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Generic Name: Erythromycin Tablets

Brand Name: Erythromycin Base Filmtab

Erythromycin Drug and Medication User Reviews

Taking for possible bacterial infection due to possible sti. Freaked out by the bad reviews but had no issue so far. First day of use taking 500mg 4 tomes daily. Some light gas and upper abdominal cramping but not that bad. Taken with or without food. No upset stomach or heart palps. Guess effect depends on the user.

Since I am allergic to penicillin and all forms of it so this is really the best thing. I just drink a large glass of milk or a piece of toast and no stomach issues!! Or you can take malanta anything that costs your stomach first! Because erythromycin is awesome for infections!! It can knock infections out fast!

Took 500mg twice a day and had constant diarrhoea every day. Doc suggested cutting down the dose to 250mg per dose and diarrhoea subsided. Don't see much change in my acne.

This drug was used for tooth infection so they could be pulled. I will never take this crap again! Yes the infection is gone. Yes the pain is gone, but the mental state of confusion and anxiety that this med induced made me stop taking it. I am still tired, a bit confused and anxious. I can take the z pak just fine, but this, NEVER EVER AGAIN!

When I get a really bad sinus infection when it goes down into my chest this is the only antibiotic that I have been given that really works. It knocks it out quick. One time when my doctor was on vacation there was another doctor filling in and he wouldn't give it to me he insisted the z pack was the way to go but it didn't even come close. I kept waiting for it to kick in. Even though erythromycin is a old antibiotic it's the best for me.

I've taken Erythromycin many times for various infections. (bacterial) Always works well, but I have to take with a full meal and even then it's hard on the stomach. I cannot take it with a glass of water. It's very harsh. Never any LBM for me, but it makes you feel like you've not eaten in days. Super growly tummy which makes you want to eat and eat. Takes many hours to work it's way thru. I take it with a full meal and then go to bed right away. Wake up next morning feeling much better.

I used this medication for a tooth abscess. I used it only for 4 days when I developed SEVERE stomach pain and diarrhea. I stopped it immediately. It has been 3 weeks since stopping it and I still have severe diarrhea.

The drug pamphlet should have more listings under the severe side-effects. I have never experienced a side-effect from a drug as I did from this one. Not only did I experience severe stomach pains, bloating, and gas, but also went into a seizure like symptoms. I ended up in the emergency room until stabilized several hours later. I would "NOT" recommend this drug to anyone and it should come with hefty warnings on the labels when it is prescribed.

No side effects at all, only some light-headedness at times, started to clear up my skin on the 3rd day of taking them. Also took probiotics to make sure I didn't get a yeast infection!

So far so good, although in the beginning it was a bit strong until I felt hypo, a bit physically and mentally disorientated and strange, but I felt OK on the fourth day of oral applications.

Within hours of use congestion lessened and thoat pain eased, no side effects of concern.

I was taking this medication for BV, As soon as I started using it, within an hour I started feeling my chest tighten, extreme nausea, and abdominal pain. I don't recommend this and am going to call my doctor and ask them to prescribe something else. VERY DISSAPOINTED

the side effects are horrendous nausea vomiting stomach pain

I am on day 11 of 30 day treatment and have had no side effects at all. I am also taking a probiotic to avoid any irritation that may occur due to being on an antibiotic for such an extended period of time.

250mg 4 times a day...no problems at all....not surewhat many speak about when they reference chest psins and vomiting...I have not had the sslightest bit of that.

As the other person reviewing said it works great. For the reason we take it it is taken before or after a meal so as you don't notice the stomach being upset. I started on mine about the same time he did and it was dirt cheap because many labs made it and not a lot of people used it. You could purchase 120 of the 500mg tablets for $5 to $ten dollars, well for a while there was a shortage of the 500mg and the 250mg was the only one being made. 240 of the 250mg was a little cheaper than the 500mg. AND THEN the price started to climb to $1200 and now it is around $2000 dollars. Insure agreed price is around $1400 and I am just a few dollars away from my wonderful medicare D "Donut Hole" whereI have to pay 100% of the price till I spend another $2000 dollars. If I had that kind of money I would not need the Medicare D insurance. I will not go back to the Reglan. I don't know what the hell I am going to do. Oh by the way I found out that taking 250mg Pill worked as good as the 500mg with a normal meal and not the all-u can eat Buffet, that takes the 500mg pill. I now eat only one meal a day because I was given 18 500mg pills that one of my in-laws gave me. So I can eat for 36 more days then I will have to quit eating solids until the first of the year.

Caused the worst diarrhea I have had in 64 years. 15-20 trips per day, plus cramping. I would not take this again unless I were dying of something for which this was the only remedy.

Stomach Cramps, Diahrrea, Dizziness

made my stomach hurt cramping alot did not help my gastroparesis

I had worst stomach and chest pain ever.stay away from this poison.