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Generic Name: Nadolol

Brand Name: Corgard

Corgard Drug and Medication User Reviews

Quadruple bypass 21 years ago. Been on it since works great!

I had been on this medication 26 years with no noticeable side affects, when changed to Nadolol, the generic. For 7 years I had severe anxiety and panic, resulting in a medication for anxiety. When could not afford the antidepressant that worked for the anxiety, suffered with it for 4 years. Recently changed to another beta-blocker and 5 months latter, no anxiety, no panic, completely gone. Other beta-blockers are not working and would like to go back on Corgard but it is not prescribed enough and is difficult to acquire. The generic is not always the best alternative for a name brand medication. On the third day without a beta-blocker and it is difficult to proceed with normal activity. I am a caretaker/housekeeper for a camp rental. No heavy palpitations, but light cleaning races my heart 100-120 bpm

Have been relieved of once was severe heart palpitations due to MVP/dysautonomia by taking this med in 3 daily doses since 1983. No adverse reactions to date. It works great for me.

I have been taking this medication since 1982 and I have developed a cough that we don't seem to be able to get rid of. So I was wondering if this med could be causing it.

recently diagnosed with pre-hypertension. blood became consistently close to 140/90. The generic gave me headaches daily the first three weeks I took it. It never completely lowered my blood pressure, so doctor increase my dosage and I experienced increased heart rate, extreme nausea, swelling in feet/ankles/hands.

I started on Nadolol 2 years ago to treat excessive feelings of aggression. It's been working very well at preventing my heart from racing and starting up an anger episode. I've also noticed that I'm much steadier with my hands. It's worked well with my other psyce meds too. I recommend it for anyone with a "racing heart" mental illness like panic attacks or aggressive outbursts.

i have been on this for over 20 years and does ok with 20 mg in the am and 10mg at night along with lisinapril 2.5 mg but i recently started these headaches and beta blockers are suppose to help headaches,anybody get these headaches?iam on the generic,may try the real brand don't know how much.Thanks.

My hand tremors have been reduced somewhat since taking CORGARD for the last 3 weeks.

Only been taking this for about a week, work just as good as Inderal LA. For A fraction of the cost. I was taking Inderal LA 120 mg 5x a day. I only take Corgard 1x a day, much better! Cost Inderal LA 500.00 per month, Corgard 4.00 per month. This seems to work better than the Inderal to control my tremors.

I have used this drug for over 20 yrs and I am trying to wean off of it with my drs supervision. I have had reduced it to 10mg M-W-F, now I take 10mg once every 5 days. On the 5h day I have felt jittery, shaky. Is this normal?

I have been taking Corgard for 2 years and I have gained almost 30 lbs even though I exercise regularly and watch my diet; my hair has thinned on top (I'm female and it's bad), I have joint pain, nightmares and insomnia. I asked for a change in medication and immediately all my symptoms went away and my weight is decreasing gradually. I wouldn't take this drug again.

I have been taking this medication for 4 years and it has been working like a charm for my mitral valve prolapse syndrome, which gave me a ton of palpatations. They stopped thank goodness. I too fall asleep abruptly after taking this medication which is why i take it right before bed. Great medication.

I have been taking 40mg 1xDailyAM for 37 years for Migraine prevention. IF I have a breakthrough, I use Midrin. Corgard has kept me from ER and Dr. visits with blinding, vomiting, insidiously painful migraines. 20mg does not work, as I have tried switching to a lower dose several times. Quality of life is everything!

I have been taking this drug for a racing heart since I was 23 years old, some 40 years ago. Generics do not work as effectively as this drug. I do not know where I would be at this time without it.

I have used this drug for many years with very good results in controlling my essential tremor.

The drug has worked well to help keep my arrythmia stable. The only issues that I have with the medication is that as soon as I take it I had better be at home and not driving or at work because within thirty minutes I am about to fall asleep in my tracks. Rarely does this not happen, but that is how my body responds.

Been on the generic for about 20 years and just recently had some more skip beats and fast heart rate,had a sucessful stress test and try to exercise 3 times a week,but heart was still racing.Started with 20mg a day then increased in the last two months to 30mg am & pm but not working,so I started Inderal LA 80 mg 1 a day yesterday and hope this works if not I will go back on Corgard.Very good drug for a long time,guess I need to change and see if this works.

used for 18 years only problem , thining hair and hair loss. asked to be put on something else.

Takes about a month for it to be effective if you have a high amount of caffeine in your diet. Very effective in the prevention of migraines, but can give you a morning headache that will go away in about 10-15 minutes by drinking water or having orange juice.

I have used this drug since I was twenty-three years old. It has been beneficial for me in regards to also having diabetes. I am not on diabetic medication and it lowers my blood sugar. I stopped having sinus problems after being on this medication for awhile. It keeps my blood pressure at 150 even when my sugar is low. I believe the pills should not be split. The 20 milligrams should be used more than the 40 milligrams, because it pushes your blood pressure down too low, the 40 milligrams. You stay ahead of other diseases, like liver disease, because it aids the liver when you are a diabetic. Please get the word out there about Corgard and keep people taking this drug (Brand Only) no Generic. Thank You, Laureen Thompson