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Generic Name: Mycelex Troche (clotrimazole)

Mycelex Troche Reviews

For Oral Thrush "I found the Troche very easy to use and not in the least objectionable. I have used it as prescribed for 7 days but feel that it should have been issued for a longer period of time. My mouth and throat are still sensitive and burning."

For Oral Thrush "I took 2 rounds of Mycelex Troche lozenges, 10 days each, 5 lozenges per day. I still have a raw area on inside of lower lip and do not feel "cured." I am going to ask my Doctor to try Diflucan next. I take a probiotic daily, a multi-vitamin and eat yogurt, yet this has never resolved."

For Oral Thrush "Given this for 14 days. Other than the frequency of talking the tablets, it is easy to use and tastes fine. However, it did not resolve the issue ... and within 12 hours the symptoms were back, with little white blisters on my very sore tongue. Rebound? I don’t know, but this did not work for me. Dentist is having me wait for three days to see if it clears up! Ouch!"

For Oral Thrush "I am starting a regimen of Mycelex Troche. I have used Nystatin Oral 11 Xs. I developed thrush after dealing with an aneurysm in 2018. Mycelex is prescribed by an ENT. I’ll keep you posted. I’m trying to be right for Thanksgiving 2020"

For Oral Thrush "I am starting a regimen. I have used Nystatin Oral 11 Xs. I developed thrush after dealing with an aneurysm in 2018. Mycelex is prescribed by an ENT. I’ll keep you posted. I’m trying to be right for Thanksgiving 2020"

For Oral Thrush "This was very easy to take. I noticed after taking it for 7 days (out of the 10 prescribed) that my thrush was completely gone. I noticed no side effects. I took it for all 10 days."

For Oral Thrush "I was on it for 10 days (5 tablets a day), it did not work for me, and it was expensive even with insurance. The tablets are sweet like candy, so they are easy to take."

More about Mycelex Troche (clotrimazole)

  • Check interactions
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  • Reviews (7)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: azole antifungals
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Mycelex Troche drug information
  • Mycelex Troche (Advanced Reading)

Professional resources

  • Clotrimazole Lozenge prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Oral Thrush