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Generic Name: Tramadol Hydrochloride and Acetaminophen Tablets

Brand Name: Ultracet

Ultracet Drug and Medication User Reviews

Iâ??ve had psoriatic arthritis for more than three decades. And have been on biologics for much of that time. After several years on Tramadol, I began to experience unpleasant side effects. My Doc suggested that I try Ultracet, as it has a lower dose of Tramadol. It has worked well for me.

Definitely helped me with easing pain in my neck.

Prescribed after an extensive dental procedure...I ate crackers and became drowsy and napped...Very effective relieving my pain...

This stuff is a joke. M & M's do a better job

I take Ultracet for my diabetic neuropathy. It is very effective when taken when the pain begins. Leave the pain to flare up, then it takes 4 - 5 tablets and atleast 2 hours to bring the pain down. But generally it is quite helpful. More effective than Lyrica.

i found it very useful for pain relief due to kidney stone.but its kind of scary that even a little overdose can cause very serious side effects.

After years of Lupus associated pain, a female Dr. prescribed Ultracet. I had been in a 4 day bout of intense flareup. It was the first time I had been given anything for pain in all those years. Within 15 minutes I was human again. I am truly thankful for this drug. I have nothing bad to report. Nothing. Never took steroids again. It made my body able to cope, to heal, to rest. I only take this drug when I am in a flare up. Not daily.

No relief of pain.

I had open heart surgery. At first I was on Oxycontin 10mg every 4-6hours. They agreed that Percocet would give me to much acetaminophen in a day. After the script ran out. I was still in pain for the chest re knitting. No one would refill the Oxycontin. This was suggested. What a relief. Not only have I dodged a dependence problem. This med works better that the other. No pain less tablets per day. I feel fine, not sleepy or weak. After 4 weeks I'm down to 1 every 6-8 hours, if needed, some times longer. I pleased with the results, and know that I can kick it when the time comes to stop using it. This is coming from a over 9 years recovering person.

I am taking Ultracet for Fibromylagia and Scleroderma pain. I was on Vicodin and hated how it made me feel plus it did not help that much with my pain. My Dr wanted me to try Ultracet and it has made my life so much easier, I take three a day and I dont feel weird or drowsy, it has kept most of the pain away and I am thankful for a drug that is not an opiate with all the side effects. I pray it keeps working and is not taken off the market like Darvocet was which helped the pain allot.I make sure I take the last dose by 7 pm or I dont sleep well as it tends to keep me awake. I guess you could say for now this med has changed my life for the better , I now get out more and do more with my family, before Ultracet I hardly ever left my home because of all the pain. It does not make me feel sleepy and I can function normally. It has also helped the depression which is a huge plus, not sure if it's because of allot less pain or it just has the ability to help depression. I make sure I eat fiber every day so I dont have any constipation issues. If I could only post a few words I would say Ultracet has made my life worth living again,pain is a horrible thing to have to live with 24/7.

I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis about 10 years ago and suffer from joint pain and a general feeling of crap on a daily basis. I tried other medications but they all made me drowsy and unable to function. I was also worried about becoming dependent on a drug if taken over a long period of time. My Dr. prescribed Ultracet for me about 3 years ago. This drug has changed my life. I can now live fairly comfortably with only one a day without the drowsiness and I don't feel dependent on it at all. If I happen to miss a few days, the pain comes back but I don't feel like I have to have it "just because". I constantly have blood work done to make sure my disease is not progressing. Ultracet has not affected my liver or any of my organs in a negative way. I think it's a great drug!

my doctor is takeing me off norco to put me on ultracet , i have had it before and had alot of breathing issues and headachs and could not sleep or even drive a car . is this anything like ultram , i have been on ultram also and had the same issues , very concerned abought going back on this

lower back injury,disk outta place,found out been that way for awhile,anyway since injury never been the same,this med helps alot,pain usually goes down right leg till foot burns,legs tingle, no sleep, and all day feels like charlie horse in right butt cheek ~!haha,really