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Generic Name: Diazoxide Capsules

Brand Name: Proglycem

Proglycem Drug and Medication User Reviews

Hello everyone. My mother had insulinoma from 10 years. she have very low blood sugar after meal 70 bsr and after 2 hours of meal 40 bsr . doctors of SIMS hospital lahore pakistan operate pancreas glandular. now she is stable and bsr is 130 to 180.

Hello Everyone . My mother had insulinoma from 10 years. she have very low blood sugar after meal 70 bsr and after 2 hours of meal 40 bsr . doctors of SIMS hospital lahore pakistan operate pancreas glandular. now she is stable and bsr is 130 to 180.

I am a 56 Year Old adult. I was a type II Diabetic (High Sugars). I had Gastric Bypass Surgery and I Lost 75 Pounds and became "Undiabetic". However, as a result of the surgery my sugars started to tank down to between 40-60. My endocrinologist put me on Proglycem( 2.5 ml, Two times a day). The Low Sugars went away but now my sugars are always in the 200-300 range. It is one the noted side effects of this medicine. I am meeting my doc next week to figure out what to do. The other side effect that I have experienced is cramping in my toes and legs at night mostly. Yes this medicine tastes awful and dosing on a dropper is not an exact measurement either.

Yes the medicine tastes terrible. Yes, it causes hair growth. But, that is a very simple trade for my son being alive and stable. This medication has kept my son alive from congenital hyperinsulinism.

I am 33 years old. I have been taking this medication for about three months. Taste horrible difficult to get it down. works good with juice. Horrible side effects Dizziness Nauseas and vomiting. That's with dose changes. I have noticed I have become very forgetful and tired all the time.

My son has been taking Proglycem since he was 3 months old. He is now 24 and is still on it. It works wonderful....and as long as it still works, I refuse to let them do surgery on him to remove part of his pancreas (which is not a common procedure). When he was a baby, I would squeeze his cheeks together and squirt it in. When he was 5, he was able to take the capsules, but that didn't last long as the company quit making the capsules back in 1993. Yes, the oral suspension taste terrible and lingers. He prefers to take it after he eats so it doesn't ruin the taste of his meal.

Used after efficacy of prednisolone decreased on my 5 year-old ferret.

My 7 month old has taken this drug for 2 months. It tastes horrible and is very difficult to make an infant take a whole dose of something that taste so bad. It also has bad side effects. He grew hair on his forehead and this really bothered me!

Used for severe hypoglycemia. Seemed to keep BS up but tasted horrible and made me gain 11 pounds of fluid in one week. So had to discontinue treatment.

My daughter has been on for 4 months and takes twice a day. She says tastes terrible and I agree but she says its better to just take and be done with it. She waits 30 minutes and then eats something to get the taste away.

We have a 14 month old little boy who has to take Proglycem suspension. It tastes awful. I was wondering if anyone with a similar situation has any suggestions or experiences that would help us get the medicine down. We have tried chocholate and it hasn't helped.