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Generic Name: cyclosporine

Brand Name: Restasis ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Why on earth is this dispenser so difficult to use, in fact impossible. Can it be transferred to a better dispenser??

My eye dr prescribed restasis for dry eyes. Thank goodness I only used it 5 days. I have been miserable every since starting it. My eyes hurt constantly. My vision is very poor now. I have been nauseous for 3 days. I thought I was having a heart attack but now realize it is from the restasis. This drug needs to be taken off the market. I am telling my dr but I know she won’t listen. It really makes me wonder if they get some kind of kick back from the company.

I was on restasis for 30 days and it made my dry eye worse.

After literally (eyes) burning out from Xiidra, my eye specialist prescribed Restasis. Xiidra was torture for my already inflamed eyes, so I tried the prescribed Restasis. OMG. More burning and eye irritation here, but slightly better than Xiidra - which was pure torture to my poor eyes! I am a professional pharmaceutical consultant, but I haven’t yet found a therapeutic relief for my severe dry eye. Next, I am trying “eye moisture chambers,” available online; and Cetus. Good luck.

The application is extremely difficult. The bottle is impossible for arthritic hands to squeeze out. I ended up wasting 25% from the 3 bottles I tried and will not be renewing the Rx. I did not notice any improvement in my extreme dry eye issue. Very frustrating.

I used Restasis for 15 days. Initially I experienced burning and redness in my eyes, but as the days passed the side effects increased. By day 10 I was experiencing substantial pain in the joints of my knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows. By day 12 I began experiencing pain in my lower back and right side. On day 14 I could not stand up and stayed in bed all day due to the excruciating pain in my lower back and side. On day 15 I started researching side effects and quit taking this drug. In addition to these symptoms I also experienced diarrhea, severe dry mouth, bags under my eyes, darkened urine, a stabbing pain in my right ear, heart palpitations, elevated blood pressure, heavy sinus congestion and a feeling of smothering when I was lying down due to substantial mucus buildup in my sinus cavities and throat. During this time the only thing in my life that had changed was starting the use of Restasis. I read the Restasis literature for side effects and realized that some of my symptoms fell under the 'contact your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms' category. I called my eye doctor on day 15 to report what I was experiencing and was told that none of my symptoms were related to Restasis (despite my assertion that they are listed in Restasis' own side-effects literature). Today is day 19. After being off of Restasis for 4 days the pain in my lower back and right side has diminished only slightly. I am able to walk with assistance. Joint pain is still present, as are the sinus problems, diarrhea, and a slightly lessened occurrence of heart palpitations. After reading pages and pages of self-reported very similar side effects of this drug, with symptoms resolving after discontinuing use, it is my hope that within a week without using Restasis my symptoms will dissipate. It is my absolute belief that all of my symptoms described above are attributable to my use of Restasis.

Very costly Rx. Very little results. I don't see (no pun) any difference.

You need to at least put this in a bottle and not a vial. The vial is hard to use and I lose drops. It is to expensive to have such a cheap container that can hurt your eye. It seems more drops are wasted than used. I can't afford to toss this out, but will not be using it again when this runs out. Very disappointed!

Worst eye drop bottle ever. Please make them easier to use!!!!! And not so wasteful!!!!

I have the individual daily dose droppers. It seems to have helped. However, I wonder if the Restasis "My Tears, My Rewards" program is a farce. Because Express Scripts won't deal with manufacturer coupons, I have to submit claims to the My Rewards program. I submitted 1/26/2021. Called and I was told a check was issued 2/23/2021. It is now 3/11/2021 and the check has not arrived.

I have to stop using this medication after only the second dose. When I have an allergic reaction to ANY medication, I usually feel it in my eyes first. After only the second dose of Restasis my eyes became dangerously swollen and the whites of my eyes were completely red and painful. So, I'm going to take that as a sign that I am allergic to this stuff. Now I have over $1,800 worth (retail) of a medication I can't, and won't use.

While the drops help , it is disgraceful that this company advertises that â??if you cannot pay for this Restasis may helpâ?.....unless you are a Senior citizen who is on Medicare .... we are the people who need the drops.... donâ??t expect your hollow advertisement to make a difference...disgusting

Everything was fine until .. Until I realized I am losing hair and have Alopecia :( .. but the damage was done and now I am trying to fix my Alopecia .

Burning eyes

Medication burns for an hour or more after use, sometimes so badly I can not see. (I do refrigerate it as my Dr suggested.) My vision is more blurry and my eyes feel more 'gritty' than when I began 2 months ago. It seems I have a constant, slightly sore throat. I am only 63 but have osteoarthritis in my hands - this has truly been worse and I did not believe it was from Restasis. I know it must be because I have been Gluten free to help the arthritis. This medication was suppose to help my severely dry eyes - it has made them worse! Sad there is no help for dry eyes. This drug is not the answer.

Restasis made my dry eye feel worse and eyes were always red , itchy, and watery. This product is very expensive and does not work for everyone. I used it for 6 months and stopped using it a week ago and for the first time in 6 months my eyes are no longer red, itchy and watery. I use Gen Teal jel and warm compress and I my eyes feel so much better. I would not recommend this product!

I am a Registered Nurse with no known medical conditions. Since taking Restasis I have had swimmer's ear, chronic neck and back pain and have openly said to my family "I feel like I am having an arthritis flare" (the problem is that I do not have arthritis). Although I was getting the drug FOR FREE with a manufacturer coupon I am stopping this drug today.

The plastic bottle is so hard that I cannot get the drops out with my arthritic fingers. I would rather have the files but my pharmacy only has the bottles. My eye doctors will have to prescribe something else.

This medication seems to help my dry eyes. The vials are a pain - but I prefer them to the multi use bottle. The bottle is very hard to get drops out of and then you get more than one drop at a time. And the bottle doesnâ??t even last 30 days yet itâ??s same cost as double the amount of vials.