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Generic Name: PEG-3350 and electrolytes

Brand Name: GaviLyte-N

GaviLyte-N Drug and Medication User Reviews

I just thought I would mention that before using Gavilyte, I read the information sheet that comes with it. In bold letters, it states that it can cause irregular heartbeats which can cause death. This scared me because I have irregular heartbeats frequently on a daily basis and even though I have had 3 colonoscopies before, I was afraid to use this after reading the warning so I put off my colonoscopy for several months. I finally realized I had to get it done, so I went back to the doc and asked about the warning. He said that it was for people who already have heart disease such as afib or other issues, or for people that have kidney disease and can't process all the electrolytes, so I went ahead with the colon prep. There were no issues with heart rhythm and it worked like it was supposed to. I started drinking it at 6pm, every 15 minutes. No effects until about 8pm, then frequent trips to the bathroom until about 9:30 when it looked as if all was "clear". I had finished about 3 out of four liters at this time and my stomach was so bloated I could not have swallowed any more of this stuff, so I stopped at that point. By 11:30 I thought I was through going to the bathroom, so I tried to go to sleep, but I had to go two more times before 4am, even though I had finished 3 liters by 9:30 the previous evening. The stuff took a while to kick in for me and lasted several hours after finishing the last dose. Bottom line is that it works, and I didn't have any heart issues with it, and I didn't have to drink the entire 4 liters to get "clear". It was not pleasant by any means, but who would expect it to be?

This stuff is not bad. I was really nervous about the prep based on all the reviews out there, but this stuff tastes just like a saltier version of the lemon lime Gatorade. For the full gallon jug of gavilyte-n, I did not use the flavor packet (states it was optional anyway). I did listen to others and added 2 pitcher packets of crystal light lemonade. It was fine getting it down. I just wish it wasn't so much. But since I drink a lot of water all day long it was not hard. It started working after the 3rd glass.

i don't like taking this because i have to sit on the toilet to drink it

I have my colonoscopy this morning. I was so nervous about the prep, but honestly Iâ??m not sure what I was so afraid of! The Gavilyte-N tastes way better than expected. I had no stomach cramping, just minor bloating. I mixed the Gavilyte with Crystal Lite Pure Lemonade and it definitely helped. I also took zofran before each session (evening and morning) helped SO much. Donâ??t believe what you hear... besides the volume being slightly inconvenient, this product worked like a charm.

I must admit that after reading various reviews on different websites about Gavilyte-N, I was a little skeptical about taking this prior to my colonoscopy. Maybe this is not for everyone as body conditions vary from person to person and that is why maybe some people experienced bad reactions. 24 hours prior to my colonoscopy, I mixed the lemon flavor packet along with a pitcher packet of Crystal Light lemonade into the jug, added the water and put it in the fridge to get cold. Upon suggestion of the pharmacist, I drank the mixture through a straw. It actually tasted like watered down lemonade. Not too bad. I did not experience any vomiting, excessive cramps or bloating and the mixture took effect in about 1/2 hour. About 4 hours later, nothing was coming out except clear liquid. I had about 2 inches of the Gavilyte left in the jug, which I did not finish, since the internal liquid was clear. The colonoscopy went well. Maybe the people that experienced vomiting, bloating and other bad side effects, did not follow their doctors directions about no solid food 24 hours before the test, just a liquid diet. Yes, I did get hungry but did not eat.

Not sure of all the negative comments. this is my 3rd colonoscopy and this GaviLyte G is the best tasting g I have had. Seriously. it's harder to drink so much at one time then the taste or flavor, so maybe the product has been improved? I used the lemon flavor. I was surprised I a good way that it is not horrible.

Why can't y'all do something about this crap. I hate it. Please help

I have IBS due to MS so have taken the generic Golytely quite a few times, Nulylely, Colyte and Peg3350 but this time I received the Gavilyte-n which was not only the most disgusting and nastiest tasting, it didn't even work. The others tasted ok, soo much better! This is the only one I had a really hard time drinking, to the point of almost puking.The nastiness may have been worth it if it had worked! Now I have to do it again with one of the others. I told my pharmacist to lodge a complaint in with that generic lab. Thank God my pharmacist is going to order a different and less horrid one for next week.

On the advice of the nurse, I used Crystal Light in each glass instead of using the flavor pack. After drinking it down, I ate some lime jello to combat the salty taste. It made it much more pallatable. I did a split dose. I took half at 5:00 and the rest at 6:30 a.m. After reading a lot of these reviews, I dreaded this more than I did before. I even called the pharmacy to find out the cost of my prescribed product that my insurance didn't cover (it was $150) so this was it. It's not pleasant and it's a huge amount of liquid, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I had thought it would be. I'm very glad it's all over though.

Once when I was a kid I accidentally ingested liquid pig manure on my uncles farm. This is the only time I can think of when I have consumed something more disgusting. I threw up several times trying to swallow this enormous amount of putrid liquid.

My doctor put me on a three day diet limiting a lot of foods. The day before the procedure, liquids only. At 6:00 pm I started with this product. Took half of it and it began as stated. Got up on the morning of procedure and couldn't get through all of the solution. I didn't find it bad tasting. One the second half I began having bloating and stomach pain, so I couldn't finish all of it. This was a miserable experience. I haven't slept all night. Can't wait to get this over with. Awful!

I had no control AT ALL over my bowels for nearly six hours (using the split prep method). I began drinking at 4 pm, rather than 6 pm, which was a good idea for me since I go to bed early and had a poor night's sleep the night before. I could not conceive of going to bed until 11:30 pm and wore a "diaper" fashioned from a towel and plastic shopping bag. Fortunately, I had no episodes in my sleep. I woke at 4 am to complete the prep (my procedure was at 11:30am). I was able to go back to bed by 630 am and had a few more discharges after my nap. The reason to write this review is because I am experiencing diarrhea the day after my procedure and no one else has mentioned that. A friend who has done colon prep for various procedures said she had never experienced or heard of 2nd day diarrhea. I have taken Imodium and am hoping to get out of the house, but I may be in for another day chained to the toilet.

Prior colonoscopy preps were done with Golytelyâ?¢. I preferred that. There is no technical reason for me to do so, as both products as well a Nulytely are based on PEG3300 and electrolytes. However, with this product, the "leaking" never stopped. Don't cough! Yes, it was effective. It is now 3:41 AM of a thoroughly miserable night. The procedure is in four hours, and I think I will need to wear paper towels to get there. Yes, the prep is very effective. Only the IRS could clean me out better. But still, next time it will be the prior product. This seems less predictable.

This product tastes like fetid / brackish pond water... Unable to do more than 80% of the dosage (4 liters). Even with added flavorings it still is horrible. My wife had a different product for her Colonoscopy, and that was only a 12 ounce bottle plus 2 glasses of water. And her product had a better taste.

No laxatives work at all for me, why I was given this to prep for colonoscopy. Mixed day prior, didn't refrigerate as cold can be harder on GI track, slows down digestion as it takes time to warm water, didn't add flavor packet. Took 25 mg's Phenegran 1 hr prior to prevent nausea/vomiting. Drank 1st 2 liters no problem, painless cleanse, good thing I went to bed in diaper & pad protector as diaper was full & leaked onto pads, not on new mattress. Last of 2 liters was a bit salty so I squeezed fresh lemon in each 8 oz glass. Took another 25 mg's Phenegran as nausea started, prevented vomiting. Squeezed fresh lemon in each 8 oz glass, worked great reliving salty taste, & fresh squeezed lemon is great for liver & acid stomach. VIP not to be constipated when drinking as you'll experience pain as solution can't break through easily. It is a lot of fluid, but reactions depends on person.. Don't believe all horror stories, go in with open mind, and don't eat heavy day before fasting. No metal taste, no cramping at all, easy elimination! Hope this eases any fear.. I asked God to be with me, & He surely was/is.. The calm & peace I was in, am in, comes from God, the only one I ask for relief, inner peace & comfort!! Start early if you'd like to sleep through the night instead of waking for 2nd 2 liters needed to drink 5 hrs prior to procedure. Happy times, prayers for no health concerns after biopsy results are in... Dr. Daly in Sierra Vista, AZ is best GI Dr. <3

Yes I was able to clear my bowels starting within an hour of starting the solution but struggling to drink down 3 liters is absolute torture. Fighting back the urge to vomit while also defacating made it intolerable. I couldn't hold back my vomit several times. The taste is like licking metal--it is absolutely disgusting. Drinking it with a full cup of ice was the only way I could get it down but even that failed after 2 liters. I was shaking and freezing cold fromthe nausea and couldn't leave the bathroom for fear of having accidents from diarreah and vomiting at the same time. Yes it was certainly effective but a truly horrible experience.

This is awful. It is almost inhuman to ask someone to drink all this. The taste is awful.

I had no problem taking this and I did plug my nose when drinking the solution. I didn't have major cramps and it cleaned me out for my procedure. I would recommend this.

After reading reviews about how bad this tasted I was very worried leading up to my colonoscopy prep. I must say that I did not have any problems with the medicine. I did not find the taste bad at all. It was slightly salty and had a different taste, but all in all I thought it tasted like water. I cannot speak for the flavor packets as I chose not to use them, but the drink was pleasant to me. It started to work after about 1 1/2 hours and was very effective.