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Generic Name: Conjugated Estrogens and Bazedoxifene Tablets

Brand Name: Duavee

Duavee Drug and Medication User Reviews

My only complaint about taking Duavee is soreness of neck and upper chest. I really notice this about 1 year into taking this medication. I thought it was my bed; pillows; etc. Then I started to ease off Duavee; taking it every other day; notice my neck pain started to ease up. Iâ??m weaning myself off this medication. Now every time I take it, within an hour my neck pain comes back! Definite duavee. If it wasnâ??t for that, itâ??s perfect for me. No weight gain, skin elasticity better than ever, mood better, night/day sweats better.

I'm 55, perimenopausal and my biggest complaint has been hot flashes. I've been on Duavive (Canada) for 6 weeks and I've been feeling so much better in so many ways, BUT I will likely have to go off it because I've had a terrible flare up of IBS and pain under the right ribs. I don't blame Duavive in particular, I blame sex hormone supplementation in general as this happened 2 years ago while taking progesterone capsules and estrogen face cream (both bioidentical from a compounding pharmacy). I took a one year break from HRT, but my hot flashes, aching joints and headaches/migraines forced me to try again. I just wanted to mention this as some women develop IBS as it can be a symptom of peri and post menopause and taking hormones, for some, makes it worse.

I�m taking the last pills I bought and going off them. I have always had a fast metabolism but in 8 months of taking this, I�ve gained 14 pounds which is a lot for me. I�m 52 years old and I know that has some to do with my weight gain but I should not have gained that much. I don�t eat as much as I used to and work out so should have not gained that much.

It was not explained to me that I would gain weight and puff up due to this drug. Given the choice, I would have endured the night sweats as opposed to work very hard to remove the unwanted weight.

I always research any medication that have been prescribed. I did this one as well. After taking it for about four days I was having severely increased heart rate and blood pressure. My blood pressure and heart rate are usually fairly normal. The fourth night my heart rate was 114 while resting.

I experienced lethargy while taking Duavee. Fatigue that did not go away no matter when I took my dose. Also started gaining weight but I did not make it past 4 months of taking the drug due to the side effects.

I have been on Duavee for almost 3 yrs. I felt it was working well. I quit taking it last week. My insurance quit paying for it. I also have gained 25 pounds since starting it. My eyesight has gotten worse quickly. I don't know if it's duavee or being 51 yrs. old. I hope my body can adjust to not taking it and hope to loose this very uncomfortable weight gain.

Weight gain, leg cramps, urgent feeling and pressure to urinate. Migraines, acne and restlessness at night. Iâ??ve been taking this for four months and have decided to discontinue. My hot flashes were the positive item controlled with this medication now I have an additional 8 pounds to try lose. And possibly scars on my face from the acne. Oh well.

I have been on this medication for three months now for severe hot flashes. The first week of taking I felt like my hot flashes intensified but since then they have virtually ceased. I had a bit of acne week 2 and 3 but this has settled. The only other symptom I have had is the occasional leg cramping at night, I'm hoping these do not get worse.

I have been on Duavee now for 4 days, to relieve horrible hot flashes, night sweats, moodiness and low libido. I feel a relief from all already which makes me thrilled. But today feeling much nausea, stomach ache and horrible headache. Hoping itâ??s not from the drug, I know itâ??s a common side effect but wondering if anybody else has suffered this side effect? I would hate to have to go off this drug because of this.

I turned the big 5-0 this year and my body celebrated by giving me Menopause. I could never imagined how frequent and miserable the hot flashes and drenching sweats would be, I didn't anticipate the brain fog and fatigue that I would suffering from (prolly due to lack of deep sleep being awakened by Night Sweats and needing to pee!), and the amount of hair I started losing was really scary (was starting to see a bald spot!). Honestly I was at my wits end! I have been on DUAVEE abojt3 months now, and was getting relief from hot flashes within 5-7 days of starting it. Thank the Lord for Duavee!

Been taking Duavee for 7 months now. after a few weeks it kicked in and the hot flashes were gone but within the last 2 months they have come back. Not bad maybe 2-3 a day. Overall I gained 20 pounds. I'm taking myself off.

I have been taking this medication for 3 months now and I'm still getting hot flushes and night sweats plus I have put on weight

I have been taking Duavee for 3 months to relieve menopause symptoms: low libido (vertually none!),irritability, vaginal dryness

Hot Flashes are gone. Mood swigs gone. No bleeding or side effects.

I had been prescribed Premarin (took it for about 5 years) for my hot flashes and it worked very well, although I gained 20 pounds. Could not get that extra weight off no matter what I tried. Had to switch doctors, and she would not prescribe Premarin or any other hormone. For over a year I suffered from terrible hot flashes, sometimes ten or more times per day. Finally I was able to go see an OB/Gyn, and he prescribed Duavee. It has relieved the hot flashes tremendously and as a plus I have lost over 30 pounds. I have more energy. It has been a lifesaver to me!

I've been on Duavee for 2 yrs now and I'm going to stop. Each day I'm feeling symptoms of side effects. Still have hot flashes, just had mamma and found a cyst (scary), severe leg cramps, and now over last few months, my vision very blurry. After reading some report- getting off this Big Drug company pill!

My Dr just started me ont his drug today and I am having really bad dizziness. How long will this last?

I have noticed an increase in energy but all other negative symptoms associated with menopause have not improved at all.

Took this drug for 12 months due to hot flashes. It reduced them and I was able to sleep better but they started to return after being on the drug 6 months. I stopped taking it because it made my legs swell and cramp. I also gained 10 pounds on it.