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Generic Name: Ranexa (ranolazine)

Ranexa Reviews

For Angina "I have microvascular angina and am already on various medications. I started 375 mg of Ranexa twice a day a week ago, and I’ve felt like a zombie since, with a permanent headache, dizziness, and all I want to do is sleep. Hoping it will ease off."

For Angina "I'm a 55-year-old female who experienced early-onset heart disease with angina symptoms that I first noticed at age 41. I was 49 before I found a doc who took my symptoms seriously. An angiogram showed an 85% blockage on my LAD, and a stent was placed. I thought I was 'fixed', but the angina persisted, and I was diagnosed with microvascular disease. Ranexa has given back my quality of life, including being able to briskly walk 4-5 miles with the occasional sprint thrown in. If I forget to take it, I experience pain just walking up a small slope. Fortunately, my insurance has covered it after getting a prior authorization. My co-pay just went from $30/month to $10 thanks to the new generic. Side effects: Occasional mild dizziness, manageable constipation."

For Angina "Ranexa is TOO EXPENSIVE! Cost is ridiculous. For me it's been effective and with minimal to no side effects. Apparently not for the middle class though. Rich can afford it, poor can get it for free. The rest of the population gets screwed."

For Angina "Before Ranexa I could not go a day without needing a nitro for the chest pain. Now if I need 1 nitro a month, that is a lot. BUT the side effects are terrible. The bloated feeling and stomach aches are terrible, and the constipation has been so bad I need to use MiraLax daily along with a stool softener in the morning and evening. Do not know if I can tolerate the GI problems much longer."

For Angina "I've been taking it for three months. I haven't used a nitro in that time. The chest pain I experienced in breathing cold or humid air, or after climbing, or even after stress has dissipated to an unexpected and happy extent. However, the side effects are bothersome, though not insurmountable. Dry mouth, almost continuously, which sometimes affects ability to speak clearly. Constipation, overcome by hard bowel movements, use of stool softeners. And just a general feeling of stuffiness, in body, in sinuses, elsewhere. Hard to say whether I would recommend it. The annoyances at times are major; the feeling of freedom from the chest pain and fear greatly offset the annoyances so far. Incidentally, I am 77, with only one open artery."

For Angina "Had triple bypass 10 years ago which failed and two stents placed six months later. Angina persisted. Due to irregular heartbeat and coronary artery disease had pacemaker/defibrillator placed in January 2021. In August 2021 had a chemical stress test which triggered ventricular tachycardia and the defibrillator was triggered. By the time paramedics got me to the hospital, I was shocked a total of 42 times as well as another 10 by paramedics. Had an ablation in October. Placed on Ranexa in 2022 for angina. Began to have dizzy spells then completely blacking out causing several serious falls. Tried stopping various meds and when Ranexa stopped, the blackouts went away. No more blackouts but still have the angina."

For Angina "My 85-year-old father was prescribed this drug Ranexa and initially tolerated it well. After a dose increase to 1000 mg, he experienced severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, and eventually lost the ability to move or speak. He was transported to the ER by ambulance three times in one week. EKG, CT scan, blood work, EEG all normal. No sign of stroke. A couple of hours later, he regained the ability to speak and to move. Hospitalized for four days. Ranexa lowered back to 500 mg is being tolerated well. Extremely scary experience."

For Angina "Started Ranexa two months ago after experiencing extreme throat and jaw pain. Have had four stents in the last twenty years plus a single bypass surgery. So far, have had no negative side effects, and the angina pain left me a week after beginning the medication. Taking 750 mg twice a day. Will continue to monitor blood results to see if any long-term problems arise."

For Angina "I had a triple bypass surgery 23 years ago. My SVG is wearing out. Had a blockage in it 3 months ago, had a cath and a stent put in. 3 days later had an MI caused by a complete block in the SVG. Had another cath and 2 stents put in. 2 months later started Cardiac rehab. Started getting angina walking and stress. Went on Ranexa 500mg twice a day. After the first day no angina. Went to the gym after 7 days on med and did 15 mins on treadmill, 15 on bike and 10 on elliptical. No angina pain. Only side effect I noticed is right below my sternum, I occasionally have a slight spasm. See the Dr. in a week to discuss. Slight hard bowel movements, need to drink more fluids and occasional stool softener. But worth it, with no angina pain."

For Angina "I was having trouble even functioning due to the spasms and chest pain I was experiencing. I experienced immediate relief when prescribed Ranexa. I cannot describe the change I have experienced in quality of life. I had a heart attack five years ago at the age of 34 from a spasm that went out of control. I do not want that again! The spasms are much more controlled now, and I hardly ever have one that requires Nitro."

For Angina "After some scary bouts of angina, the Dr. put me on Ranexa. I am really impressed by what I can achieve at age 74 minus the chest pains. I was pleasantly surprised when my A1c dropped significantly. I have had some problems that I am not sure if they are side effects. Serious swelling of my feet and ankles, an increase in neuropathic pain in my feet and toes, and wrists Weight gain that I can't explain, and bloating of the abdomen. I will contact the cardiologist to see if the dosage can be less than 500 mg twice a day."

For Angina "I have been on Ranexa for approximately 5 years and do not have any angina since then. My only side effect that I have from this medication is 'ringing in the ears' since I went on this medication, otherwise no complaints except for the cost."

For Angina "Ranexa has definitely helped with my angina, but I am pretty certain it has contributed to an approx 20-pound weight gain as well. I am not sure if getting off the medication would help me lose the weight, but I don't want the angina back either, so I am not sure what to say. It's very effective for the angina but it can have some unwanted side effects."

For Angina "Have been on Ranexa for 2 years after having a 2 x bypass 4 years ago. It is the only drug that has given me any relief and a sense of well-being. I recently found out the bypass failed, but Ranexa still worked. I take four 500 mg daily. It is easier to swallow."

For Angina "To me, this is a wonder drug!! I'm serious! I'm not saying that my chest pains with palpitations are completely gone because they're not. Yet, with Ranexa, I can deal with it. The first time I began taking it I walked about 3-4 blocks without stopping to catch my breath. At first, it scared me thinking I did or was doing something wrong. But it was the Ranexa that made the difference!"

For Angina "Prior to my diagnosis of heart disease, I suffered daily with what I thought was heartburn and indigestion. I ate Tums like candy. Sometimes it would get so bad I would chug a couple of Diet sodas just so I could burp, which seemed to help. Then I had a stress test which led to having a heart cath done. I have a 100% blockage in my RCA and two other smaller blockages. Once I started Ranexa, all of what I used to believe was heartburn/indigestion stopped. It is amazing."

For Angina "After my last MI, my only recourse was Ranexa because a stent was not able to be inserted. The next night at the hospital, I had three episodes of angina like never before. I almost screamed for a nitro pill. Since being on Ranexa, I have taken less than five nitro pills in over a year."

For Angina "Haven’t had much help at all with Ranexa for my Cardiac X Syndrome, and I’m so disappointed I could cry. It was my last hope. Apparently, Cardiac X Syndrome (or Microvascular disease) is a little-known and understood thing (unless you venture off to Emory Heart in Georgia or to some places in Switzerland). In my area, all they do is give you some Ranexa and tell you to come back in 6 months. Feeling very hopeless....."

For Angina "I didn't realize how much my Prinzmetal angina was affecting my sleep until I started Ranexa. Within two nights, I was sleeping ten hours/night without interruption and awakening refreshed. The first time in over fifteen years. What an incredible experience, night after night, to have no shortness of breath and to be free of chest tightness. Amazing. I'd forgotten the freedom."

For Angina "My doctor started me on two doses daily (am and pm) in August 2011. The second day on it, I was on a camping trip and developed an itchy rash on my lower arms and hands, and my lower legs. I didn't connect it to the Ranexa so I went to my regular doctor and my dermatologist. The dermatologist told me to stop taking the Ranexa and wait for my cardiologist to come back in town. As it turned out, I was having a 'sun sensitivity' to the medicine. He cut my dosage to once at night, and I have not had any more problems with a rash. However, a month or so after I started taking the medicine, I started having 'shaking episodes'. I did tell my cardiologist the last time I saw him. It is mainly my hands shaking."

For Angina "I am 89 years old. 1986 - quadruple open-heart surgery, three bare stents inserted 8 years later, using an ARB, a beta blocker, have been on warfarin for ten years since my stroke in 2001, plus Imdur 60 mg twice a day. I still experienced angina, after walking, after sitting too long. Started Ranexa one month ago - results are amazing - NO ANGINA! 500 mg twice a day. Thank you, Gilead Science, for developing this amazing medicine."

For Angina "The second, third, and fourth days of taking Ranexa, I had radical changes in my systolic pressure, and at any moment my BP would be 177 - 185. After thirty minutes, everything would be back to normal 125/68. This occurred 3 - 4 times a day. I messaged my cardiologist, he reviewed my symptoms and stated this is a known side effect. To prevent it, he recommended stopping taking Ranexa. Talking to friends, the ones taking the drug, has had no side effects."

For Angina "Great medicine. I was taking 2 or 3 nitros daily. Took first Ranexa and pain just started going away. Now I take 1 or 2 nitros a week. I have 4 blockages at 100% and 1 at 60% and I hardly have any angina. I learned my limits on what I can do. But I still can drive and work a little in our yard. Ranexa is a miracle."

For Angina "Suffering for 4 years with chest pain and trying to avoid open-heart surgery. My cardiologist prescribed ranexa. Within a few days, I was feeling great. It's a godsend. Bless the researchers who developed ranexa."

For Angina "I had 2 stents placed 3 years ago. Recently, angina has set in, and my cardiologist has diagnosed coronary slow flow. He started me on Ranexa, and I started to feel better in a few days. Three weeks later, we checked for placebo effects by stopping Ranexa; within 30 hours, I was having angina again. I restarted Ranexa, and the pains went away within 24 hours. This is the first such cardiac drug I have not been allergic to -- I'm allergic to every statin out there. It is sad to read that others have had a bad experience with Ranexa, but it is working for me. I am also pleased to see that they provide coupons to reduce the price to $5 a month (if you have private insurance)."

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  • Drug class: antianginal agents
  • En español

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  • Ranexa prescribing information
  • Ranolazine (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Angina