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Generic Name: dicyclomine

Brand Name: Bentyl oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was prescribed this drug for pain from sphincter of oddi dysfunction. I took one 10mg pill in the morning. It did not help my right upper back pain. It made me feel drugged and hungover for a full day. I was very dizzy, blurred vision, bad headache and drowsy. I will never ever take another one of these. I’d rather deal with the pain than feel like that.

GI doc pr3escribed it at just 10mg for 1 week than 2 X 10mg. I Ttookit for 4 days and now have more severe abdominal pain and constipation. The pain is so severe I am considering going to the ER. Timed is not for me and I'll never take it again.

I am a diabetic and I only take this pill twice a day for bloating from IBS but it has raised my blood sugar in the 200’s and I’m giving myself a lot of shots trying to get control of my blood sugar. Is anyone else having this problem ?

Ok so i went to er with abdominal bloating spasms indigestion etc so they gave me bentyl to try first pill maybe helped but later on it was a disaster 4x more bloating gas i literally thought ill die or go crazy so stay away from this crap try natural ways to heal also stay away from librax

I’ve been taking this drug for nearly 2 years since having c diff and having to get a stool transplant. I always had mild Ibs now it’s worse, this drug helps a lot. Doctor recently had to up the dose but still works well. Upping the dose I’m noticing a few more side effects such as dizziness and drowsiness but nothing too bad. Works pretty well for me.

This medication is wonderful when used to control IBS-D. I felt like a normal personal for once in that aspect. HOWEVER, the side effects, for me, were not worth the relief; and it takes a lot for me to say that, as I’m a teacher and don’t have the ability to use the restroom with ease as I cannot leave my students unattended. I felt like I was in a mental haze while taking this med. I was extremely drowsy, confused, and generally felt depressed emotionally. Also, I took this medication once before a long international flight, and it made me fall asleep almost immediately. I woke up due to turbulence about thirty minutes later, and I was convinced that the plane was going down. The anxiety and paranoia that I felt was unreal. This is just not a medication that is sustainable for my lifestyle, unfortunately.

Great for pain and diarrhea, but bad side effects. Blurred vision, dry and red eyes, headaches, extreme fatigue, and agitation. Not worth it. Peppermint oil capsules and calcium carbonate are a better choice.

I have been given this medication to treat muscle spasms in my stomach. Works well and helps with occasional bloating. The only side effect I feel is a stiff neck after about 2 days of taking this medication. I don't know if they are related and was wondering if anyone else has this symptom?

This is really helping my irritable bowl syndrome, but I’m worried about side affects for long term use!!!!!

Everybody is different, but unfortunately this one did not work out for me. I feel like it didn't really do anything to relieve my stomach and esophagus, but it did give me severe dry mouth (nauseatingly dry- defeats the purpose of trying to relieve my stomach). Worth trying, but not very effective for me and my needs

was given this medicine for symptoms of UC. I have been in pain for a year and finally I went to a dr that prescribed this medicine to me and I am no longer in pain. I am so happy.

I use 1/2 tablet (10mg) prophylactically to prevent cramps, tenesmus, and diarrhea. It usually works extremely well, if taken at least 2-3 hours in advance. Its effects seem to last for up to 10 hours. Sometimes I take it in conjunction with .0625mg (1/4 tablet) of alprazolam, and it works even better. I can eat out, and not feel sick! Very effective for me.

I have IBS-D. I tried this medication for 1 month. It made my symptoms worse. It made me more irregular and made the intestinal pain much worse.

I have been on before. Warning: It says mixing with other sedatives may cause extreme drowsiness and it will. I mean EXTREME. Was given an injection in the hospital a few days ago and was reluctant to take it at home because I also take klonopin etc. As long as I separate it a couple of hours before or after my other meds. I'm 56, have had ibs since my teens, and took it then. As long as you are careful about taking it with other sedatives it should help Ibs and other bowel problems. Just be careful about what you take with it. If you must take it with other sedatives, seperate the bentyl by at least 2-3 hours or more. It may take a few days to get the full benefits of this drug. Don't expect much for a couple of days at least. After that, it does what it claims to do.

This treatment helped a lot of gas I use to experience

I have IBS-C and actually in my case stops the pain and spasms and without the side effect of constipation. I don't know where I would be without this medication I really don't.

Used for stomach cramps... the only weird thing about it it that my lips and face start tingling... no rashes or discomfort... just makes my face tingle. Maybe its a part of the relaxing of the muscles.

Many years ago I took Bentyl for IBS pain. Worked great for a long time, then I began noticing it triggered heart palpitations, so I had to stop taking it. Went into the ER this morning thinking I had diverticulitis, but after a CT scan was diagnosed with a severe IBS flare and given a Rx for Bentyl. Decided to try it again. Didn't really work well (I only took half a tablet, so 10 mg), and I developed a migraine aura and have had palpitations and a brief atrial fibrillation period (15 seconds). My heart is pounding like crazy. So no more Bentyl for me ... I'd rather have pain than this craziness. My father also takes Bentyl and it works great for him, but with my history of PVCs and PACs (heart palpitations), this is a no-go for me.

Traveling was awful for me until I began using this medicine. It is a godsend! My stress levels then shot up with a job change and 20 mg at the first sign of symptoms has spared me a LOT of pain. This is certainly the best medicinal I have ever taken. God bless the scientists who invented this wonderful pain saving wonder drug!