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Generic Name: Desloratadine

Brand Name: Clarinex

Clarinex Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have season allergies due to pollen, and I've been taking Clarinex for about 6 years or so now. I had tried Zyrtec, generic Claritin, and a few other drugs with no luck. Then I tried Clarinex. It works great (so great that I forget I even have allergies sometimes) and I'm glad my allergist recommended it to me years ago. I highly recommend Clarinex to anyone who is looking for something to clear them up from the awful congestion and other effects of pollen.

i have just started this medicine, does it work as good as claritin?

I use ClairinexD and it has been a life saver. Only to find out they are not going to make it anymore. I have tried every over the counter Allergy drug and they are not strong enough. Why do they keep doing this to the public. I need this year round.

My son had horrible allergies that were draining down his throat. We kept going to the doctor because I kept thinking he had something worse. It did turn into a massive sinus infection. Luckily she switched us to clarinex. So far it has solved all of our problems.

For the last 10yrs (ever since I moved to LEE COUNTY, FLA) I have had a terrible time with watering eyes (tears just roll down my face !!!) and I'm 99% sure it's from all the MALALUCA TREES in this county !!!!! My doctor gave me CLARINEX starting in March 2012 & about 45minutes to one hour after taking it my eyes dry up, NO MORE TEARS RUNNING DOWN MY FACE !!!!!!! But it doesn't last all day. If my symptoms are bad I take another dose when that one wears off ! I was given 5mg tablets and I guess that's as strong as it comes, but I've found it doesn't dry up my watering eyes as it did the 1st few times I took it, so I've started taking 1 1/2 tablets (I cut a tablet in 1/2), but at this rate my meds won't last the month. And my doctor probably won't allow me to take more, but I'm gonna tell him that 5mg just doesn NOT dry up my eyes ! This medicine really works, but I need at least 7.5mg per dose and sometimes 2 doses per day. but I doubt I'll be allowed that much so I'm gonna add ALLEREST (which has a very similar drug in it) cuz I can't get a darn thing done with tears rollin' down my face & blurring my vision. Good medication in my view, no bad reactions as far as I can tell.

Every year around the beginning of March my eyes get extremely itchy and red and lasts about three weeks. I've tried eye drops, Zyrtec, Benadryl all with minimal relief. This was the 1st year I've tried Clarinex, about an hour after the 1st dose the itchiness is gone, what a relief!

I developed a serious allergy that had lasted for several weeks. I used several over the counter medications including loratadine with no effect. I finally went to my doctor and got a prescription for allegra which did nothing. My doctor then gave me a prescription for clarinet which my pharmacist had to order because a lot of insurance companies do not cover it. Clarinex made an immediate improvement. I am sold.

I have had so many issues with itching, non-stop, constantly...mostly at night, but pretty much all the time. We couldnt find a link to anything...It was so horrible that I had itching spells that would last a good 45 minutes. Nothing would help till I started taking clarinex (desloratadine) There has been a huge difference. I still itch but not as badly as I used to.

I was on Allegra for years and it wasn't working anymore. I used this in combination with my nasal spray and it works good- no side effects.

Treats runny nose and does not make me sleepy. Little to no side affects. I think it works better than claritan.

My daughter suffered from chronic hives and allergies from the time she was 4 months old. Finally discovered a doctor who prescribed this to her when she was 4 YEARS old and it has been her miracle drug. She can now go outside of our home and even into others homes and only have a minimal (if one at all) breakout. LOVE IT! She has been taking it for four years now. At one time they told us she would have to be home-schooled. Clarinex has allowed her to be able to go to school, join a sport, and do all the fun things a little girl should get to do.

This is the only drug that stops the hives and gives me relief. I have a drawer full of prescription creams and every alergy pill under the sun until I found Clarinex. I have had no negative side effects at all.

We tried this for ten days on a sample we got from the pediatric allergist. We had ten uninerrupted nights' sleep and good reports at school. When we ran out of Clarinex we went to Zyrtec as recommended and the difference was like night and day, Clarinex works, period. Caveat: We've only used it for a short time so far.

I have never had to take any meds for my mild seasonal allergies except the occassional claritan, but this past week was absolutely unbearable. I had to take 2 days off work. Finally got to see the Dr. and he gave me this as a trial. WOW! Within 5 minutes I could feel it clearing up! 4 days later, 1 tablet a day, and I'm still fine!

I tried every allergy med as they came on the market. Even Claritin only worked marginally. Doc moved me to Clarinex when Claritin went generic, and I have never been healthier and happier.....but the insurance companies all want to take it away! Please, will someone please tell them it really DOES work better? It is "metabolized", so it's effects are quicker and stronger, esp. if you also take meds for acid stomach.....less acid, harder to digest things....docs understand this, but pharmacies don't seem to get it!

My daughter was diagnosed with asthma. I have tried everything under the sun to prevent these coughing spells that she would have after a cold. She has been on steroids, albuteral as well as a host of other meds. This one has been effective but it dries her nose out. I only give it at bedtime, once daily and it has worked so far.I never believed she had asthma.

This medication was prescribed for me to stop a runny nose from a cold. Instead, my nose ran constantly after taking it. What would cause that to happen. I intend not to take anymore. I have taken two pills, so far.

I've been taking Clarinex (5mg) for 8 years. I tried Allegra & Zyrtec...no luck. I'm allergic to chicken, beer yeast, and 7 molds. My symptom is itching under the skin, which result in hives. My doctor put me on 25mg at first and it made me very sleepy. I take it about every 2-3 days and it works great for me. However, the insurance company is wanting me to try something else...they need proof that I have tried something else...we are currently waiting for their answer. In the meantime...I itch, cuz nothing else works.