pain, no swelling. In my case I start feeling the full effects in about two months. And they lasted for about three month after that. During that time I felt awesome. Like back on my twenties. After that I feel normal on my own. Now after two years with t level of 294 I'm getting a second shot. 8/2019. My wife and I are very happy with the treatment. "

For Hypogonadism, Male "I am a 58 year old. Testopel: Ist insertion 12 pellets was quick, extreme bruising and soreness for a week (remedied with ice 2nd insertion). Expected results were excellent. Like a bell curve for me 1st week waited for levels to come up and they did, improvement in strength and fat loss, slight weight loss (still believe that 95% of this is your eating). After 12 weeks started to notice shift back to perception of low t and at 16 week mark level was under 300. 2nd insertion 14 pellets same results at 12 weeks today and starting to feel same way. Calling Dr. to see if I can get in early after we see blood test."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I've been on TRT for 10 years, was managed well initially with injections, saw a new MD who switched me to testopel. I have not had a great response, I am on maximal dosage 2 compounded pellets added. The levels of Free T I achieve are only good for about a month to month and a half post implant. It has been a year since starting them, I do not like them and will request to return to injections. This is just my experience, I understand it works well for many others. My T levels total when diagnosed was 54 ng/dl. I have crashed multiple times going below 90 twice."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I am now 41. I was first Diagnosed with Low T when I was 35. I had no sex drive, no morning erections, trouble keeping erections, etc. I was on the injections for about 5 years. Much like the others, it worked but the constant ups and down was annoying. The weekly visits to the Dr was also becoming an issue. I went to a new urologist after moving, and he suggested Testopel. I didn’t think my insurance covered it, but they do. I just had my 3rd insertion last week. I am an advocate. I love this stuff. I have not felt this consistently good since I was a teenager. My libido is back and I have more energy that I sometimes know what to do with. I vote “YES”"

For Hypogonadism, Male "I was previously on the weakly shots to address my low T - I didn't care for it. Too much up and down in a short period of time. I went to Testopel 10 years. I have it twice a year (every 6 months), 16 pellets. it's addressed my low T, but it does have side effects. my muscle mass and weight have soared (I'm 20 pounds heavier in 10 years) - I went up a couple of clothes sizes. You generally do not lose weight on testopel unless you are overweight to start with. My whole body is different with muscle mass. but my weight follows my T cycle. I lose 6-10 pounds in my last two months before my next testopel insertion, but then gain it all back 1-3 months in. Literally my weight mirrors my T levels - a bell curve. the procedure is not fun - deep muscle shots to numb you up and then the side of my butt they did it on hurts like hell for about a week - but at this point, it's still for me the best option"

For Hypogonadism, Male "Testopel is a real pain in the ass after insertion. Soreness for a whole week in ass cheek. That being said it really helps with my mood and the way I feel about myself. More energy . Helps me put on some weight as I'm kind of skinny. Seems to me it takes a little longer than injections to start feeling good. Overall good experience with it."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I gained 21 lbs in 20 days.. sure..my level ..as clinically measured was 600 smack dab in the middle but did I feel stronger libido?..no more muscle..no..(unless fat is muscle) more mental clarity?..no I can't say one good thing about this stuff.. it's worth is worthless... at best.. but if you want to tell your friends your "t" level is up.. well..you can!"

For Hypogonadism, Male "For the most part I like the testopels. No gel would absorb into my system well enough. Also giving myself weekly shots wasn't working very well. It takes me about 3 to 5 days for me to notice they are working. After that I get either 2 1/2 months to 3 months of testosterone. I get 12 pellets implanted when my levels reach 300 or below. What is my only issue is, once it starts to get low I really get sluggish. But knowing I can go right at 90 days without thinking about it makes it my right choice."

More about Testopel (testosterone)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (7)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: androgens and anabolic steroids
  • Breastfeeding

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Professional resources

  • Testopel prescribing information
  • Testosterone (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

AndroGel, Xyosted, Jatenzo, Depo-Testosterone, ... +10 more

Other formulations

  • Testopel Pellets

Related treatment guides

  • Delayed Puberty, Male
  • Hypogonadism, Male
  • Postpartum Breast Pain
  • Breast Cancer, Palliative