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Generic Name: Creon (pancrelipase)

Creon Reviews

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "After Whipple surgery, my GI doc and my oncologist both recommended that I take 75,000 IU of Creon per major meal and 25,000 per snack. It works to control diarrhea, though it's very expensive. But, if I take it with the meal, it causes gas bloating. So, now I'm experimenting with taking it before meals, 30-60 minutes, which seems to work, except that I always have to know exactly when I'll eat next, so I can take pills at the right time in advance. Does anyone else have this bloating problem and if so, how do you deal with it?"

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "I have pancreatic cancer and have been dealing with digestive problems since the diagnosis. I've lost 45 pounds and I haven't been able to eliminate diarrhea in the 2 months of chemo. My potassium has dropped to a point where the doctors are considering stopping treatments until I can get blood counts under control. I've been taking the Creon enzymes for 3 days. Total difference. I have an appetite, slept 7 hours straight, less gassiness, no pain and I've gained 2 pounds. I feel great. Absolutely a miracle drug for me as I watched myself waste away."

For Chronic Pancreatitis "First, this drug is EXPENSIVE. My regular insurance denied paying for it 3 times. I had to have my doctor fight with them on the phone, saying this is the ONLY current viable drug for Pancreatic insufficiency. They still complained. My stomach was in very bad pain, loose stool, and extreme bloating. After ONE day of use (5 pills of 12000 units), my bloating reduced by 50%. The frequency of loose stool is down to only once a day vs 3-4 times a day pre-Creon. The pain is beginning to improve. HOWEVER, this drug has given me one of the RARE side effects listed in warnings, 'HIVES'. My back won't stop itching. UGHH. So now I have to decide between abdominal pain all day or having itching all day. I have to ask the doctor for anti-itch pills now. ANYONE ELSE GET ITCHING?"

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "When I first started using this medication, after one day of use my next bowel movement was long, fully formed with no appearance of undigested food. Extreme urgency gone after about five years of very disruptive diarrhea."

For Chronic Pancreatitis "I lost a lot of weight and was spending my life in the bathroom. Creon has me almost back to normal. My dose varies according to what I eat, and I do have to avoid fats, but still eat salmon, avocado, and use olive oil... Healthy fats still need to be in one's diet... I just adjust my dose. So glad my doctor gave me this flexibility as we know our bodies best! Creon has been a lifesaver for me!"

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "This medication did absolutely nothing to resolve my EPI disorder (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency), even with a recommended increase in dosage. I continued to have frequent explosive diarrhea problems. I have had many medical problems during my 76 years of life and recovered, but EPI is the worst medical problem I have ever had. It will not go away."

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "After I got my diagnosis (adenocarcinoma in the head of the pancreas) by the end of December 2019. My oncologist recommended that I start Creon in January 2020. Two capsules with meals and 1 capsule with a snack. That really helped me with my digestion, and I’m able to eat fat and proteins again (only chicken and fish). I don’t eat red meat! I had a Whipple surgery in the middle of April 2020. I continued taking my Creon till now (August 2020). And it works great. Giving me the chance to enjoy my favorite food at any time every day. My oncologist told me that I have to use Creon for the rest of my life because my pancreas is not producing enough digestive enzymes due to my health condition and after my Whipple surgery. Now, a week ago, the oncologist sent me for another control CT scan, and thankfully everything is clear. I have to continue with my chemotherapy and with my Creon."

For Chronic Pancreatitis "I have chronic pancreatitis. For a while, I was dropping weight very fast. Lost 32 pounds in March alone. It was to the point where I couldn't function between vomiting and just the pain in my stomach area. I wasn't doing well. My GI doctor put me on Creon and things got much better. I take one before I eat and after. Slowly, I was able to add to my menu more of foods I can tolerate. Off the list before was any meat except for fish, lettuce, and anything too sweet. If I forget to take it when I eat, I do suffer the consequences later. I'm very happy with this medicine."

For Chronic Pancreatitis "This year of 2016, I have spent two stays in the hospital with severe stomach pain. I lost two stones in weight as the normal day-to-day food of meats, vegetables, and snacks caused the pain to increase. In September, I was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. My consultant then prescribed Creon. For me, I have suffered no side effects, only complete relief from the horrendous pain pancreatitis causes. I have now gained weight as I can, once again, enjoy meats, but I do trim the fat off steaks and chops. I also take senna alongside Creon as this helps keep my bowel movements almost normal. I very rarely get those nasty, smelly floating stools as I have got my dosage just right. Taking Creon has given me back my previous life."

For Chronic Pancreatitis "I was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis when I was 38 and not a drinker, only on special occasions. Since then, I have been taking Creon, 3 tabs at 25,000 with each meal, and it has helped remarkably - no more stools floating or fatty... less pain and feeling much more normal again."

For Chronic Pancreatitis "I tried Creon and other NHS pancreatic enzymes, but they all made me worse than ever. So, I began taking a vegan enzyme called Botanogest made by a company in Belgium. It cured all my pancreas and stomach pain, and I could eat any foods I wanted with it. An MRI scan has shown it has also made the scarring on my pancreas completely disappear, which doctors say is impossible. Botanogest has recently been discontinued, and without it, I'll need a feeding tube. No other enzymes work for me. I believe Botanogest could help millions of people with pancreatitis be well again, like I was for 17 years with it. I keep mailing the company in Belgium, asking them to start selling it again, it's a miracle product for pancreatitis."

For Chronic Pancreatitis "After a gastric bypass 4 yrs ago, then followed by gall bladder removal, I was left with chronic unpredictable diarrhea, pain, bloating, and nausea. Recent tests showed I had EPI (Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) and my pancreas was not producing enough, if any, enzymes. A week ago, I was prescribed Creon 10000 by the hospital. I feel so ill taking them. The pain and bloating have gone, but I am still getting diarrhea, bad nausea, a vile taste in my mouth that taints everything I eat/drink, and awful headaches. I take 2 capsules with a meal twice a day, then 1 with any snacks. I cannot eat normal meals due to the gastric bypass, so I tend to graze throughout the day every 2/3 hours. Is this normal, and will the symptoms go eventually, or will it always be like this? I am truly sick and tired of it all."

For Chronic Pancreatitis "This is the best medicine for Chronic pancreatitis. I am using it and it's very helpful for me. Please use less amount of protein in your food and break your meal into two to three to four parts throughout the day. Don't take a large amount of food at one time. This medicine is helpful for improving the pancreas."

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "I've been taking 36,000 units of Creon per meal for almost five months now after having the Whipple procedure. Just two weeks ago, I started vomiting occasionally and, sorry this sounds so gross, the food upchucked was undigested. Has anyone experienced this problem? I have an appointment scheduled with my doctor and will find out more then. Just wondering if anyone else experienced delayed side effects, or is it possible I have developed a sensitivity to it. Worked great at first."

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "I was diagnosed with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) after about 3 months of diarrhea. At first, the Creon didn't do anything, but eventually, the diarrhea slowed and stomach pain decreased. Watching my diet to avoid fatty foods as best I can has also helped. Still have completely loose stool, but not as often as before. I have developed a cough and sore throat, along with a raspiness in my voice that continues to get worse. (Not good for a singer). I have found no remedies for that and have not been advised of any help. I don't know what I'll do if the pain continues to increase. I can live without singing (not a professional), but the throat pain is really getting bad."

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "I was prescribed Creon for EPI. While on this medication, I experienced very little, if any, relief from my symptoms. The side effects were horrendous - headache, hot flashes, coughing, memory issues (straining to remember words), and joint pain in my upper leg and tailbone. Within 24 hours of stopping the medication, all side effects disappeared."

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "I am 56 years old with pancreatic cancer. After 3 days of taking Creon I thought I was going to die. Except diarrhea I experienced every side effect on the list. Excruciating abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, headache etc on a scale of 10 my pain was at 10. My husband who is nurse was puzzled and I realized that the only thing I had changed was that medication. I stopped taking it immediately and it took me a week to recover. Not blaming anybody but if it happens to you, stop taking it immediately and talk to your doctor."

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "I take Creon 25000 (2 with meals, 1 with snacks) because I take Somatulin for NET tumors, and it upsets pancreatic function. Originally wasn't impressed, so after 4 months, with my doctor's OK, I suspended it... but the symptoms came back in spades. I'm now more religious about dosage and timing and find it helps immensely (back on it 8 months). Helps with gas, bloating, diarrhea, greasy stools, smell. Not always totally effective, but I haven't restricted what I eat or drink and suppose if I were better at that, I'd have more success. Good luck to others!"

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "within 2 days I of taking Creon felt horrible doc told me to keep taking them, I went into the worst annaphalactic shock. I'm suprise I didn't die. Now taken OTC not enough lipase my LDL is climbing with BP Im a woman under 100 lbs my BP went tp 196/164"

For Chronic Pancreatitis "I have been taking Creon for about 3 months now and before I started the med I wouldn't eat till a 11am but now it's like if I don't eat every few hours I feel dizzy and lightheaded and I get the shakes real bad and most of the time I feel weak and sleepy and my stomach is still upset time to time does anyone else have theses problems please let me no if you have or are. TY"

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "Side effects kicked in were worse than my condition. Already take Zofran for nausea and vomiting. This drug actually started me vomiting again. If you have depression and anxiety issues and pain issues in joints, etc., it can make it worse and override medication. Thank goodness my doctor gave me samples because it's extremely expensive even with insurance. Do not take if you are allergic or don't take/eat pork ingredients... I'm not - but it's a warning I wasn't told about."

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "Creon is great for my exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), taken almost three years. Without Creon, I have explosive diarrhea. But my dosage is tiny compared to many, one 3,000 lipase capsule with all meals or snacks."

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "Was advised to start with 1 capsule for a snack and 2 for a meal and to increase until stools were normal. I am now up to 8 x 2500 for a meal, 6 for a sandwich (not cheese). When I expressed my concern to my surgeon, he said to take as many as I need. Things are fairly normal now, although flatulence is still a problem. My advice is to keep increasing the dose until you get it right. Also, keep a diary so that when your stools are not properly formed, look back a couple of days to see where you should have taken more."

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "I've been on Creon 3 x 36,000 lipase units every meal for three years without any issues until recently. About 5 months ago I started having explosive diarrhea, up to 6 times a day. I stopped taking it for a few weeks and got better. I started back slowly with 1 x 36,000 lipase units and over the course of 2 weeks I increased back to 3 pills with meals. Everything was fine for about 3 weeks now my diarrhea is back. Yesterday I scheduled an appt. with my doctor and I am going to stop again."

For Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction "I was told to take this as lipase was not enough (was discovered through diarrhea/loose stool, greasy.) This has made me feel worse! Abdominal cramps, sometimes bad, and inability to empty bowels enough to safely leave the house for 3 hours. Huge all-over body bloat. I quit it and in 2 days a friend asked me if I had lost weight, even my face looked slimmer, and I thought bam! Water retention, oh! The pain from this is not worth it. Are the others on here mentioning anxiety? Yes!! So bizarre this could cause it but I've had some pretty bad days, had to even take Benzo, no reason why...but perhaps this! What a shame So many bad reviews here, what can help us??"

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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: digestive enzymes
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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Professional resources

  • Creon prescribing information
  • Pancrelipase (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Zenpep, Pancreaze, Pertzye, Viokace

Related treatment guides

  • Pancreatic Exocrine Dysfunction
  • Chronic Pancreatitis
  • Cystic Fibrosis