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Generic Name: Doxycycline Hyclate Delayed-release Tablets

Brand Name: Doxycycline Hyclate

Doxycycline Hyclate Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been diagnosed with a terribly itchy upper body rash called Gover's Disease and am taking it along with several salves and lotions. I'm told it can last 6 to 12 months and hopefully ends sooner.

My dermatologist prescribed this medication to prevent infection after a basal cell carcinoma removal from my nose. After three days while taking the recommended dosage I begin to experience headaches. A few days later I had itchiness on the top of my feet and all over my chest and stomach area. It has been 31 days since I finished the seven pills of doxycycline and I have had a headache every day since . . the itching is almost gone, but still present. I have had very few headaches in my entire life!

Main reason above is wrong, wouldnt allow me to proceed without entering something) I am taking this medicine because I developed an abscess under my breast (not on). They had me take the pills and after i was done with them all - 10 days, had to take a 2nd dosage- 14 days/capsules. This medication makes me so tired, sluggish, groggy. It also makes me nauseous and Ive been eating and following what they advised I shouldn’t drink/eat. The abscess is clearing up but this pill is really sooo very strong. Be careful taking it.

Found out not to take on an empty stomach as I did starting out early in the morning. I would be nauseous and spit up lots of clear liquid for about 30 min.

I finished my 100mg twice a day dose for one week and I’m having side effects. While taking it I was nauseous, drowsy and really weak. Now, I’m having muscle soreness and dizziness. I don’t even know if it cured my cervicitis. I’ll have to check with my doctor in 4 weeks time but I’m still having burning around my urethra area after I pee so idk.

I’m only on day 1 of 7 for an STI, im very surprised to see people taking it on an empty stomach. This article does suggest it but my doctor strictly told me NOT to take it on an empty stomach or I’ll have stomach issues like diarrhea or just general pain. She also told me no dairy products.

The only problems I have had that ISNT listed by others is: night sweats and nightmares.....has anyone else experienced this?

Was prescribed this med for 20 days for sinus infection Took this med twice - after taking 2nd dose on empty stomach as instructed I started feeling nauseous- felt like fever started got diarrhea and bad headache- I felt way worse than before taking med. I read side effects and had several after just 2nd pill. I stopped taking

The first day i took it, i felt fine but the second day i took it on an empty stomach and within 30 minutes i felt dizzy, nausea, started to sweat and vomit liquids and acid up for 30 minutes. My period started the first day i started this medication and it was extremely heavy but thankfully im on pain medication so i didn't feel any bad cramps. No more side effects since i started eating before i take this medication. Im on day 6 of a 10 day supply and i saw improvements in my infection within a day, it does work faster than other medications i took for infections.

it’s been about a week that i’ve been taking this twice a day for my acne and my skin already looks better. however, i don’t think the side effects are worth the clear skin tbh. so far in a week i’ve gotten a sunburn(in november), thrown up from the nausea(don’t take on empty stomach, i learned the hard way), headaches(i never get headaches usually), bloating, and a yeast infection(misery). yikes.

I was diagnosed with COVID-19 on August 11th. 2021. Was prescribed 100 mg x2 / day along with steroids. I took it on a empty stomach and ate 2 hours afterwards. Had to drink gallons of water a day. Well, it seemed like it anyway. No side effects. It worked pretty well for me.

I had a persistent eye issue, the oil glands got clogged, and I experienced inflammation in my left upper and lower my eyelid. The drug helped. I experienced some stomach cramping and nausea on the first capsule. This subsided. I did not have any problems in week 1 and 2 and I thought I was fine being out in the sun. Week 3 arrived and brought a rash on my arms. Then it spread to both legs and my toes became swollen. I was very dizzy for a couple of days too. I got sores on my tongue and my lips blew up. I called my physician and confirmed I should stop taking the doxcycline and take Benedryl to combat the rash. I started taking Benedryl and hope to see improvement once the Doxycline is out of my body. I will put this drug on my sensitive list.

I am on 100mg twice daily. I get pins and needle feelings in my fingers from this and the sun hurts badly especially on the extremities (toes, fingers, nose) not sure the side effects are worth taking it. I always feel hot to the touch, feverish even.

DO NOT TAKE ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. Will clear all your problems up! Excellent drug!

So like everyone else here, I felt so sick from this antibiotic that it was really hard to finish the week on it. BUT after suffering for 2 years from mild UTI symptoms (bloating, feeling the need to pee), this medication was the ONLY antibiotic to get rid of my awful uncomfortable symptoms. Even thought the medication made me sick (stomach ache, feeling like throwing up, dizzy, naseous), I would request to take this antibiotic next time.

I have been on this medicine twice in the last month. The first round did not work. The second round I am on a high dosage, once a day. The first couple weeks my skin looked and felt 80% better. I was so excited and relieved. I woke up last week and I was breaking out all over again. Red irritated bumps all over my face that burn and hurt. Getting worse and worse every day. I go back to my Derm next month. I dont have any side affects though. But I do also have to take after I eat because it is very upsetting to my stomach

Only took two pills and haven't felt this good in a long time.

I just started tis for sinus infection. Has anyone else taken it for that. Just 1 dose & I am so nauseas & have a headache. So tired.

Had to stop taking it after the 2nd pill. Made me extremely dizzy, nausea and bloating. Also experienced shakiness and just felt weak and sick. Couldn't handle the side effects so I stopped taking it.

My doctor prescribed this after I had a severe reaction to two wasp stings on my leg because the area felt warm so she suspected infection. I'm halfway through the ten day course and my leg is healed but my stomach has felt like it's full of lava and battery acid since the first dose. This med is brutal on stomachs.