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Generic Name: Diazepam Injection

Brand Name: Diazepam

Diazepam Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been having neck pain for a few months now. It has progressed to the point where I am having severe problems in the right side of my neck my right shoulder and my right scapula. I have tried baclofen a long time ago which helped back then. I tried Flexeril which to the absolutely nothing for me. I then tried Zanaflex 4 mg which worked for me however I must have aggravated the injury I am putting discs and two nights ago I was watching a movie and all the sudden I had wrenching pain and swelling of the right side of my body muscles with a stinging burning sensation almost like if you try to step on a foot that fell sleep all throughout my scalp my entire neck my right clavicle down the right side into my right shoulder and 1/2 of my right upper arm my right breast was tingling and burning and my right upper back. I went to put clothes in a towel on and my boyfriend saw black and blue mark going from my spine horizontally across to my side I tried to stretch it out I tried everything I could including Aspercreme lidocaine a tens unit the muscle relaxants Aleve etc. I finally was told to go to the emergency room where I received 5 mg of Valium within 15 minutes I was able to lay flat. When I first walked into the ER I couldn’t even sit down because if I laid on the muscle it hurts 100 times worse I was prescribed 5 mg every six hours as needed with a two day supply I have found that I only need to take it twice a day it works absolutely wonders. I am trying not to take it unless the pain is so severe that I cannot touch the muscle so that the eight tablets will last me longer as I do not believe any physician is going to refill this medication. I believe benzodiazepines have gotten a bad reputation however when taken as directed or as needed without substance-abuse history they were extremely helpful. I was told not to take it with my anxiety medicine or with muscle relaxants and I do not need then it clears my anxiety Way much more than At and I’ve also realized that it has stopped my migraine headaches I’m not sure if this is coincidence or not. The first dose I slept like a baby and it knocked me out. Now it does make me sleepy but I cannot fall asleep however it improves my mood and is a godsend. I

Guys, when your body goes into fight or flight mechanism. When it is scared it produces certain stress chemicals like adrenaline and cortisone. These chemicals help prime us for action but when this mechanism is over functionenong then side effects will be muscular tension. This is a side effect of anxiety. Please listen to me, and I know many of you are not going to want to hear this, bit the best remedy for all of these conditions including depression and anxiety is a good diet and regular exercise. When I mean good diet I mean, avoid processed and refined foods and cut down on stimulants. Exercise creates endorphins and dopamine which are great for anxiety. I know everyone wants a quick fix but diazepam are not good because the effectiveness of the treatment wears off after 4-8 weeks. They then become pretty much obsolete and actually do more harm to your anxiety and muscle problems than good. If you feel you really need treatment then Clonazepam is best for muscle seizures, Lorazepam for panic attacks and aprazolam for chronic anxiety. if you struggle my email is bendonagasaki8 at gmail dot com

Great for anxiety and to calm racing thoughts. What I will say though is that moderation is IMPORTANT. it's so easy to get carried away with this drug. When my dad died, I abused it and I was physically addicted. I had to slowly wean myself off because withdrawals are dangerous and really unpleasant. I'm in a good place now and I only use them if I'm really anxious or if I have bad social anxiety. If you're sensible nd take them properly then they really can be a life saver. Just don't ever drink on them

I take for anxiety depression spasm insomnia ptsd mood swings I find it can be helpful and doesn't really have any bad side effects ( like disgusting anti depressants that make u worse). I also use to take valerian root when I can afford it which has same affect both for me can be hit & miss if they work. I have a high tolerance to things though. So I ive found on sometimes a certain dose might work for something and other days not at all.. today my anxiety was awful and I felt panicky and it wouldn't go away and I remember having panic attack few weeks ago going to shop trying to walk off. Today I put 5ml under my tongue but didn't expect it to work as its way to low for me (I get a prescription classed as 5 ml to take a day, but I just take when needed and what I jeed)after20minutes took other 5ml but nothing. So got some food watched film but still hours later was awful ( nearly gave up and got a beer) so took another 10ml and felt my panic anxiety start to ease off only obviously a side effect is it can make you sleepy had nap now and woke with no stress or anxiety. I don't like that there is so much negativity from Dr's to prescribe this. When its a lot safer option than Anti depressants which don't work & I've self harmed on numerous times. Yet Drs will throw those at you like candy . Ridiculous when a person would need to take from 2000mg at once to have overdose. They're not perfect and as I say are hit and miss but when I can push myself to use them and they do work they're Great. Can't believe how much better I feel right now all negativity is gone for today 8/10

I am diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD, and social anxiety. I take diazepam for anxiety and muscle tension. I love it because how long the effects last, and the physical effects are great. I get severe headaches 15+ days a month, nausea from anxiety, trouble falling asleep, and muscle tension. I have tried various muscle relaxers which don't work. I also take Fioricet for my headaches but can't take that everyday. I cannot take ibuprofen anymore due to getting two ulcers. So diazepam 5mg does the trick for many of my issues. I think that it's best if you have physical issues alongside your anxiety. Because frankly it's not the best at killing anxiety. It can take a bit to kick in. I think clonazepam is better for pure mental anxiety. But for me personally, my anxiety/stress manifests itself physically in so many ways. And then I become more anxious and upset because I'm feeling physically uncomfortable. I sometimes only have to take half or even a quarter of a 5mg tablet, and I'll feel better while still being able to work. And it lasts for a very long time which is probably my favorite part. But as I said it's not the best benzo for anxiety in my opinion, I think clonazepam is better for anxiety but it doesn't help all these physical issues the same way and doesn't last anywhere near as long.

I don't know WHY everyone loves this medication. I have tried the REAL Roche Brand Valium AND the generic and they both suck; either on high or low doses. I have severe anxiety, PTSD and symptoms of DID. My old psych. thought this was med was the messiah of benzos! The only thing that works for me is lorazepam/Ativan, Klonopin/clonazepam or Xanax/alprazolam - which I do not like taking, but will they will help my panic. I had a severe panic attack with dissociation and kept taking diazepam and waited and waited for it to work to kill the attack - it took forever. If I had any other Benzo, like lorazepam or Klonopin it would have killed the panic attack in 20 minutes. Thumps down for diazepam for me. However, everyone is different. It's supposed to be a good med to wean off other benzos.

I take it occasionally for periods of anxiety it really works for me

Have had 10 MI s 7 stents now a stroke effective my right side I take them to relax and calm me now. It works!

Doctor order 5 mg to be taken 1/2 to 1 at bed time. Took 1/2 which did nothing so a few hours took the other 1/2. Did this for a few nights. Decided to take a whole tablet. Still couldn't sleep. Next day I could not function. Could not breathe. Ambulance came and EMT got my breathing controlled. I had trouble answering their questions. Could not read my signature when I signed their form. Three days later I am still having problems with dizziness. Afraid to drive and cannot walk far. Will see my doctor when she gets back to the office. Went back to my regular medication for depression. Was a terrible experience for me, my family and friends.

Best Anti Anxiety medication that I have tried. I recommend it to people who suffer from Anxiety.

I went to the ER with severe pain in my left side under my rib cage. I also had atrial fibrillation with RVR at a rate of 170 with hypotension. I still had muscle spasms after two days in the hospital. Upon going home and trying tens, biofreeze, rest etc., I took a diazepam and the pain lessened from a 10 to a 4.

I've used this medication for years for my motion sickness when traveling. It works so well and I'm grateful!!

2 years of use for muscle spasms. No improvement. Off medication 3 months. Developing more spasms. Very hard to sleep after stopping. Very irritable after stopping. Wish I never started on them!

better then xanax

I have been on this for 4 year's now for Panic disorder and the best one out there is the real one ROCHE r the Watson brand if u are given the knockoff brand teva is like taking nothing.

I tried muscle relaxants like Flexeril before but they had no effect on my muscle spasms. Oddly enough this helps with the knots and the pain associated with them to varying degrees. I take it as needed and sometimes it completely stops the muscle spasms and sometimes it barely does a thing, regardless of the spasm intensity. I wish there was more consistency but this is the only medication that seems to help so I'll take what I can get. Also makes me a bit loopy to varying degrees. Feels good but not exactly useful for trying to get things done plus I sometimes get depressed coming off it.

This medication has saved my life. I suffer from chronic anxiety and no other medications have helped. I have tried so many. I started taking it 30 years ago and many Dr's have advised that I stop. I did stop for 1 year about 8 years ago and it was the worst year that I can remember. I hate that it is habit forming but it is the only thing I have found that helps me get through the day. I will probably have to take if for the rest of my life and I am fine with that, if only every new doctor I saw would not try to be the one who can get me off of it!! They make it for a reason. I keep my dosage between 10 and 20 mg per day.

mylan's brand of valium, like many generics, is not even half as effective as the real thing; the product is cheap and quality is crappy. don't the cheap rip off versions get tested and checked by the FDA? no matter what doctors and pharmasists say, generic are poor substitues for the real meds they claim to be. anyone who's had the name brand of valium will no what i'm talking about. mylan drugs are cheap knock offs.

I use Diazepam for anxiety and insomnia a couple of days a week. Overall its a very effective medication but as with all benzodiazepines tolerance builds up over a few weeks and months. I find the anxiolytic effects remain fairly constant but with daily use its loses most of its efficacy at treating insomnia. Physically addictive so only use once or twice weekly now

it made me feel less anxious and less paranoid and also helped with my epilepsy and my aches and pains due to arthritis and nuroleptic pain.