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Generic Name: Donepezil

Brand Name: Aricept

Aricept Drug and Medication User Reviews

SIDE EFFECTS GO AWAY, BE PATIENT. Started this med almost 4 weeks ago. First 5 days, ok with no side effects. Then the anxiety and insomnia started. In second and third week, the side effects were very bad. I couldn’t think straight and could not concentrate, very depressed. I read that these go away after about 3-4 weeks, and Bingo, that is true. At about mid 3rd week, began feeling fog lifting and energy returning. Today I am feeling alert, energy up, and optimistic. Give it some time.

As a pill,ease of use is good, but beware of side effects. My father was on this for years. He also had a history of colon cancer and had an intesuseption as a child and lost at least 1/3 of his colon, so absorption was decreased and he had terrible diarrhea causing painful excoriation of his skin. I had no history of intestinal issues and the side effect of total uncontrollable liquid diarrhea caused me to stop this Rx and try something else.

My father started on Aricept when newly diagnosed with Alzheimer`s in 2014. I would say that it stopped him getting worse for a year or so then a gradual decline. However, after being on it for 2 years he suddenly declined very rapidly and died in 2016. I was told by the doctors, a specialist in this field, that it was because there was not enough left of my fathers working brain for the Aricept to work on. So yes it slows down the decline in some patients then wam bam.

DO NOT take ARICEPT. You can end up with NO MEMORY.

My sister was given Aricept when she was in assisted living ordered by a nurse practioner. Two weeks later sister became combative, abusive, and violent. Her caregiver (nurse) would not stop giving her Aricept even though I requested several times. Nurse said sister would have to take it for 6 weeks to see any signs of improvement. In the meantime, sis has been in 2 mental facilities with no improvement. Don't take Aricept unless prescribed by a doctor. Nurse Practioners are NOT medical doctors!!

I am a 55 year old female,Just started 5mg 3 weeks ago, see a big difference it has really helped me and thinking and talking with people. I feel a lot better so stay tuned will be moving to 10 mg in 1 more week and will update if I can help someone with my experience to make a decision about this medication and keep everyone updated

Father in law has been taking for a few months. Seems more forgetful than prior to use. Also has starting a grunting noise almost constantly , wondering if it’s telated as it’s seems to have started after beginning the drug.

I am posting this again! I am so disgusted with this crap. So you create a medication with the greatest side affect of diarrhea for already impaired individuals!!! I will no longer be giving this to my mother we saw no difference accept her feeling ashamed about diarrhea. Is this the best you can do!!!!

I am beyond disgusted with the most prevalent side affect of this medication. So you create a medication with the side affect of diarrhea with no true efficacy or results to be that are already impaired!!!!! I am beyond disgusted with the health care field and will no longer be giving this crap to my mother

This medication is not a cure for the condition let's make that clear. There is no cure..this medication is just palliative care. It does not stop the progression please do not give out false hope about this medication. My mother-in-law was on it, and my husband and I had her taken off of it. It's just the pharmaceutical companies racking up dollars!!!!!!!! IT IS NOT A CURE!!!!

It has helped with verbal communication. It may have caused longer, more involved/detailed dreams that I am willing to trade-off on the speech aspect.

I've been taking 10 MG for 2 years due to a fall that lead to a brain injury it has helped me lead a normal life I do have some days of confusion but that is very normal.

53 with neurological dementia due to strokes and brain aneurysm this med is amazing

Caused severe dizziness for about 1 week and slow heartbeat. Caused diahrea. Once that stopped I notice more alertness and more conversational with others. Ability to function a little better. Doesnt seem to have as much of a "blank" look as before. Has kept her up a night on occasion unless that is just part of the disease.

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Prescribed for mild cognition deficit (aka "chemo brain") after chemotherapy #3 (my first time in chemotherapy). Appears to work very well from the start. The chemo brain thing is well known amongst patients, but oncologists have little interest in addressing it. The deficit is usually subtle and you would not pick up on it unless it was brought to your attention. It is nonetheless startling to not be able to remember immediately the atomic symbol for potassium ("K") when my potassium level was read to me.

Took this med for a concussion and had Severe Reaction to it, Halucinations, severe vomiting , weakness, pain.

My husband was prescribed Aricept back in November and it's improved his memory/confusion... I noticed in about 2 weeks that he wasn't as confused and had better recall. I know it's not a cure but it helps and it's very obvious right now.