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Generic Name: Safyral (drospirenone-ethinyl-estradiol-levomefolate-calcium)

Safyral Reviews

For Birth Control "I'll break down my experience with parts of this birth control for you. 1) Skin: totally cleared up my skin. Excellent for that. 2) Birth control: it's the only form of contraceptive I use, and so far...no babies. 3) Cravings: it's hard for me to say because I've always craved carbohydrates and sugar anyway, so neutral. 4) Periods: on time. No breakthrough bleeding. 5) Mood: 100% terrible. I cannot emphasize this enough. Nothing will be wrong in my life, and I literally won't be able to stop crying. Yesterday, I think I started crying at 8 AM and continued crying at hour intervals until I fell asleep at 9:30 PM. I get frustrated now over tiny things. I have mood swings. I act irrationally. But mainly I just cry. All. The. Time. and I'm just constantly sad."

For Birth Control "I've just finished my first pack of Safyral and have no complaints. My skin is noticeably clearer, it has helped to reduce cramping and a heavy flow. I've had only one strange craving and it's for sour foods (pickles especially). No bad moods in fact I've been in a great mood since I've been on it. I've pretty much have experience all pros since taking it."

For Birth Control "I've recently switched to Safyral from Beyaz about two months ago and I love it! I was nervous because I searched the Internet over and over, and only found one good review for this pill so I thought I'd give my experience to people who are wanting to try this. I've had no major issues or changes except positive ones. While taking Beyaz my face was broken out at least with 3-5 blemishes every week, I decided to ask my Obgyn what I should do and as suggested going on Safyral. So I did and I noticed immediate skin clearing. I haven't had one blemish since I started using this stuff. It doesn't affect my mood or personality either! I just feel like myself but with clear skin now! I'd recommend this to anyone!"

For Birth Control "Great birth control pill. I use it for contraception (the only form I regularly use) and for polycystic ovarian syndrome symptom management. Prior to trying Safyral I tried two other brands and had horrific side effects. The only one I get on this pill is cravings! Mostly for sugar and sometimes carbs which I try hard to avoid! I would highly recommend this pill!"

For Birth Control "Only been on this pill a month but it is the only one so far that stopped the irregular bleeding I was having. I have tried Lo Estrin and Kariva and so far this is the winner! I will update after my second pack."

For Birth Control "As far as birth control and periods went, this was fine. My periods were much less crampy and painful, my skin didn't change at all. However, it was like my personality completely flipped. I felt robbed of my sense of adventure, I had absolutely no interest in going and doing fun things with my family. I've never had depression, but I think this must be what it feels like. I stopped taking it and am almost back to my old self, even though I'm back to having terrible periods. I will take cramps over how I was acting any day of the week."

For Birth Control "I've been on Safyral for about 6 months now, when my doctor first put me on this pill I really liked. It was my first time going on birth control so I was nervous about all the weight gain rumors. But it was fine, I didn't gain any weight, I actually lost weight and my breasts got bigger. My skin cleared up, it has been a great contraceptive so far, but it made me so emotional. Maybe 2 or 3 months in I just got so depressed, randomly I would just get so sad and not even know why. I cried all the time, I had a short fuse, the littlest things would just upset me and I've never been like that so I'm switching. Everyone is different though and besides the emotions it was a great birth control."

For Birth Control "Been on Safyral for 6 weeks. I have no complaints. I've never been on birth control but had to go on it due to bleeding for 2 months straight really heavily. My bleeding stopped, I've not had any mood changes, weight gain, acne, or anything. It's regulated my periods and now I'm back to normal. It's been a great first experience with birth control."

For Birth Control "I started taking this birth control a while back and then stopped after I completed one cycle. I did have a little weight gain because of the carbohydrate cravings. Breast tenderness and bloating were also a factor. Those were my negatives. The positives for me were age related. I am over 35 and a non-smoker. Therefore, the extra vitamin B and folic acid supplements are excellent. I did stop taking them after the first trial because of the food cravings. After a few months, I decided to try them again. I am on a weight loss plan and have loss weight. I wasn't significantly overweight from the beginning, but needed to drop about fifteen pounds. I reached my goal. My only real concern at this point is will I have the cravings. "

"This drug did regulate my period, but it also increased my anxiety and sent me to the ER with a massive panic attack. I have always had minor generalized anxiety disorder, but never any panic attacks so severe. They did every test possible to rule out a stroke! If you take this and start to notice an increase in anxiety, I suggest you talk to your doctor."

For Birth Control "I just finished my first pack. The pros: I've lost 13lbs, my face is less oily, and my mood is better then it was. The cons: I too craved sugar after starting this pill, I had hair loss the first few weeks, my vision has became a problem especially in florescent lighting, started having headaches, I feel more tired and breathing has become heaver then normal, and breast tenderness. "

For Birth Control "I'm about to finish my first pack and I have mixed reviews. During the first 2 weeks I was craving sugar like crazy. About the third week that calmed down though. I started taking Safyral because I was having break through bleeding with LoEstrin and already Safryal has regulated my period to just the week of my placebo pills. My period started late, but that's not a big deal considering this is my first month on this birth control. The most annoying side effect is the bloating. I don't think I've ever felt this bloated ever and I NEVER get cramps on my period, but I'm having cramps with this pill. I'm sure these symptoms will calm down as my body gets used to it, if not, I'm switching to something different."

For Birth Control "Two months ago I started taking Safyral because my doctor had high recommendations and gave me three packs for free. I took it for a month and started feeling uncontrollably moody. I want to cry for no reason, and everything I used to love makes me angry and upset. I switched back to my normal birth control after the first pack was done, but then decided to give it another chance since it is free and I wasn't positive that it was the Safyral making me feel this way. Right now I am on my second pack and feel horrible, moody, irritable. On the plus side my breasts got bigger and I'm not pregnant. I'm finishing this pack then switching back to my original again."

For Birth Control "I have been on Safyral for 2 months. I like it a lot so far. I have had some break through bleeding but I think that is because I started the pill in the middle of my cycle, when I had an IUD (Mirenia) removed after 4 years. My skin looks great. I get mild bloating and breast tenderness just before my period which goes away with the start of my period. Nothing majorly inconvenient. I think that after a few months of use when my hormones get back on a normal cycle things will even out."

For Birth Control "No breakthrough bleeding, felt the best that I ever had, lost weight and felt like my old self again. So I started this medicine in April 2012 and am currently on it and it's October 2012. This will be my last pack. I have experienced nausea, bloating, mood swings, sadness, depression, fatigue and just don't feel like my self anymore."

For Birth Control "I've been on this birth control for eight months. My skin is clearer than ever. I have occasional breakthrough bleeding, but it's just spotting, nothing big, no mood swings but once a month my belly bloats a little bit. Didn't make me gain any weight though."

For Birth Control "I have been on this pill for two years. I switched to this from Ortho Tri-cyclen because I was having breakthrough bleeding. One month into it I was having terrible cystic acne, two months into it I had a severe panic attack. Two years later I am incredibly depressed and bloated before my period along with crazy migraines for 3-4 days straight. I am unable to lose weight even with running 4 miles a day. I am switching to Lo Loestrin 24 Fe and will try a lower dosed pill. I have also experienced terrible leg cramps and fatigue like never before."

For Birth Control "I was put on Safryal two months ago after being on Camresem due to breakthrough bleeding. Safyral definitely took care of that issue, but it came with several others. I now have very painful cramps just before and on my period. My periods last 7 days and are very heavy (which is normal for me off of birth control), and I'm constantly bloated. I also get headaches more than usual, and have gained about 4lbs and cannot lose weight at all. Going tomorrow to hopefully switch to a lower dose again."

For Birth Control "I have been on this for a month and have had a horrible experience with my mood change, I have always been a happy person, and now for the last week I am so depressed and I am constantly feeling a nervous feeling in my gut, like anxiety. I had a baby 2 months ago, and even through my pregnancy never felt any mood swings or depression. I talked to my doctor and have decided to stop this birth control. Hope it'll fix this sad feeling."

For Birth Control "This is my first time using birth control pills. I have been on Safyral for a month and a half. It has cleared up my skin significantly but caused bad mood swings and nausea. I am switching to a new birth control with a lower dose of hormones to help with my mood."

For Birth Control "I was put on Safyral in 2010, and took it for about 4 months. The nausea was the main reason I came off of it. I always felt terrible and I gained a lot of weight fast. My period never came back after I came off the pills. I was still able to get pregnant twice, still no periods. Just this year (2020) I had my first period in almost 10 years! I have had hormone tests, papsmears, everything and they all have said that theres nothing abnormal. But it's weird that I had a normal period like clockwork before I started that birth control and the almost 10 years of nothing. Btw I am now 28yrs old, so I'm nowhere near menopause. I do not have PCOS or any other hormonal issues. The only thing doctors can think of is possibly this birth control did something."

For Birth Control "I just finished a package of Safyral yesterday, and so far I've had no weight gain, my acne has cleared up some, and my period came when it was supposed to. However, I have had spotting all through the first month, which the doctor said was normal so I have no complaints other than one really big one. While being on this pill I have had serious depression. I'm always moody, crying and sad. I am so sad that I have no appetite, no desire to go out, I'm never happy. In fact, I get raging angry sometimes and I can not control any of this. I am hoping that this side effect goes away soon."

For Birth Control "I've been on Safyral since Jan 2011. (Almost a year) It was awesome at first, but as time went on it slowly started to change me. Great if you don't have a boyfriend. I say that because I have ZERO want or desire to be cuddly or intimate with my amazing, sweet, and down near perfect boyfriend of two years. It's the most frustrating of all my symptoms. Next are the mood swings, angry one minute, sad the next, anxious...it never ends! Before this pill I always considered myself to be a "guy" when it came to emotions, I was always just happy go lucky, NOT with this. Emotions=scale of 1 on this stuff. Pros=100% clear skin, all the time! No weight gain. Its not the WORST birth control out there but just be prepared to ride a emotional roller coaster."

For Birth Control "I had a pretty good experience with Safyral while I was on it. It helped regulate my cycle to be much more predictable and on time, and helped with my often severe leg-cramps. I didn't experience any weight gain, and though I was sometimes moody, it wasn't anything outside of normal PMS. It did what it was supposed to do, I suppose. However, my problems were when I had to go OFF Safyral. My insurance stopped covering it and at first my OB/GYN didn't have any samples for me, so I had to stop taking it for awhile. This is when I started to gain weight and had some crazy mood swings. I felt kind of depressed at times, cried often at work (which is unlike me), and just felt over-emotional."

For Birth Control "I haven't been on this pill for very long, but my doctor gave me some free samples because I was having breakthrough bleeding with LoEstrin. So far, my main complaint is nausea. I have never felt so consistently sick in my life - not even with the flu! I'll post again when I've been on it longer about weight gain, mood swings, cramps, etc."

More about Safyral (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol / levomefolate calcium)

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  • Drug class: contraceptives
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Beyaz, Rajani, Tydemy

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Beyaz, Rajani, Tydemy

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  • Birth Control