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Generic Name: Hydrocortisone Tablet

Brand Name: Cortef

Cortef Drug and Medication User Reviews

Hippo pituitary 1980. On cortef

In the 50's I was diagnosed with last stage of addisons disease I was 90lbs now I am 190lbs. I am on 10mg Cortef in morning and 10mg afternoon. I've had about 5 addisonion crisis but on the whole have lived a fairly normal life I am 81

I feel so much better on Cortef than I did on the generic form of this drug. I did gain a little weight but was able to get control of it. I have so much more energy and feel so much better..

I have taken Cortef regularly since I was 11. As soon as my levels were regulated it was a night and day difference. I am alive because of careful monitoring and knowledgable endocrinologists and doctors. I have congenital adrenal hyperplasia. I have struggled with weight my entire life but I also can lose weight when I properly take care of myself. I'm not sure of other side effects because I have been on it for so long.

I have gained 40 lbs in almost 2 yrs while making myself endure 1 hr of exercise a day and those of us know how hard that is with the fatigue!! I have changed my diet significantly to probably around 75% fresh fruits and vegetables and drinkin 4-5 16oz bottles of water daily, and only eat low fat/lean sources of protein (including beans & legumes)There just seems to be no way around the weightgain! I also feel constant heaviness in my legs to the point I have trouble getting uninterrupted sleep & the jitters.

Being able to get out of ed in the morning, o some house work and go to work is amazing. 6 years after I started showing symptoms I was finally diagnosed. I did gain 80 pounds in 4 months but I am slowly getting it down and finally have found out HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO DRINK 2-4LITERS OF WATER A DAY!!!! No one told me about how this drug puts your body on high alert and creates sugars to burn in high anxiety moments (accedents etc) but if you don't burn the sugars then they are stored as FAT .. once I learned this I increased my fluid intake .. cut out juice and anything with a glucose index over 60 and pounds are flying off .. I topped out at 268lbs .. very depressing .. but I am now down to 215 and I can see the old me coming back. As for the side effects .. jitteriness and sleeplessness I found that as I took Cortef that slowly my body adapted and that lessened. My hope is to anyone who has to take this is to keep your spirits up .. our outer layer does not define us!

overall good results

I have just started taking this medication.

I have CAH and have been taking a form of this medications since childhood.

Cortef was prescribed at the dose of 10mg twice a day to replace loss of pituitary gland production of certain hormones due to a macro-adenoma (incidentaloma) having reduced its functioning resulting in low blood sugar, low blood pressure, syncopes, tiredness, etc. over the last two years. The medicine had an immediate effect on my general bodily tonus and sense of well being, however, it soon showed undesirable side effects such as increased frequency of urination, difficulty with sleeping because of general wakefulness and interruptions for urination. Lately, I have become aware of increase in appetite and consequent rapid and considerable weight gain (going from 180 to almost 190 lbs in about three weeks) Am waiting to consult with family doctor and with endocrinologist who prescribed the medicine.

just started this drug yesterday and today blood sugar was 80 points higher than yesterday

This medication saved my life nine years ago. I also have graves disease and pernicious anemia. Cortef and florinef will cause great water retention.

now i'm having cataract surgery on both eyes,because of taking this drug.I've been going theough severe thyroid problems(graves disease)Through all that the symtoms from addisons is even worse.

makes my stomach upset

gained 20 pounds in less then 2 months!

works well... but struggle to lose weigh

Im not sure what RPC falls under, but ive been on this treatment for 5 months and the biggest side effect Ive had has been the Opposite of the one most people list, instead of constant insatiable hunger I have to force myself to eat.I forget to eat and my stomic will only growl if its been more than 24 hours since my last meal.