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Generic Name: Budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate for COPD (budesonide-formoterol-glycopyrrolate)

Budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate for COPD Reviews

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "Have been using Breztri for close to 2 years. There continues to be a malfunction with the inhaler itself. Sometimes it will not dispense a dose and you have to activate 2 or 3 times to get the medicine to disperse. I have tried cleaning as instructed but no resolution. This has happened numerous, numerous times. I have contacted AstraZeneca multiple times to complain about this issue but they still have not fixed the problem. I think it's time to change to a different COPD medication. Too bad because it works well for me."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I like Breztri for COPD breathing, but it's difficult to talk when I use it. I went back on Anoro Ellipta for a while, but due to the cost since my advantage plan doesn't cover it, I went back on Breztri, taking one dose in the morning and one dose in the late afternoon. Again, my voice is raspy and barely heard. Yes, I breathe better, but I can't talk. I may go back to Anoro Ellipta again. Wondering if anyone else has this problem."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I have taken it for 3 months now and at first I thought it was a miracle as Breo Ellipta did absolutely nothing for me. Except make me cough and hoarseness in my voice. Since taking the Breztri for a few months now, I told my wife, 'I'm not right. Something is wrong. I still have trouble breathing after walking and I cough a lot.' I wake up with headaches and I just feel in a daze. That's not right. The inhaler sometimes lets the medicine just go up in the air and sometimes hardly anything comes out."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I was taking Trelegy Ellipta for my COPD, but wasn't convinced it was the best medication available - so I decided to try Breztri. After using Breztri for a month, I switched back to Trelegy. I found Breztri to be less effective and just as expensive as Trelegy. Additionally, the inhaler was less functional and seemed to be of 'inferior quality. I realize others will have different results and opinions, but I am perfectly satisfied that I switched back to Trelegy."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "Been using it for 8 months after switching from Symbicort/Spiriva...seems to work as well the latter is no better. The yellow breathers are terrible as half the time it doesn't give you a puff and the counter is way off which makes it show you are taking more than you really are and after 2 weeks of use it seems you are getting weak puffs... This medicine is really expensive."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "My doctor switched me from Symbicort to Breztri. Looking at the reviews, I must be an outlier because I couldn’t tell if I had taken it and/or felt worse whereas with my old inhaler there was a noticeable + difference."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I've been using it for a year now for my COPD and emphysema brought on by acute COVID lung. Before I started on this medication, I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs or even take the trash out without nearly losing consciousness. It's very expensive, but my doctor gave me a prescription discount card from the manufacturer, which in conjunction with my insurance, made it very affordable. It has changed my life and given me a second chance. I work a physical labor job and I'm again able to perform at a high level. I can even run on the beach with my dog again. To avoid the sores in the mouth and throat that people complain about, I brush my teeth and gargle water after each of my twice-daily doses. I literally believe I might be dead today if not for this medication."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "my pulmonary doctor put me on Breztri Aerosphere and said to take two doses a day. The first day was fine and worked pretty well. On the second day, I took the first dose and ended up passing out. It is a good thing my son was home as he called 911. An ambulance came and got me and I woke up the next day in the hospital. Breztri Aerosphere is not for me. I'm glad to hear it works well for others. I don't know why it didn't work for me."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "Used Breztri for 4 1/2 months and have zero flare ups. Before I had 3 in 2 months and was switched to Breztri only problem is that it is expensive fortunately I’m a veteran so I get a reduced price But I believe it’s a super drug if you can afford it"

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "Since using the new yellow dispenser I can not keep my oxygen level up. New units do not deliver the same as the white units did. They are harder to shake and at times feel like only air is coming out. I rate it a 1 out of 10! Go back to the white one."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I am very satisfied with the results of Breztri Aerosphere. I started using it several months ago to help with COPD. After starting Breztri, I have not had to use the rescue inhaler or the nebulizer for attacks of shortness of breath and, in general, difficult breathing. I had tried several other inhalers without any improvement. I would recommend this medicine to anyone who is suffering from COPD. I take two puffs twice daily, and it keeps me breathing well all day long."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "Appears to work well. I was diagnosed with pneumonia and within 3 days the fever is gone and I am feeling a lot better. My successful battle with pneumonia maybe from; 1-.With Breztri, for 2 months was on a 45-60 min. Daily aerobic & exercise program which strengthen my lungs. 2- Also, last year I received the senior dosage pneumonia vaccine. This is far better than my battle with pneumonia in 2010. It took me 6 weeks to get over it."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I was experiencing severe coughing for many months and was hospitalized for pneumonia. After discharge, the coughing continued. I saw a pulmonologist who started me on Breztri, 2 puffs in the morning and evening, due to mild COPD. The coughing went away immediately and has stayed away. I developed a mass on my neck that kept growing and was diagnosed as large B-cell diffuse lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's. I cut down to 1 puff per day and observed a noticeable decrease in the size of the mass. My oncologist will begin treatment next month, probably, so I am not sure if it is related. But the mass first appeared a month after starting Breztri."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I graduated to using Breztri from Symbicort, when the Symbicort began to decline in effectiveness. The Breztri has been very effective in controlling my symptoms and with no side effects that I have noticed."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I have taken it for 3 months now and at first I thought it was a miracle as Breo Ellipta did absolutely nothing for me. Except make me cough and hoarseness in my voice. Since taking the Breztri for a few months now, I told my wife, 'I'm not right. Something is wrong. I still have trouble breathing after walking and I cough a lot. I wake up with headaches and I just feel in a daze.' That's not right. The inhaler sometimes lets the medicine just go up in the air and sometimes hardly anything comes out."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I have tried 4 different inhalers for my COPD and they helped, but not like Breztri. This medication has given me my life back. I have been on it for about 4 months and can now do normal daily activities without my oxygen levels dropping. I am still seeing improvement and feel stronger every day. The only problem I have with it is the last 10 days of the inhaler, I am not getting the correct dose out of it. If you have COPD and are struggling, try this medication."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "Breztri changed my life, for the better in big ways. I rarely ever use my rescue inhaler. Before Breztri, I used it 4-8 times a day. After Breztri, maybe 1 time a week to two weeks. Before Breztri, I couldn’t walk across the street without being breathless. Not the case anymore. I am so thankful for this awesome drug and would recommend it to anyone."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "Breztri works great when the dispenser delivers the medication. I’ve had a lot of trouble with it. It seems when it get down to 20-30 doses it stops dispensing the meds. I’ve had quite a few flare ups as a result. I think it wasn’t delivering the medication when I used it!"

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "Did not realize I could not breathe until my first use of Breztri. Slept for a while 4-5 hours then awake for good, very hot at night, crown-like headache, some urinary retention. Switched to just 2 puffs in the morning, getting better."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "In May, I got samples from my doctor for a month. It worked pretty good, had just a couple of headaches. In August, I qualified for a year of treatment. I used one inhaler but by the end, the headaches started again. I started the second inhaler and the headaches got worse. I stopped taking it in the morning and only took it in the evening, but overnight the headaches started again. I decided to stop taking it for at least a week, and then I'll start again. Not sure what to do about it. I do feel a lot better, I can walk and clean the house without getting tired or being breathless, but I hate the headache."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I recently switched over to Breztri 160 as the alternative medicine (Trelegy 200) made my chest feel heavy 4 hours after the daily dose. I used the alternative for 6 months. Breztri has improved my COPD symptoms significantly. I am actively doing yard work, going to the gym, and leading a normal, happy life."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "Seems to do the job. My only complaint is the last 2 prescriptions, the spray doesn’t spray the same. The first one maybe full mist, the second one is only a slight puff. At the cost this should not happen. I am going to ask the doctor for different medications!"

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "Breztri works for me as claimed, however, the medication effect only lasts 3, maybe 4 hours at most. It would be great if the relief would get me through the day. Some relief is better than none, even if it is just for a few hours."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "The minute I used it, I told my doctor it was a game changer! My breathing was easier immediately! I have tried most of the others and nothing helped as immediately as Breztri. I had no ill effects and it’s as easy as any other inhaler. I use it twice daily (two inhalations each time)."

Breztri Aerosphere (budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate) "I started taking Breztri Aerosphere after being hospitalized with pneumonia and being diagnosed with emphysema and COPD eight months ago. I stopped smoking and started Breztri. I was on oxygen for 6 months. My breathing is much improved. Breztri is easy to use, once in the morning and once at night. I have not noticed any side effects. It is VERY EXPENSIVE, costing over $150 AFTER insurance has paid over $600. Due to expense, I am going to see if I will be okay if I reduce the dosage or stop taking Breztri."

More about budesonide / formoterol / glycopyrrolate

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  • Reviews (93)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: bronchodilator combinations
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Budesonide, formoterol, and glycopyrrolate drug information
  • Budesonide, glycopyrrolate, and formoterol (Advanced Reading)

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Breztri Aerosphere

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Breztri Aerosphere

Related treatment guides

  • COPD
  • COPD, Maintenance