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Generic Name: Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine Tablets, for Oral Use

Brand Name: Juluca

Juluca Drug and Medication User Reviews

HIV 25 years. Switched to Biktarvy August 2019 due to resistance. Got off January 2020 due to muscle pain and muscle fatigue although labs were great. Now on Juluca have muscle fatigue and no pain. Sometimes faintheaded. Before switching to Biktarvy felt great. Feeling a little better now and will have follow up with Doctor.

After using Biktarvy and Triumeq for a year and being very sick with puking and weakness, I now take Juluca and feel much better. No puking. Walking erect and without a cane again. I still deal with depression though.

After 6 mos i went up to a viral load of 67, from 49 ....please help me explain this ;(

Juluca was great for the first 3 months but now I am experiencing muscle pain and hands weakness. The sensation is getting worse with time. Also my face and body had swollen a lot and I gain a lot of weight.

After two years since diagnosis of HIV and on my third choice of medication due to toxicity and side effects of the previous two meds I chose Juluca and thank God I did. Itâ??s small and easy to take, one and done for the day, and the side effects are minimal to say the least. My CD4â??s are holding steady and my VL is Undetectable, only complaint I have is the same as the others and that is the tiredness but if thatâ??s all I have Iâ??ll take it...Love this medication!

I’m about to take my first dose today and little scared to change my medication.. will update u soon