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Generic Name: Desmopressin Acetate Tablets

Brand Name: DDAVP

DDAVP Drug and Medication User Reviews

I'm 26 now, but I wet the bed until I was 13. I took this med when I was with no affect so we stopped. when I went back on it at 11 is worked! It took 2 years to be able to go off entirely and I haven't had an episode in the 13 years since I went off it. Come to found out as an adult I actually have a condition called Interstitial Cystitis....so that probably worsened my bed wetting as a kid. Either way though I credit this medication (along with bladder training) with finally helping me to be a normal kid (who didn't have to wear pull-ups to sleep overs anymore!!)

9 year old son is a constant bedwetter all his life. Finally we got this medication after the Doctor had him eat salty chips before bed. That didnt work. Thought he was "backed up" so they did an ultrasound - not backed up. Obviously we did the cutting off liquids HOURS before bed- still didnt work. So we are on day 6 with taking 1 pill a night and it has NOT worked at all. So tomorrow night we will be uping it to 2 pills. will report back.....

I take it TID, so it is a pain to remember to take it at work. Even though it is a little less effective than the Nasal Spray, it is better on my blood pressure (sort of evens it out more), and it is easier on the nose :).

I have been taking DDAVP since I was 5 years old, I am now 28. I take 3 sprays in the morning, afternoon and before bed for Diabetes Insipidus. Without this medication I would literally need to urinate every 5 minutes. By taking this medication I don't need to go for several hours and I can sleep through the night. This medications begins to work immediately since it is absorbed through sinus passages. I have tried using the pill form with no luck. DDAVP is a life saver for me. Con- The only one I can think of is when I have sever sinus congestion it becomes difficult for me to get and adequate amount.

we used the nasal spray first. first three nights, one squirt per script instructions. No results. Called doc. he said double up. No results. We switched to pill. One pill each night for a week. No results. Two pills each night for a week. No results. This was a waste of time and money and it has made my son feel worse about himself.

I've been taking DDAVP since I was 4yrs old. I am 25 now and it has effectively controlled my excessive water intake and frequent urination. However, I had not had any side effects until recently. I was hospitalized a few months ago for hyponatremia—or low sodium—which is a rare side effect of the drug. It was a condition that built up over the 21 years I had been on this drug, but was never noted. If you've been on this drug for a prolonged period of time, be very aware of side effects. A simple headache could be a result of low sodium, or something more serious! On the plus side, I'm now on a bacon diet to keep my sodium levels up :)

I was diagnosed with DI a year ago and started with the nasal spray. I wasn't convinced that the spray always worked so switched to tablets. After several changes in the dosage I think we've got it right now. I felt like I'd got my life back. Now I am wondering if it is changing my mood as I am feeling depressed.

My daughter (9) has been on this for more than 2 years. She is using the nasal spray, 1 squirt each night. No bedwetting unless she forgets to take it. My concern is she has gained weight in the last 2 years and am not sure if its from this medicine or not. Are there any other alternatives to bedwetting than desmopressin??

My son,11, has taken this med for over 6 months. He was dry from day 1 with just one pill. We did not 'take a break' after a couple of months as directed by the md. About 2 months after beginning this treatment, he became very irritable, angry and prone to explosive episodes of frustration and aggression, even hitting himself in the forehead with his fist. We started behavior therapy and I took him off the drug 8 days ago. He has been dry every night since, and his mood has improved to the point where he has stopped hitting himself and is much less irritable, more like a normal 11 year old boy! We will keep him off for another week or two and watch his mood and behavior and talk with his md and therapist before deciding whether the drug is to blame for the episodes. Hope this is helpful.

if you take this medication for diabetes insipidus, do not allow the doctor to limit your use, make sure you have atleast a one year supply on hand at pharmacy at all times, so that you never run out of refills, i been on this medication since 1983 after a tumor removal thru a craniotomy, i am dependent upon this medication, one time i went four days without this medicaiton due to a doctor wanting to see me in the office for a yearly visit, and had a salt imbalance due to water flushing of electrolytes and so on, had to be hospitalized for 6 days to recuperate

My son was on this medication for a year... with mixed results. I took him to the urologist at Childrens Med Center WA, DC. and was told NOT to use this medicine, it was put on the FDA black box list, AND was told by the doctor that 80% of the children they see are merely DEHYDRATED.. and DON'T need medicine, they merely need to drink 8 oz of water and then pee and continue that throught he day. The doctor stated the bedwetting is a function of their stools not passing due to their dehydration. The next day, and every day there after for the past 3 years, he has been drinking his water, peeing, and NO MORE BED WETTING. Doctors should be sued for presribing this medicine, when a simple solution (drink fluids and pee) is the answer... I hope this helps every Mom out there, who is tired of cleaning bed linens. I learned about the water drinking issue when my son was 10.. All pediatricians should know this simple solution, drink water and pee.

My daughter is 7 years old and we just started last night on 3 pills because 1 and 2 did not work. She was dry this morning so we will see. :) My question is if anyone has experienced drastic mood changes or obsessive behaviors from their kids while on this medication?

My son was a bed wetter from day 1. The doctor told us about this drug but said it works beeter on kids age 6 and up, we got the doctor to give it to us at age 5, we started with 1 pill and still had wetting we increased it to 2 still wetting, when we gave him 3 pills a night NO MORE BED WETTING! It was a mircle drug for us he used it for a year after that, we decresed to 2 pills and still had sucess. By age 7 we would do 1 or 2 pills if he had a late night sports practice or game in which he drank a lot other regular nights we just watched the fluid intake after dinner and he went to bed with no pills and did fine. He is now 9 and I can't remeber the last time we used them. This medication was the best thing that happened to our family, we all started getting a good night's sleep and waking up refreshed ready to start the next day! We never experienced any side effects and he never complained about taking the medicine. It is a huge boost to be able to sleep at a friends house and not have to tell them you are a bed wetter. I say try this medicine for yourself before you make up your mind from these reviews.

my situation is that my sickness is called panipapit with hypochlorisn hyper thyriodism in effect i already had 3 brain tumors and it means that my pituary gland was removed in order to save my life i use ddavp each and every day to help assisting my urine flow

My son(12)(took 2 pills) & daughter(10)(took 1 pill)was on med. for about a year & it was very successful with no side effects. They no longer have to take it.I just started my 8 yr. old son(takes 1 pill) on it with great success

DI was diagnosed not long after my brain tumour. I was having to get up during the night every 2 hrs at least and was drinking somewhere around 10-12 litres of fluid a day. Had to be icy cold fluids as well. Taking the mess has been a great relief even though the amount I take still needs adjusting. I currently take 3 a day and although not perfect it is a vast improvement. Had brain surgery 2 weeks ago so that's caused some problems and thrown things out of whack (not enough fluids, nil by mouth) but generally I'm very happy with it.

This was used for my son. I was not very satisfied at all. It did not work at all.

9 year old female with bedwetting, drug was ineffective. Allergic reaction to medication after 3 days of use (rash).