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Generic Name: Desipramine Hydrochloride

Brand Name: Norpramin

Norpramin Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took Norpramin as a kid in the 90's and it made be black out when doing something repetitive. I would ride my bike to 7-11, black out on one street and then wake up farther down the road. I even had cars honk at me while I was blacked out. While riding my dirt bike down a country road, I blacked out and then ran head first into mailbox. I had a helmet on. If I didn't, I would have died. Norpramin is bad for kids.

Have been using 10-15 mg daily, about the last 8 months, for relief of IBS-C. To me, this is like a miracle drug that has given me my life back, as they say. I am amazed how effective this medication is, and I wish I had found it years ago!

I was given desipramine to try to reduce acute depression. Only after 2 weeks did I start to improve. HOWEVER, I can NOT recommend this med -- when I tried to reduce the dosage, I experienced severe migraine headaches which totally wiped me out. When I restarted it, the headaches/flu-like symptoms disappeared. Avoid this drug unless you're prepared to feel physically ill. I switched to Prozac, which was quite good.I'm surprised these old drugs are still available.

I took many at ounce and thin walked out of my house to be hit by a car,24 years past I am depressed often and I will not take drugs but life is hell most of the time I'm 53 now

I started taking this medication when I had an appointment with a pain specialist from Stanford Hospital. I am still working my way up to 50 mg daily am at 40 right now. My main reason for taking it was to counter my numbness in feet hands and balance problems, but worse horrible back spasms. Some lasting as long as six weeks without relief. The doctor is raising the serotonin levels in hopes he can change the pain which seems to originating in my brain. Still working on the possible diagnosis of M.S., often the plaque in the brain does NOT show in MRI or scans. Other than constipation, so far so good. I am sleeping better, but it has not completely stopped the muscle spasms..however I have not yet reached the therapeutic levels. I don't have depression as an issue, but sometimes I do feel anxious. I am so hoping this works. I fall, have no balance often neuropethy in both arms and legs. Obviously something is going wrong. I am taking this because the pain specialist feels I may benefit from it as he has used it for this purpose before. I will do an update when I have used it for a period of time.

I stopped taking 10mg of Norpramine in the fall as my depression was better. I recently was prescribed it again. I had tingly sensations in my finger tips and my severe constipation returned. The constipation was so bad it woke me up at night and kept me awake. I stopped taking it, but still take two other meds for my depression and anxiety.

I wanted to comment because I've used Desipramine, the generic for the last two years for the treatment of severe IBS. I've suffered for years and this treatment has changed my life. I highly recommend as a treatment for IBS.

I have taken this prescription for three months it really helps with my GERD. The only downfall are the dreams I get n it and the random tingling I get in my leg, but its the only thing that helps.

Have taken for 20+ years. Started taking after dignosed with Epstein Barr and depression. Works well. About twice a year for some reason I go through a week to ten days of mild depression, but over all it works for me. Tried the generic to save money, not as effective. Tried a newer drug some years back on new doctor's recommendation with bad experience, went back to norpramin. Old rule, "If it works, stay with it."

I had burning in my legs for five years before a neurologist put me on norpramin. The pain was gone in a week, after 6 months I stopped taking it, and the burning never came back. Did affect ejaculation

I was put on this for headaches. It was the first pill of five that has done any good, but only at the max dosage. So far I love it, if I don't miss any dosages. :) I seem to get sunburns easily, I'm glad someone else mentioned constipation. I do seem to have that problem for sometime, it now makes sense. I've had problems sleeping as well, which is weird since I sleep like the dead. When i first started, or went on a higher dosage, I was tired practically all day for a week or two. Can't say I'm a depressed person, but my husband has mentioned that I seem happier lately. But I've also had a long break from working too. Anyways, my point, I've had several side effects, but I think it's well worth it.

It works really great since I have been on almost 90% of depression meds and this it the only one that works. The down side is I sweat buckets all day. I have few choices in meds so I have to deal with the constant sweating and it is terrible.

Out of all the anti-depressants available, this tri-cyclic worked the best for me...It broke through the depression along with Pamalor......I am very thankful for this...

I just started taking 100 mg at bedtime. But, I have been very constipated while being on this medicine. Im gona have to talk to the doctor about the constipation problem and hopefully it will go away as I take this longer.

Took this medication for about one year and when the physician increased the dosage it caused me to suffer sudden cardiac death. Thankfully my wife was in the same room when it happened and she knew CPR. If it wasn't for her this drug (drug class) would of killed me!!

My doctor started me first on desipramine (generic version of Norpramin) without success. However when he started me on Norpramin (brand version), I started seeing the first signs of improvement in almost two years. I have been taking the drug now for about twelve years, and will be on it as a measure of prevention for the rest of my life.

i do get some relief from the pain but not enough when it comes

have been taking for about 10 yrs--suffered from severe depression prior to taking it--has worked so well, i'll probably take it for the rest of my life--

almost died from side effects

Use 25 mg daily at night to augment Prozac. I sleep better and feel better the next day. Works well for me and as a generic, cost is not significant.