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Generic Name: Dasatinib

Brand Name: Sprycel

Sprycel Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was diagnosed in 2004 when l was 46. I started on Gleevic 400 mg. It worked great and only little side effects. After 8 years it quit working. Started on Sprycel 100 mg. Had fever and terrible acne form. My doctor didn’t want to reduce but I insisted. Went to 50 mg. It is still working but I have shortness of breath and that worries me. Now I have had CML for 17 years and still fell fairly good except for lung problems from Sprycel.

I've been very happy with the much cheaper generic dasatinib bought from BonHoa Pharmacy for more than three years now. However, these last few months I've been experiencing various symptoms which I believe are related to this medicine. I have bone pain that no doctor is explaining, I often have some difficulty breathing and I feel tried all the time. Nevertheless, I would not chose to change dasatinib; I have tired four types of medications of which this was the only one I faced no side effect troubles with. God bless all of you

I was diagnosed with CML 10/2011 at 29 years old. I started on Gleevec 400 mg which took some adjusting to (muscle spasms, serious migraines and nausea). That period lasted about 6 months and I continued it for seven years. I moved to another state and changed doctors and was only maintaining a molecular remission and to try a different drug for full remission. I was a little hesitant because I thought my body was handling Gleevec nicely. I switched to Sprycel 100 mg and within 4 months I was in full remission with my numbers in a negative state. The doctor thought it was safe to take me off as my husband and I were trying for a baby. Almost a year after being the medication, I experienced an abnormal menstrual cycle (a month long) I went to my general practitioner who drew blood work and found out my count was up by 100,000. So I was put on the 140mg dosage of Sprycel, which was a tough adjustment with side affects, especially head and body aches. After four months, my dosage was reduced to 100mg and my body has tolerated it as it is trending into remission stages again but I am still having challenges with my monthly cycles and I have not got pregnant yet. I am thankful for the doctors who have put up with me because I am not the best patient...a little defiant, being young and CML immature. Iâ??m extremely grateful to see day to day with medications that have worked for me.

I was dx�ed with CML 2.5 yrs ago. I have had every side effect mentioned. Of course �: joint pain, nausea, serious fatigue, very High blood pressure, painful acne, constipation. If there is a side effect I�ve had it. Wish I could take a drug holiday but my doc won�t allow. I�ve been in remission for almost a year. I�m grateful treatment has been successful but bottom line cancer sucks!!

After 6 weeks I have a bad reaction. Red welts the size of a penny.they are flat an real itchy.on my arms fand legs

On gleevec 6 years with all the usual side effects. Gleevec slowly started losing the battle against abnormal cells. Returned to M D Anderson and was placed on sprycel. A dramatic loss of RBC followed in first two weeks. I am off Sprycel, taking iron infusions, and RBC has risen dramatically. Next week start sprycel again on a gradual basis. Since Gleevec is no longer an option, hoping sprycel works out. If not, dasatinib will be next stop. I am thankful for medicines which keep me going but wish an alternative with less disabling side effects could be found. I believe research is knocking on that door. I hope for all of us it comes sooner rather than later.

Head ache with pain in my ear that feels like worms boring into my ear.

I have experienced chronic fatigue syndrome while using sprycel. And I have a lot of difficulty getting my insurance to pay. How does everyone else do in this area?

I've been on the medication for about 2 months and since then have been dealing with chronic gastrointestinal issues (not pretty) - I've found that dairy products makes things worse. Anyone else experiencing this?

Diagnosed with CML Dec 2013, began taking Sprycel within 1 month of diagnosis. In the beginning had mild to moderate side effects skin rashes, adult acne, nausea, muscle aches and extreme fatigue. Went into remission Aug. 2014, doctor reduced my dosage feeling much better. Now having a little issue with BP.

Been on Sprycel since 2010. Nausea and vomiting started right after I started Sprycel and heart rate went up started blood pressure medication. Severe joint and back pain started first of 2014. Had heart surgery in 2013. Been rough but at least we have these pills. Unable to work due to joint pains and back pains from sickness and medications.

I was diagnosed at 36 and this was the first treatment I was given. I went into full remission within the first 6 weeks of treatment. Almost 2 years in and I only notice more frequent mouth sores and very unusual menstral ing cycles. Dr says sprycel has nothing to do with my irregular, more frequent bleeding but it all started 3 mos into treatment. Overall I am so greatful to this drug and the research behind it. I was always a very health conscious, gym going, water drinking, no fast food eating person so this diagnosis came as a complete shock. I am just trying to find out if more women have experienced issues with their monthly cycles after beginning this medication.

My most severe side effect was mouth sores. I did also experience headaches at first, but they went away after a month or so, a little joint pain also. I became unresponsive after 10 months.

I started taking it January of 2014. I experienced a drastic platelet reduction. Then I stopped taking it for over one month. Began again, the side effects were worse -- experienced platelet reduction, RBC reduction, weight gain, headaches, tiredness, depression and chest pain.

I was diagnosed about 2 years ago, I am in full molecular remission. However I am 29, I suffer from chronic fatigue and I am now dealing with the fact that I want to get pregnant and there is no research, its very hard, There are no studies of what the outcome may be, I have to come off of it while pregnant, there are no studies as to how quickly my WBC will rise. Its frustrating. I can no longer go in the sun for periods of time ( I used to be a big tanner, I live in Florida ;) ) As well as I cannot tolerate heat and another weird side effect is that it has turned my eye lashes and eyebrows blonde. I'm a brunette. But other than that I AM IN REMMISION :)

It worked like a miracle drug for me, yes there are a few side effects, dirreah, bone pain and I've had a little loss of hair but not much. The fact you have to take this the rest of my life is crazy but hay I'm in remission.

Been on Sprycel 100mgs (1 tab) a day since August 2012. Diagnosed July 2012. Feeling pretty lucky. No pain and my blast cell count greatly reduced. Waiting on big 12 month results. Only differences are the not too frequent tired days and I can't carry heavy bags or groceries now as my arms will ache (drives me nuts!) :)

Great excepect for being very tired, some confusion and depression

Severe bone pain from both Gleevec and Sprycel, Gleevec stopped working, Sprycel has caused other problems as well as the bone pain. Disabled due to side efttect of both the disease and the meds.

Started on Gleevec, caused severe bone pain, stopped working, switched to Sprycel, can only tolerate lowest dose, 50mg, still have severe bone pain as well as quite a few other side effects. In remission for the last year or so. On disability, not able to function well due to pain and pain meds.