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Generic Name: Disopyramide Phosphate

Brand Name: Norpace

Norpace Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have only been on this medication only a short time, but thus far the effect has been dramatic. For the first time in several years, I am symptom free (highly irregular heartbeats, both in frequency and intensity) with only mild gastrointestinal side effects.

I haven't had any heart palpitations since I started taking Norpace (maybe once)... the only think I've noticed differently is that i seem to keep a higher blood pressure now... Weird!!

I have had several bout of atrial fibrillation and have landed in the ERon 3 occassions. I would say that Norpace has been 80%-90% effective. My biggest complaint is the onset of erectile dysfunction. This has been a slow prgression over te 2-3 years I have used Norpace and I am just now putting one and one together as I research and see that ED can be a side effect.

For years my mother had bouts of sudden passing out accompanied by irregular heart beat. Many drugs were tried, without success. Her cardiologist put her on Norpace and she has not had an instance of passing out since (many years.

I have experienced extreme fatigue, light headedness and crying bouts while on this drug. I am 37 yrs old and this medication not only has life altering side effects but restrictions also that do not fit into my active lifestyle.

I am now taking Norpace in conjunction with Metoprolol to treat Afib. This is after about five years of trying other medications with very limited success. I am very phyically active and this drug has dramatically improved my ability to remain so. I RARELY experience Afib episodes since being on Norpace (6 months now). However my cardiologist and I continue to talk seriously about the benefits of ablation at some point in the future. There are potential side effects with taking Norpace and long-term use does concern me. For now, it's doing the job and I'm loving it!

works ok so far. No problems

I cannot go out in the heat, while on this med. I use a cooling vest when it is between 80 and 90 degrees. I have had bad breakthroughs of afib/tachy when ill or over heated or in temps of over 90 degrees, even with the cooling vest. I had been using calan only for about five years and it just stopped working for me. I had a study done inpatient and norpace was the drug of choice for me. I was in the hospital for five days after the study and to see if there were any bad effects from the norpace. At the time I lived in a cooler climate and the heat problem did not show up until I moved to a warm climate.